>be women
>be white
>genes 10/10
>Have bright future
>athlete,straight A student
>date nigger
>get killed
her life was worth more than a million nigger
yet she wasted it that easily
why do women do this?
>be women
>be white
>genes 10/10
>Have bright future
>athlete,straight A student
>date nigger
>get killed
her life was worth more than a million nigger
yet she wasted it that easily
why do women do this?
Other urls found in this thread:
The power of the BBC wh*toid. Now tongue my anus like a cuck
how could she not tell he was much older?
her life wasn't worth anything the moment she dated that
she's 21 and naively retarded
paid in full
Western media and the impressionable mind of females. There's a reason we didn't let them vote until recently.
Lol toll paid full
The fascination with incest sickens me. This is what happens when society strays from God. GoT Jew producers deserve the rope for normalizing this degeneracy.
black don't crack
this nigga is in his 40's
Unironically THIS
If it weren't for their animal size penises Thots wouldn't even look at them.
Niggers would be pajeet tier in sexual value
But since it tingles the vag more than the average and average never being enough for waman the don't care they're with an animal because women are animals themselves when left to their own devices
Small town white girl look to her suggests that she wasn't exposed to the barbarity of the negro very much if at all and this naivety led to her demise.
Meant to respond
Nine out of ten times this is women dating their drug dealer
Lmao you know all these faggots on here are actually super salty that a black man fucked that prime pussy at 40yr and they cant even get a nibble, angry white man typing “burn the coal pay the toll” are crying their hearts out lol another L for le base white man
Hope she's burning in hell now.
why is this story a big deal
it happens literally all the time
That's a rough lesson to learn, but if any good will come out of it, some white woman somewhere who was considering dating a nigger will be persuaded against doing so.
He probably have a lot more money, being 37, than her 21 year old male peers, and so she wasn't too concerned about knowing his exact age
>21 years old
>prime pussy
I have an idea.
Buy a bunch of billboards from billboard companies and also land adjacent to major highways such as I-75, I-80, I-10, etc and build billboards there. On these billboards, since they are your billboards, you can put up redpills about niggers and give redpills about why white men shouldn't let their daughters date niggers. Put up shock stories of niggers killing whites and since there are no incitement laws in the US, you won't get in trouble. Redpills on the JQ, white genocide and advertisements for Culture of Critique are also good content for these billboards.
Quick way to redpill the masses with ease.
>that girl
Lol she's a below average white girl on any college campus
Germany what the fuck happened to you?
First off, you let your country get overrun by unelected jews and mudslimes, and then you buy into the fake BBC meme? Let me guess, you think nogs are genetically the physically strongest race, too?
Get your cock out of your ass. Or whoever's cock is in there.
I think it is time lynchings come back for white women who fuck black men.
Punish both and this epidemic can stop with the power of fear.
Last night a little sprinter, came sprintin' to my gaol
Last night a racial traitor, came pounding on my coal
She said come on baby, in our system this is "love"
And if that expires, pray help from above, because
In the payback hour, she cried no, no, no
With a rebel yell she cried no, no, no
In the midnight hour babe no, no, no
With a rebel yell nooo, nooo, nooo...
What do you think Jow Forums?
More, more, more!
She was sick of living, obviously. She knew the toll and the toll is always paid
Every day white women stray closer to hell
A 37 year old child molesting chimpanzee... now a murderer.
If this creature's purpose was to make itself as repulsive as possible on purpose, then it certainly succeeded in that.
Lynchings must return.
White men who have coalburning sisters and friends, take note.
We're just going to pretend these are real women.
wow, ya know. he looked pretty good for 37.
they're begging white men to stop being cucks, to put niggers and savages in their place, and take charge of society again
This is the correct response.
literally what the fuck
I guarantee she grew up in a beautiful white suburb, had plenty of friends and a great family. She became sick of it all, because that's what women do. She saw this nigger and sensed that he was an animal, something dangerous. She deserves exactly what she got.
she's beautiful too. this pisses me off. probably had daddy issues
Great parenting.
