Which bible to read

Ok Jow Forums I will finally do it. I will read the bible. I have turned my life around in the last couple of months.

>Finally asked gf of 10 years to marry me
>Finished my uni degree in STEM
>Found a good paying job
>Became gun owner to protect my home and family
>Even designed a coat of arms for my family

I try to live a decent life without the degeneracy all around me (still not perfect but I'm getting there). And now I figured a good man has to at least know the bible (even if it turns out I still won't become a believer after reading it).
What version of the bible would you recommend? Can be anything in german or english. I've downloaded the KJV now but that was just because it is honestly the only one I know. Any suggestions?

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Other urls found in this thread:

thekjvstore.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=KJV Sword Study Bible - Large Print Personal Size - 9781629115108

Oh and I will start with the new testament if it is of any consideration.

the Haydock Bible


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Here is the whole KJ on audio:

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The light at the end of the tunnel doesn't care about the bible. Or the Quran. Or any rule of conduct for that matter.

What's the one thing everyone who has a near death experience says?

Love each other. As long as you end up doing every action with unconditional love then you'll be praised afterward.

Statistically everyone who has a near death experience not only sees the same vision, a tunnel, a bright white light full of love, and then they're told they have to go back.

Statistically everyone who sees this light becomes more empathetic and emotionally sensitive.

Neuroscience can't explain it. It doesn't follow religion.

But there's millions of firsthand accounts since the beginning of time.

You be the judge.

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This is who you are submitting to had truth and whos god and people are supreme.

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reading the bible is a waste of time. I would recommend reading almost any other religious text except the Talmud or Koran

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Yes yes bible is true jesus is God goyim, worship semites as prophets and supreme.


Uf you dont burn a bible or tear it apart you are a goyim slave to semites.

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You really need to get off satan's cock

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>reading the Bible in English
Surely you can't be this dumb Hans

We got a real badass here boys

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Get the Orthodox study bible

Orthodox Study Bible

Disregard subhuman amerimutts saying KJV, thats pure fanfiction in autistic archaic language.
The best version in completeness, neutrality and closeness to the originao sources is the New Jerusalem Bible
It even has glosses if there is conflict of interpretation or contradiction between the original language sources for a term or chapter and includes them accordingly



Thanks dude. Will definitely look into it.

the voluspa, the vetas, egyption book of the dead

>Which bible to read
How about not reading Jewish scripture?

Schofield reference bible

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I would absolutely not call the bible a waste of time. It's the most influential book of western civilization.


smelly dumb pr*Dposter

Any Bible approved by the USCCB, user. Don't go for Orthodoxy

zamorano stop being a mark on pico and get right with GOD before its too late

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>There are different versions of the Bible
>No one knows which version is accurate
>KJV is archaic language

Absolute state of Christianity. No wonder jews are having a ball with it.

Oldest bible you can find.

"Pagan renaissance is overdue. It is necessary for Europe to heal its psyche. Under Christianity, Europe learned to reject its ancestors, its past, which cannot be good for its future also. Europe became sick because it tore apart from its own heritage, it had to deny its very roots. If Europe is to be healed spiritually, it must recover its spiritual past--at least, it should not hold it in such dishonor. I spoke of a new kind of pilgrimage: a return to the time of the Gods. Meanwhile, European scholars can do a lot. They should write a history of Europe from the Pagan point of view, which would show how profoundly persecuted Paganism was. They should compile a directory of Pagan temples destroyed, Pagan groves and sacred spots desecrated. European Pagans should also revive some of these sites as their places of pilgrimage."

– Sri Ram Swarup

Christianity is false.

And instead?

Jerusalem Bible 1966 version only. Anything else is strictly for cocksuckers.


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NET (new english translation) 2.0
i recommend dr. constable's commentary

ogoy that sounds swell

Is there even a pagan scripture to read?

For your first reading, any bible is fine

Why would they omit that? Jews

Oh yeah? And what exactly does Acts 8:37 say?

If you want the fullness of the Church, become Orthodox.
If you want snake oil salesmen who love Israel, become Prot.

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Kjv. Read both the old and new testaments at the same time. You need genesis and exodus at least. They can get boring but at times you'll see things no religious zealot has ever pointed out to you in your entire life. Take it in at your own pace. A little a day. Let the seeds of wisdom take root in you so that they may grow strong and firm over time.

