Was he possibly the worst thing to happen to the "white race"?

Attached: PROD-Adolf-Hitler-whrend-einer-Rede[1].jpg (615x409, 40K)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/filename/ PROD-Adolf-Hitler-whrend-einer-Rede[1].jpg/

No sweetie, maybe not the best but one of the best

Yes it's pretty obvious

German genocidal autism and hatred of Slavs doomed us all

No. The white race was being cucked already. Remember that Hitler was dealing with Chamberlain and other cucks in Britain. The Weimar Republic was degenerate as the Netherlands is today. Hitler discredited the alternative to cuckoldry in Europe, but he was the last ditch effort. Europe is dead. It's living still on American life support. Once America perished, you'll see Europe fade away real fast.

USA went away for 8 years during Obama and Europe already fucked itself with a cactus

The only one who detected the jew problem and tried to save whites from it.

He could have saved Europe if he didn't have a genocidal policy towards Slavs

no, he was a martyr

Lots of people hated Jews including the Poles and other Slavs who Hitler invaded and even helped the Soviets conquer

This x100000
Nazi retards were self defeating monsters

>Was he possibly the worst thing to happen to the "white race"?
No, that would be anti-White shills like you.

The Holocaust literally didn't happen.

>Republican voter

Churchill was one of the worst things that has ever happened to the White race.
Churchill caused WW1 & 2....disasters that have set us on this course to extinction.

I agree. He should have been satisfied with what he had. Shouldn't have gone too fast. The fact that he couldn't see the long game shows that he was short sighted.

This thread again. Pro tip: anti nazi propaganda is being pushed by Anglos and their agents.

Also nazis weren't about white race.

>Churchill caused WW1
Churchill wasn't in the position to cause anything in 1910

OP is indeed a shill...

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/filename/ PROD-Adolf-Hitler-whrend-einer-Rede[1].jpg/

Attached: 1.png (1903x1308, 511K)

The Nazis killed millions of Slavs including many civilians on the Eastern Front and it crippled their own offensive and rallied Slavic support for the Soviet Union, no one even denies it.

Well no shit they weren't about saving the white race. Otherwise they wouldn't have killed millions of white slavs

>The Nazis killed millions of Slavs including many civilians on the Eastern Front and it crippled their own offensive and rallied Slavic support for the Soviet Union, no one even denies it.
Why you are siding with a forum sliding shill and why should I believe anything you say?

>OP is a shill
>Literally only two of those threads discuss the relation between white people and Hitler, while the other 2 have nothing to do with it
>Different posts with different flags

I'm not a fucking shill. I just want to talk about Hitler and his legacy in history.

>>Literally only two of those threads discuss the relation between white people and Hitler, while the other 2 have nothing to do with it
And yet all but one are shill threads.

>>Different posts with different flags
Yes, you're using a program to mask your home country.
Are you really suggesting that 4+ different people have the exact, same file name for the exact, same image?

>I'm not a fucking shill.
You're a fucking shill that believes everything his Jewish masters told him.

>I just want to talk about Hitler and his legacy in history.
No, you want to distort Jow Forums's opinions of Hitler into being negative.

You haven't even watched TGSNT

itt: Retards that think Stalin wasn't gearing up to attack Germany preemptive strike.
>inb4 muh two fronts
US citizens wouldn't have tolerated another armed European conflict if it weren't for the Japanese

>I'm not a fucking shill.
>puts White race in quotation marks
Pick one.

Hitler never gave a shit about the “white race” he was a german nationalist who cared about the german race

No you were.

>Are you really suggesting that 4+ different people have the exact, same file name for the exact, same im

Are you fucking serious? I just typed in Hitler in google and it was like the 2nd or 3rd result. Search it up yourself.

kys retard
or watch tgsnt.tv
no other options

>believed in the superiority of the master race
>got beaten by the superior Anglosaxon master race
Well he wasn't wrong.

>Are you fucking serious? I just typed in Hitler in google and it was like the 2nd or 3rd result.
And yet we're supposed to believe that four different people searched for Hitler, downloaded that exact image and then used that exact image in an anti-Hitler thread on Jow Forums no less than four times? And that it's just a coincidence that you've done the same thing?

you're a fucking shill.


