What is it?
The Ultimate Blackpill
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you're no closer to eternity than you were yesterday
It’s all meaningless.
this thread is now over
Heat death of the universe
>if only you knew how bad things really are
After the browns take over our societies, they will re-write history to say we never existed and all our accomplishments are their own.
I would’ve gone just for the free pizza if I were a kid
I would feel a lot worse if people literally gave me attention for being a loser.
That's been debunked.
>implying they will be able to read and write
yeah no.
If nobody showed up, who's at the other tables? Does this place rent parties by the table?
Can we send this little guy some cards or something?
You need to plan shit out better kid, life lesson /thread
Shit man, that's exactly what I did a few times around that age.
Nibiru exists
The biblical rapture is already happening
We are descendants of aliens that are our immortal Gods
You can also live forever if you stop hurting your body and fast.
No need. Facebook will blow up over this
I dont feel bad for him. If you're super unpopular why would you even bother with a party?
A new Hitler in the making.
the best and most soothing blackpill is that nothing matters, you'll remember this life like you remembered last weeks dream, and that for as long as it lasts, it will never have to happen again
I don't know but literal niggers are on social media chimping out about this white boi getting gibs.
>being blackpilled
so..bitch is lying?
>6 years old
>32 friends
this kid's mom fucked him over
she is probably a hip cool pinterest bitch who found a super cute way to make a birthday card and send out millions of them so people would see crafty she is, not even considering that he probably has one friend he cares about.
>blue check mark nigger
It was his parents, user.
See the way he looks at his mother taking a pic?
He's accusing her for making him look like an idiot.
exactly! thanks user, you affirmed my post!
Goddammit nigger, fuck you for posting that pic :^(
Poor kid
Goddamn you should see his mommy
no i don't
is that really his mom?!
they were too busy playing fartnite
Old people are so pathetic. Just die already then if your feelings are this hurt and stop sucking up social security
>invite your school buddies to your sick party
>non-drinking venue
>nobody shows up
Don't you want my milkers user?
cock taste purdy gud
fuck i called it. dumb ass pinterest bitch
>6 year old using her $70 allowance to buy a kid a birthday present
bull fucking shit
here's something to cheer you up dude
no i want you to leave your son alone and stop using him to get attention you cunt
when you delete your Facebook account and everyone you know including relatives forgets about your existence
Dracula called and he's coming over tonight for you and I said ok.
life is just a nightmare that keeps getting more horrifying until you "die" and it keeps getting worse
fucking commie
Baby want milky
Voting doesn't fucking matter. They whip us up so we FEEL like it matters. Every politicians is controlled by big business & is trying to enrich friends and family
I know what this kids feelin.
i have a kikebook and still everyone does lol. oh well thats the world i choose i suppose. i've had more friends than i could count before and didnt give a fuck about any of them so i stopped going out and just like that i dont exist.
You don't have the strength of will to make the world the place you want to live in, and you'll spend your life looking for the strong person that will fulfill his promises of your paradise instead of failing or revealing those promises to be sweet nothings.
You'll spend your entire life disappointed.
people die and stuff #whoa #socynical #extremenihilism
Spoken like a true woman.
Anyway. He learned a good lesson on his birthday, one that he will never forget and will serve him well: don't relay on people, don't give two shits what people says, whatever you achieve will be by your own effort.
>pic related
Thats where youre wrong kid.
it better be some of that fat mom titty for getting set up like that
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks
how do you figure?
Hello, "nigga"
>more kids turned up than were invited
You would think compulsive liars would actually get good at lying
This pic is like the origin story of Jow Forums browsers.
it is a pizza reference and they sold that kid on social media for 32k
wake up guys
you're actually interacting with A.I.'s and no one is real on Jow Forums
intermittent fasting? i already only eat one meal a day. i haven't felt hunger in years.
How much do you want to bet that the mom failed to send out invitations and is now trying to spin this like all his classmates are cunts?
fuckin loser kid. hope the parents train the kid to hate and abuse everyone he ever meets
The abstract is difficult for some to ascertain
stay hopeful my dude
the real blackpill is that there's really only like 50 people that actually go on pol, the rest is psyops shilling and bots
>implying you can be a loser that young
The other kids parents made the decision not to go.
not sure how it is over there, but for birthday parties for any pre-teen, it doesnt fucking matter if you like the kid. if a kid is in your class, you go to the party because itll be fun regardless. kids only start to hate one another around teen years.
why are niggers such fucking cunts?
social media sucks
>what were people thinking posting this?
>$70 gift card
>Nigger giving away money
>6 year old nigger having $70
What a fucking lie
Sauce plz, i want to know more
Is the black pill the ultimate reality? Is it much truer than the red pill?
kid prolly slangs that pop rock
This boy needs a father
Trump is a kike puppet and no different than the rest
Well he sure doesn't need his mother
The ultimate blackpill is that that kid's party was in comet ping pong
Blackpill just means truths that are hard to take. If someone is blackpilled it means they are demoralised. Whitepill is the opposite, i.e. Whites will bounce back because blah blah blah etc is whitepilled.
I did OMAD for years, was just natural to eat a big meal at night. Extended fasting will result in greater activation of autophagy, which will give you big anti cancer and other health benefits, as well as releasing new daughter cells from mother stem cells. Badass.
Would you recommend fasting if I'm already pretty skinny with a high metabolism?
>young children who have had large sums of unearned money given to them by their parent's do stupid things with their money
this is believable, I got an allowance when I was little for picking rocks out of the garden and dumping them in the driveway. I got $0.25 per 5 gallon bucket.
that said, I don't believe her story either, and who gives a fuck about that kid? my sister is a teacher, this happens multiple times a year to kids at her school alone. The parents set the kid up for failure and capitalized on it. Also why the fuck are all the plates set out and bunched around the damned kid? you can see from the table in the back that they are spaced out. This whole thing reeks of bullshit.
its the parents more than anything. I went to lots of pizza parties at chuckecheezes when I was little, because my parents were okay with giving up half a saturday to bring me there. just a few years down the line and the parents would rather not go out with their child so this ends up happening. As I said earlier, my sister tells me about this happening all the time, it wasn't cause they were singling out the kid, its cause the parrents didn't want to go. The real jackasses here (assuming the story is genuine) is the parents of the kid who got stood up for not setting it up with all the other parents (they literally never do, they just have the kid give out cards at school so half the time the parents don't even know).
> posts some trash written by a retard
Nice source faggot.
Hell is real and you’re going
imagine being that shitty a parent