
the west cannot recover from its decadence. no great empire ever has and none ever will. our women wish to kill our children in utero, our men are weak and would rather remove themselves from the gene pool than attempt to procreate. the very moral fiber with which we had sewn ourselves is being chewed through by atheist rats. its over. we need to launch the nukes and pray that those who survive once the earth is scorched remember the mistakes made and do not recreate them

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Soon hopefully.

People think I’m being sarcastic when I say we need ww3, I play it off with a smirk but I really feel we got fucked being born in this era.

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mutually assured destruction was a fucking mistake
what angers me the most is how beautiful some of these roasties could have been
that degenerate cunt right there could have been some guys virgin wife...

That woman looks like Eggman.

In due time user in due time. Give it another 10-15 years for things to really heat up. What we see now is nothing. Shit is going to get way worse.

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>the very moral fiber with which we had sewn ourselves is being chewed through by atheist rats
The moral fiber theists cant agree on, who believe in a God without evidence, who ignore their God's word. Why?

She looks high.

if you would deny what has built us up thus far then you are the catalyst through which it will all be torn down

If you want to blame anyone, blame your God for giving us the ability to learn and get smarter while not giving humans objective proof for his existence.

>the west cannot recover from its decadence.
>the west
The West doesn't exist my dood.
You need to stop reading that trash that tells you otherwise.
>our women wish to kill our children in utero
No, Jews tell them they want that, while also telling them what will make them happy, but when our women do it, they find themselves more miserable.
>our men are weak and would rather remove themselves from the gene pool than attempt to procreate
No, Jews tell them that the way to fix the above issue is, instead of dealing with the Jews, to step away and walk off into their over Jew-wrought death-spiral leading to misery.

In both regards, the binds are beginning to fray.

>the very moral fiber with which we had sewn ourselves is being chewed through by atheist rats.
That moral fiber was merely another Jewish creation, literally brought to our lands by foreign Jews.

Everything about you screams failure. You are the manifestation of the very things you decry misguidedly. You are the Platonic Form of Onions.

Attached: SOY.jpg (690x517, 86K)

Oh right I forgot this board is run by literal c u c k fetishists.

You are the Platonic Form of S O Y.

Pretty much this. Western civ will go through a huge upheaval in 25 years.

>That moral fiber was merely another Jewish creation
it wasnt
its semitic, but not jew

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the new teen titans looks lame

pappy o'daniel invinted moral fiber

youre in quite a bit of denial there friend
you deny the west exists
you deny women are ready to discard life for personal gain
you deny that men have become emasculated in the culture of today
most importantly you deny that a pre-existing moral framework that had been strictly abided by for millenia had no part in our success
you scream onions at the top of your lungs in an attempt to create an image of me as someone not to be taken seriously, yet you will dismiss and try to explain away everything for which there is evidence with buzzwords and tired rhetoric

try reading up on the fall of rome and see if you notice any parallels with the current situation, take the blackpill afterwards

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actual blackpill: wealth is more important than skin color (an imaginary social construct) and the elite use racism to divide working class people who actually have very similar interests and goals

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the west fell in 2001
this is all post-event

be glad tho. our country has a tradition of chaos and anarchy so we will deal with the transition fine

> Mexico
> part of the West
> is gonna launch nukes
You're a 3rd world shithole, beaner, and your people can barely afford to eat.

It's both. When Hitler united Germany it was by blood and he removed class, religious, and political distinctions.

Are they filtering cuck now?

I think I know that bitch

Kill yourself, redneck.

> ywn be a cat chilling between two big pale titties

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Fuckoff /leftypol/

no it isn't, by 1946 any benefit to the German working class was completely lost and half of Berlin ended up being run by communists anyway. total mess!

Why do you WANT the west to survive? I want it to collapse and something new rise from the ashes. I don't want to save the west as it is. Its literally hell.

It needs to burn so we can start anew.

>Mexican flag
What are you worried about? Mexico has a growing population.

Only because he lost.

This. Like a phoenix that rises from the ashes.