This man is unironically responsible for the deaths of more white people than any other single person on this planet. The cultural and political damage wrought by his stupidity may never be undone.

t. unironic white nationalist

Attached: Intelligenzaktion Palmiry.jpg (1800x1153, 654K)

Yes. Period.

Yes, but only because he lost

I believe you're thinking of this gentleman

Attached: 240px-DC-1914-27-d-Sarajevo-cropped.jpg (240x291, 36K)

would it have been better if he had never tried?

The only reason the USSR and Germany shared a border was because Hitler helped them invade Poland. Then he sat by and watched as they took the Baltics and West Ukraine, parts if Romania, etc

>This man is unironically responsible for the deaths of more white people than any other single person on this planet.
Even though the allies started the war.

>The cultural and political damage wrought by his stupidity may never be undone.
So he should've just allowed the Jews and communists to continue to destroy his country?

Is that the retard flag?

You could go back in time and kill baby Hitler and WW2 would still have happened. The narrative that he brainwashed the nation is bullshit.

>Muh pure gud boi Hitler dindu nuffin

I always wonder how Slavs feel about that retarded video

No, OP is.
Hitler is the inevitable solution to jews.

Whats that?


Attached: 290px-Bundesarchiv_Bild_101I-635-3999-24,_Deutschland,_Flak-Batterie_in_Feuerstellung.jpg (290x420, 30K)

if you had a miniature Hitler clone would you fuck with him?

Yes, but not intentionally. If he hadn't have been so autistic about the Slavs there wouldn't be this eternal cultural impact, and there would be millions more white people around, including so many of the toughest ones who died all so that in less than a century most of Europe and the other white countries would be on their knees with their granddaughters twerking to Drake songs on Instagram.


>how Slavs feel
most are brainwashed faggots like you but the best of them know Hitler did nothing wrong

Without Hitler or Himmler Germany probably wouldn't have been so genocidal and anti-Slavic.

During WW1 most Ukrainians noticed that German occupation was fairly decent.

Implying it wasnt the yewish people.

Hey, leave the trees out of this


By who their grandparents parents that remember the Nazis slaughtering while villages of Slavic civilians?

Anglos are so shit.

Attached: anglos9.jpg (930x628, 91K)

Do you have an argument that doesn't revolve around "HITURR HAETD SLAVS!"

>they massacred their villages but somehow survived
lolcaust tier bullshit
the Einsatzgruppen were fighting the partisans and it's true that they killed a lot of civilians but it's not like you can afford to act like a faggot when fighting commies
nothing to do with "exterminating the slavs" you fucking spastic

Maybe maybe not.
If there was no WW2, communism may have swept the world.
If USA didn’t drop those bombs on Japan in the biggest display of power in world history, USSR might have played clean up and conquered wartorn Europe.
In this scenario, Jews would have been the winner of the big game of RISK.
Hitler’s actions temporarily destroyed the Jew’s influence in Europe for half a century (though it’s obviously in full force now with the EU), which has given USA a unique opportunity at maintaining hegemony and overthrowing the whole thing.
Nationalist Russia and state capitalist China are all major players.
If Jews win (highly unlikely scenario now), all goys will racemix and become communist slave labor for the chosen people.
If USA/Russia win... the game simply continues. Nationalism re-grips Europe and fucks up decades of Jewish systematic meddling. Jews probably get set back another half a century, if they don’t get genocided.
If China wins... I honestly don’t know what happens.


Biggest dindus in history

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Possibly, but only because he hidn't actually kill any jews. He should have killed them all while he had the chance.

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No, the whites who attacked him, were.

Attached: twwkok9dkuyx.jpg (1333x915, 112K)

lol. A Zionist edited, Liberal website.

Wikipedia claims the Holocaust happened. We all know it didn't.

The slow motion genocide was already rolling. Hitler bought us time and created the greatest historical record of how (((they))) operate. He also showed just how unwilling we can be to foreign control. Imagine Germany never rose just how blind we'd be to what's happening right now. Never forget they'd declared war on us whether we fought back or not, Germany wasn't going down quietly like this shill thread implies we should.This time we're solving it for good and that's only possible because of him.