>He probably have a lot more money
this is like the 5th thread in an hour, how have you not seen the article? The guy was a convicted felony (rape of a minor) and spent like 10 years in prison. Got out a couple years ago. This dude was not swimming in money
Nothing of value was lost
>coal burner
>her life was worth more than a million niggers.
Pick one
> animal sized penis
It's a myth retard
So many well impressioned white women ruin their lives with just one encounter.
If you strike fear into the white woman by instilling the numerous stories of whites being brutally killed by blacks, then they will know to avoid the nigger.
Fuck niggers.
I would LOOOOVE to see you try wh*Te boy. You just saying the N-word can get you fired from your non-existing job
I'm not white so nice fucking try nigger.
Most are just disgusted that a white woman would degrade herself like that. Most also have either played sports, been in the military, been in jail, or been in other situations with communal showers and know that the "all black guys have huge dicks" story is just a fallacy that niggers perpetuate.
> taking Ls
Found the nigger
well, it was born repulsive.
> date
> "one month"
She probably fucked the nog two or three times because "exciting" and "all my friends do it" and "take that dad, you racist" until she got completely disgusted by the sounds he made and the penetrating smell of his skin.
She thought she was doing something good but instintually she feel disgusted to the point of breaking the relationship and angering the beast that later would murder her in cold blood.
Toll paid.
RIP dumb little girl.
Only on Jow Forums can I find such heart warming stories with such happy endings.
toll paid in full
Use neutral words nigga its sexual assault his peepee might of his pants and landed on a minor
He's not even cute and looks devoid of emotion.
Great I hope he shoved a corn cob up her ass first. Anyone checked her social media’s yet or have they been scrubbed?
Paid in full.
Well deserved.
Dumb spicchink, my point still stands. Now get that dildo out of your ass and realize you saying that shit out loud will reault in you getting your ass beat or lose your job
Keked hard, have a (You) user.
Damn! Good idea, user! Ill post if I find anything
She died because of Jewish media brainwashing that we are all the same and her parents being failures and not teaching her the savagery of the negroid. All she had to do was not burn the coal and she would be alive. A lesson that fails to be taught over and over again.
this but unironically
>fuh tha zicc user
>genes 10/10
She looks pyscho in all her pics
Toll status: Paid
I hate to say it but this bitch got what she deserved and I'm glad she's dead.
This MUST be fake news.
The end results of the 24/7-365 Hollywood campaign of non-stop nigger marketing the nigger as human to the naive. Shame.
Since 2015 that kind of signalling has come to a hard stop. Sure, there’s still all kind of interracial nonsense going on, but the radio silence about is new. It’s almost as though the girls consider their couplings with the third world low rent and aren’t eager to broadcast them to the world.
I really don't care anymore.
Because white men are too weak. If you bet on horse racing you go for the stronger faster horse not the weak pathetic one.
>fell for the blacked meme
>ended up paying the toll after breaking up with tyrone
why am i supposed to feel sorry for someone that wouldnt look my way? fuck her
You know... i just love when these things happen to liberal women, i mean to know a liberal whore died like a pig.
Or in the case of feminist women who cry themselves to sleep at night because they are old now and cant have kids... its such a pleasure for my soul. IT TINGLES MY CHEST... YESSSSSSSSS
You might call me a cuck, but this pleasure of mine is far more darker than a cuck's pleasure..
Its a pleasure spawned from the hatred of my dark soul.
I want liberals to suffer, EVERY... ONE!
Try to be classy with it as to not fuck it up for future work.
>Walking home from class
>See white chick that looks like OP's with a nog
>Wish to myself that she will pay the toll in the near future
>Come home and see this thread
>why do women do this?
oral contraception causes brain damage in the area of the brain that is linked to threat detection. you have girls taking this poison the second they hit puberty. their brains aren't properly developed and they engage in retard tier behavior. that's the long answer but the short one works just as well. blame the two jews who invented it.
No. That nigga is gona be cell block 3 for the rest of his life. We should all be thankful he wont be making anymore feral nigglets.