Paganism is dead and gone. Discovering old Christianity is the west's best shot at rediscovering spirituality. Maybe follow whatever Russia and Mid East Christians are preaching and cut cords with zionists that have hijacked it in the west.

I think the ESV would be the most easy to read for a native English speaker and have a pretty solid translation

saga because this is a gay non-political thread

KJV with backup NIV for when you can't understand the language. KJV is the most poetic and most culturally impactful translation of the bible, but is written in archaic english. NIV doesn't have the same poetry or impact, but is much easier to understand.

wow congrats good for you. be sure to have some kids. id go with the new revised standard version.

>Finally asked gf of 10 years to marry me
did this
>Finished my uni degree in STEM
did this
>Found a good paying job
cant find this
>Became gun owner to protect my home and family
plan to do this
>Even designed a coat of arms for my family
This is cringe as fuck but whatever. ALl without christkikery you dumb dumb faggot fuck

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When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another. Truly I tell you, you will not finish going through the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes.
>Matthew 10:23
When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt.
>(Leviticus 19:33-34)
He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing. And you are to love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt.
>(Deuteronomy 10:18-19)
When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Do not go over your vineyard a second time or pick up the grapes that have fallen. Leave them for the poor and the foreigner.
>(Leviticus 19:9-10)
Do not oppress a foreigner; you yourselves know how it feels to be foreigners, because you were foreigners in Egypt.
>(Exodus 23:9)

Yes here.

Varg Vikernes

Survive the Jive

Aryan Kitchen

Forgotten Roots


Survival Russia

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NIV. King James version is (((Anglican))) propaganda and ye olde tyme English doesn't directly interpret the meanings of the Bible to modern English. The NIV was written as a group project by several authorities on the Holy Bible of several denominations. Using the oldest known versions of biblical scripts available to us (the dead sea scrolls were not in England during the 1600s, we have them now). And it is written in plain modern English so you don't have to wrangle with archaic words from the English 1600s meant to appeal to the peasant reader.

ESV is the way to go, in my opinion. Also, Calvinism is the best way to interpret the Bible.

Orthodox is anti-racist dumb shit.

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Steven Anderson on race-mixing
"Interracial Marriage" Baptist Preaching (independent, fundamental, KJV sermon)
"Races" are a Fraud
Spiritual Semites

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Words of Woden:
An ill tempered, unhappy man
Ridicules all he hears,
Makes fun of others, refusing always
To see the faults in himself

Foolish is he who frets at night,
And lies awake to worry'
A weary man when morning comes,
He finds all as bad as before,

The fool thinks that those who laugh
At him are all his friends,
Unaware when he sits with wiser men
How ill they speak of him.

The fool thinks that those who laugh
At him are all his friends:
When he comes to them and calls for support,
Few spokesmen he finds

The fool who fancies he is full of wisdom
While he sits by his hearth at home.
Quickly finds when questioned by others .
That he knows nothing at all.

The ignorant booby had best be silent
When he moves among other men,
No one will know what a nit-wit he is
Until he begins to talk;
No one knows less what a nit-wit he is
Than the man who talks too much.

To ask well, to answer rightly,
Are the marks of a wise man:
Men must speak of men's deeds,
What happens may not be hidden.

Your only non-meme shot at "paganism" that isn't written by a creepy cultist in the 1930s or YouTubers is "Norse Mythology" by Niel Gaiman. Niel actually compiled Norse religious scripture and wrote the book to reflect the beliefs of the Vikings, it is a great place to start on the beliefs of Nordic Paganism. Do not go on YouTube and listen to a guy who was in a shitty metal band, murdered his band mate, was sent to prison, and now lives on a permaculture farm making cringey YouTube videos talking about how he is a "Pagan Bolshevik"

For those interested in Calvinism, this link is a great introduction.



Nothing wrong with Varg if you dont take him seriously. If anything you should check out survivethejive who actually knows his shit.

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>Which bible to read
The King James Version is rock solid. Other Bibles leave out key verses basically denying Jesus is God. Also being left out is His Blood shed for our sins.

Here's a great study Bible:
thekjvstore.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=KJV Sword Study Bible - Large Print Personal Size - 9781629115108


Just download the app "Read Scripture"

Entire bible, in proper order, easy to read and understand

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Downloading is nice (cheap) but an EMP would wipe out all electronics...just sayin when things go to hell in a hand basket...when you're out of ammo and the Cretins are closing in...it's nice to have The Book handy!

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