You've clearly not researched the whole story.

yeah this, also the fact that white nationalists these days are clinically retarded conspiracy theorists who think Obama was a Communist

just look at Jow Forums

ffs not this shit again
the resistance had an ammo cache in the church, it blew up
can grenades level churches?
considering how your 1st example is utter shit and you only quote wiki like a stupid nigger, i'm just going to dismiss the rest of your post
kys, sincerely

>le Zionist
I think it speaks volumes that only the lowest tier white trash retards and virgins like nazism in the first place

>yeah this, also the fact that white nationalists these days are clinically retarded conspiracy theorists who think Obama was a Communist
Communism is Jewish and therefore anti-White.

He was, though.

Not really

Killing Slavs is literally white genocide and Hitler did exactly that. In a sense Hitler is just as bad as Merkel.

>I think it speaks volumes that only the lowest tier white trash retards and virgins like nazism in the first place
Notice how you don't actually have an argument and you result to name calling?

Course: Zionist Editing on Wikipedia

Wikipedia Editing Courses Launched by Zionist Groups

the stupidity of people like you are the reason that the white race is going extinct

can you at least pretend not to be a brainlet so the rest of us don't look so bad?

>Killing Slavs is literally white genocide and Hitler did exactly that. In a sense Hitler is just as bad as Merkel.

Attached: Smuggie (38).png (1021x623, 46K)

Notice how you literally just call anything you don’t like Zionism?

>implying competent “Nazis” show their power level

Attached: A2068E10-6FDA-4B28-9F5F-9DD310BDACB9.jpg (550x550, 33K)

>Merkel killed millions of Europeans

>this entire thread

Attached: 1540184868221.png (325x550, 9K)

>white trash retards and virgins
lmao it's like reading buzzfeed

>Notice how you literally just call anything you don’t like Zionism?
And? At least I fucking back up my claims.

>posts under a commie flag
>claims to care about the existence of the White race.

notice how you fail to address anything ever
did the holocaust happen?

>Hitler started world war 2!
Do you honestly believe everything the media tells you?

>he’s just moving the goalpost again
Do you just believe any regarded neonazi meme you see?

For fucking real, you are acting like the modern left, as you are only judging the suitability of an action based on intent. The fact of the matter is he made imprudent moves based on ambition and opened himself up to getting his shit pushed in. Does blame fall on the international clique? Yes. But he too shares blame as he ought to have known better.

thanks you angloids for saving us from hitler or else we would all speak german now

you can't just dismiss everything because it's on wikipedia.
wikipedia says BMW or Mercedes are germa, so they aren't because wikipedia lies about holocaust?

WW2 was jewish fraud. Germans had good idea after failed commie revolution, so jews used their influence and gave them guy who spoke everything they wanted to hear about jews but after he got the power he sent jews to safety, shifted main enemy from jews to slavs and anglos and destroyed europe.
that's why holocaust in fact didn't happen but murders of christian elites did happen which you can see by state of post-war europe itself

I'm saying he's just as bad as Mekel

capitalism relies on immigration for countries to be rich
communism doesn't (the payoff being that the middle classes are less wealthy, you people want to have your cake and eat it)

reminder that historically communist countries have been the most xenophobic and homogenous


I don't support killing millions of white Christian Slave because "hurr German master race"

Alright, what is it you want to settle?

What do you suppose he was thinking here?

Attached: last_photo_hitler.jpg (722x576, 64K)

Why do shill threads get so many (you)s? Why cant you all fuck off.

immigration to western countries started around 30 years after Keynes abolished capitalism and replaced it with central planning

You are right in he had the idea/ambition that he could somehow take over all of Europe and free it in one fell swoop but I believe that it would have happened regardless

Unfortunately national socialism draws in socialists, retards in their own right, COMMIE. They're still right on most things.

Not an argument, limey.

>gg, no re

>Whites deserve the suicide in the future.

The jews were (are)

i blame them for killing my grand-grandfather and his father during first 2 weeks of war even though they had no jewish ancestry and didn't participate in any fighting against them.

on the other hand all who did fight against nazis survived the war.

around wermachts, never relax

>"Op is truly a fag. Disgusting"

It's an argument for you to fucking neck yourself

The actual national socialists would be embarrassed so see you holding their flag

In fact you'd probably be gassed for having low IQ

No, the rank is.

1 - Talmudic devils.
2 - Masonic anglos.
3 - Gommunists
4 - Mudslims
5 - Nogs