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Did that mad lad just post Obamas immigration speech from 08? Excellent

To be fair he said that before he knew how good adrenochrome felt.

Nice try fitting in shlomo

binkfthpth teehee

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lmao now look at this dood

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How does it feel to know your precious orange man has the exact same mindset as his predecessor? Is this some kind of Kenyan 12’’ jiudicksu or what gives?

Media will ignore this since they cant spin it at all, as usual.

slide as in someone who can jump between universes? why is this a meme i don't get it.

LOL Trump doesnt like people who employ illegals
basically doesnt like himself..

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How does it feel to be so degenerate and such a lowlife you're paid to shill on Jow Forums? Do you tell you parents this is your job?

I knew he was going to bust that out eventually
>Let's remind everyone what the kikes have done to the Dem's immigration policies
ha ha ha ha ha

>tfw they start finding the old shit you said
>tfw they haven't even heard the real shit yet

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Yes he did.

Who knew president Obama was this smart?
No rape-publicans.

Cant forget Chuckie Scheemers speech either.....


Look at
This faggot
And his
Retarded spacing.

Its so funny how you could get them to call the sky red if Trump said it was blue.

Mexico, plz go

Caravans of peace! NOW!

Attached: borntomeme.jpg (300x300, 29K)

all these people supporting illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities take a big crap on those who followed the law and immigrated through the proper process.


Please tell me people are calling bullshit on that. I wan't to call out that bullshit but I don't use twatter. Being myself a legal immigrant (F1->permanent resident->citizen) and it cost nowhere near that much, and whatever it did I think is tax deductible iirc. Most of that caravan is illiterate and unable to fill out a form.

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wait.. i thought orange man bad?

Fuck off CivNatCuck. We're full asshole.

Its burning out its circuitsl lmao


He still gives a shit about net neutrality?
Nothing happened.

It did in his mind

Stfu kike meme flaggot


>Gray avatar
Is this an NPC account? Good job, lads.

They're even more insulting to people who were born here. DR3 is only good for zingers, not policy.

wtf I love Obongo now

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>acceptable mocking someone's family heritage

>Not illegal by choice
>Chooses to break the law just because they don't want to follow it
Yeah, I'm crying over here, poor babies.

Fippy bippy uh


Pretty based desu

Trump said he wouldn’t get rid of pre-existing conditions. These drones only hear what they want to hear.


make a throwaway account and call him out. It's not that complicated. Use guerrillamail or whatever.

>we wouldn't be criminals if you were to change the law. CHANGE THE LAWS!

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I’m voting for Obama in 2008.

guys what the fuck happened after 2012 ???? i feel like that was the year everything went down.. increase in femminism and other movements advocating for homos, interacial mixing, rapefugees etc etc . was the 2012 prophecy real?

oh shiiitt nigger wat did u just do

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they pad themselves with children as soft targets.

>Trump said he wouldn’t get rid of pre-existing conditions.

When you don't actually ever do anything its the same as keeping pre-existing conditions


You are not fooling anyone goblina

It's just talk. Donors decide the direction of US policy and they all want higher levels of immigration.

dark ages started.

Peaceful refugees

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kill yourself phoneposter

Holy fuck
I wish we had a leader as spicy as Trump

What piece of shit fucking parent would force-march their fucking kids for 5000 miles?
Are those even that spics fucking kids?

you misspelled "faggot"

They were sure that they would have Obama clinton through 2024. Overplayed their hand and it bit then in the ass


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What's wrong with phone posting? I don't have a computer. Why would I, when my phone is more powerful than one?

Play FF7 on your phone then and send screenshot

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Orange Man Bad to the Bone!

I love our shitposting president


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>How does it feel to know your precious orange man has the exact same mindset as his predecessor?
Did you not watch it? Here you go:
It's an old video of Obama saying we can't let immigrants pour in undocumented and unchecked. So it's not like Trump's saying he likes Obama or agrees with his current talking points. It's the opposite, he's showing how even liberal figureheads like Obama were saying just a decade ago exactly what Trump's saying today, except today media outlets act like Trump's being a nazi while a decade ago those sorts of ideas where standard and no one would bother even mentioning it in the news.



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I think I just got a shill fired

I don’t want to actually buy it though

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Mac fag detected

I love when he does this. I bet it was Stephen Millers idea.

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>spend 16 dollars to prove a point Goy.
No, I have the note 9 you can look up the specs if you want.
I did have a macbook that I bought back in 2011 for college actually. A cat peed on it though and I never bothered buying a new one. I have no need

>Paid 3500 plus for his Appleshit
>Can't afford a 15 dollar game


B-black man bad?

You bought an over priced AMD ATI laptop chipped by garbage.

>ed krassenstein
first post
(paid by twitter)
worst post

chew soap


fippy got the bippy uh

You seem to be grossly out of touch with reality.

Why would I pay 15 bucks just to give a retard a screenshot anyways? I spend money on good games.

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It does feel nice, knowing once upon a time even the Left in this country had to at least pretend to hold to a single scrap of common sense.

Are you referring to my phone or the macbook? If you mean my macbook, yeah, I was 16 huge shocker that I didnt buy smart and fell for brands if it's any help I bought the last of the macbooks, not a pro. They discontinued mine like, 3 weeks after I bought it

>buying sjw propaganda
you don't belong here

Nice to see Trump on the right side of history for once.

>Republitards lie about Demogods supporting open borders
>are actually shocked when they realize it's not true
This is why you need a


Is this the penguin gland thing?

>Trump said he wouldn’t get rid of pre-existing conditions
of course he won't - he's not a doctor

Trump is getting raped in the comment section. Where are all the Russian bots to make it look like Americans support this retard?

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Trump is just pointing out you faggots are bigger hypocrites than Republicans on immigration. You act like centrists to get elected then keep going left as your masters command.