I encourage degeneracy to get this shit over with.

this is a honeypt, you have been warned

i think you misunderstand what a blackpill is. a blackpill is the information and foresight necessary to realize we are doomed to fail. all that has been built will crumble and there will only be strife for quite a while after. your statement is not related to any of this.

mexico is indeed part of the west sir, it was founded and remains as such. do not attempt to twist the definition to suit your tastes like a common (((manipulator))). furthermore i spoke not of mexico specifically but of the world itself, we as a species must reset ourselves. you would understand this if you had a solid grasp on english grammar but i imagine you hide behind a eu flag to hide the fact that you do not

it want the west to survive in its state before decadence took over, if at all possible. i am well aware that chances of that are slim

mexico is headed down the usa path, though media and political (((influencers))) would tell you otherwise by labelling things first and second world, the truth is that mexican and usa culture have paralleled each other from inception and only get closer by the day. my country is in the same boat as yours and once it sinks both will drown

because fascism cannot exist long term, and therefore has no real benefit to working-class people. You can't make a country based on cult of personality and military invasion and expect it to be stable lol

I've accepted we're finished, but your country will be fine.

When you're right, you're right.
Sure would be interesting to see the world 1000 years from now.

vernon t. waldrip

Ive litterally seen it pushed by joanbots. Anybody who does not look at filenames first is a retard.

where is kitty's other eye?

this and its got the classic signs to anyone that has browsed /b/ with a brain anytime in the last 10 years

What's most likely to happen is Islam will take over, not something new rising from the ashes. I hope you've made peace with the reality Britain will be an Islamic state in your lifetime.

Exceptions prove the rule.

my nigga here got the right idea. All is a big fat blkack pill. I wish fucking anime didn't give me a hopeful illusion of what was to come regarding girls.
>if we dont put a leash on our girl she will betray us
>women will trade you instantly for a percieved upgrade
>everything you want must be forced, nothing is genuene
>a nigger with 100k is worth more than the survival of your race by womens book
Whats the fucking point then fuck everything. Anons go out there create massive wealth, become THE CHAD, fullfill your dreams, work on your passions and one day the few of us that have the means to will come together to create a new thing for us and our people will bloom anew. For now nothing except gaining leverage matters. i am glad you took the final redpill brother. I hope to do buisness with us being at the top 1% one day.
tl;dr who can more effectivly save the rainforest? a few peasants holding up signs or a wealthy guy that'll put up 20 million $ when neccessary

>a country based on cult of personality and military invasion
Not fascism lol

So we'll go Al-Andulus for a while, then retake.

Common filth is that you? Kys kike.

Not if muslim girls start becoming roasties. Think about it, their dads and brothers will freak out and start killing them, and then feminists will actually have to fight for actual female oppression. If they do the trad muslim guys will get btfo by the law and they'll stop immigrating as much realizing that they're not actually conquering the west but in reality giving their daughters to the degeneracy.

t. Vernon T. Waldrip

>implying this isn't the transition from the american republic to an american empire

It might be globalist trash run by genocidal satanists, but it'll be pretty kino to get to that point.

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Yeah. If you havent been here for a decade, you should only lurk. I cant think of anything useful i posted till well after that.

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The weak will perish and the strong will survive like has ALWAYS happened to our people. That is why we are strong.

sauce me on the OP
she has milky pale tits
i like

Race exists in the sense that genetically similar ethnic groups can be grouped together into broader categories.

There is no conspiracy against "working class" people. Marxist thought is rooted in the Europe of the mid-19th century, when remnants of the feudal order still existed. This is no longer the case. It's true there's an economic elite, perhaps conspiring to consolidate their power over the masses in some way, but there is no conspiracy against "working class" people (at least not in the sense of the working class as they're traditionally defined).

Most here hate likes.

Kikes hate muzzies.

Enemy of my enemy is my friend.

White guys are staying away from white roasties.

White guys need to find and marry hot muzzie girls. It’s the only way.

In order to become as stupid as the OP, you need to have some kind of NEET with an undiagnosed mental illness, and spend most of your time reading the steaming pile of shitposts cominng from other mentally ill reclusive sickos and trolls.

>muh abortions
>muh atheism
>muh end of the world
>muh men playing too much videogames
It's like a playbook of a faggot larping Christian troll persona.

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Do us a favor and stop that caravan, joto.

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virgin JEWISH wife

>the west cannot recover from its decadence
you are talking like west is some kind of independent shit

the west was always decadent or surreal. always. it's everywhere like that

the world was planned by whomever who created it for the purpose of known to me.. i know the purpose.

it was all planned all along. this fucked up shit was just changing it's form from century to century

100 years ago someone said the same shit you do.

obviously you are correct but you assume as if we have fallen from grace but it's not the same as we have been falling since the beginning of time and there was no grace whatsoever

you think this "traditional life" is real?? it's a fucking meme

you think 100 years ago or 500 years ago you would be the owner of your life?? no

no.. some king would have owned your ass along with your wife and children, you would have been dragged to wars and probably dead by age of 40

peasants were worked to death in fields not seeing any product of their labor, almost all was taken by the king to feed his soldiers, who were then sent to die

this fucked up shit has been the state of this civilization since day one

it's just been shifting from one fucked up phase to the other even more surreal and fucked up

we had no future and we have no future.
if i was to pill you on what is to come.. you'll understand that now is really not that fucked up

it's fucked up but it's not that fucked up.
it's gonna be more fucked up in the future

until.. well i can't really talk about it.
but just know this. this world has always been a lie. ALWAYS. literrally nothing you here or see is true.. it's just a bunch of lies and you are a retard. literally.. you stupid dumb fucker.

This picture is just one of many Krang porno images.

Think about that

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>I say we need ww3, I play it off with a smirk
what would ww3 have to do with mexico? your nation is of no consequence and you're people aren't either. if mexico is falling to degeneracy it is because your people are dumb and lazy. ww3 is for the West, Russia, China and any countries which have resources worth fighting to control. Mexico has none of these.

Would you rather be Krang, X13, or April O'Neil?

Attached: 1532124 - April_O'Neil Krang Teenage_Mutant_Ninja_Turtles karmagik.jpg (785x1000, 79K)

The Ultimate Blackpill?

Hank Hill Trans Peggy Krang Ass Eating cartoons

Attached: 439822 - King_of_the_Hill Krang Peggy_Hill Rule_63 Teenage_Mutant_Ninja_Turtles crossover ultrafem.j (800x600, 136K)

this is somebody's fetish
i hate the internet.

do you have an actual counterpoint or are you simply going to repeat what i have stated mockingly as if it constitutes a legitimate response?

such a nihilistic view on life ignores the existence of culture itself. sure decadence is not a new occurence, however in the culture we live within it has never been accepted until now. it had always been punished and if not punished then shunned and cast out. no longer is it the case and we as culture will pay the consequences

ww3 will involve everyone, that is why it will be a world war. mexico played its role in the last two and will again in the next and the idea that mexico lacks resources can only be a lack of knowledge on your part, it has a booming auto industry and massive oil reserves, not to mention its agriculture

>that wasn't true fascism
lmao we have come full circle

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Rome recovered. The empire continued for another 1000 years in the City of Condtsntine after the West fell. The west will survive, but there will be a lot of blood when it falls

we persist

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Yes, until (((christians))) doomed it. Just like they by and large are doing now

There is no counterpoint needed because you didn't make up any points to begin with, you're just parroting whatever christian / poltard meme of the month is concerned with

You're either stupid enough to believe that Christianity can legitimately explain the nature of the universe and humans, or you are a subhuman who realizes Christianity is fake but likes to peddle convenient lies.

It's ironic that you're putting the 'pill' postfix on anything involving this level of idiocy, but then again, using the deep fried redpill/blackpil meme is quite retarded in itself.

my family and kin doing fine and growing. focus on your own and the rest will come together black pilled faggot spic

Fucking shills and fucking faggots that think they can predict the future. Fuck off. You know nothing.

We men are not fucken weak--we are thrown into a rape dungeon (aka prison) if we try to set our women straight (beat them when they act evil and stupid).

We need to start killing cops and judges...until that is done shit won't change.

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user why

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Speaking truth to beaner

You're just upset because we won't play with you

>we need to launch the nukes

>Posts from shit hole.


Looks like you’re a long way from home stranger.


Go back to /x/ faggot.

That's my kitty

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you are an Israeli. that is why you are using a fucking memeflag. you thing I like this retard little leaf above my posts? i'm a newfie. I hate this Canadian confederation, and yet I still use my real flag when posting because i'm not a lying kike. fuck you. everybody sees you. you fool no one. you and your people stole everything you have in the last couple centuries. you are nearly as smart as you claim to be. you're just vultures descending on the west in its current weakened and decadent state. i'm so sick of jews in this site pretending to be pagans or fascist atheists so you can claim Christianity is kike plot. its a lie. Christianity was the first if not only religion to be expressly and explicitly "anti-Semitic". you are just doing damage control. to any newfags lurking here bear in mind, these people have attacked Christianity everywhere they've gone and have tried to remove it entirely whenever they get the chance. when that fails they switch tactics and use semantic bullshit to divide and conquer. burn in hell, you descendant of Edom, Cain, and the cannibals of Khazaria.

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>no great empire ever has
Old news. China did it.

poor kitty. Looks blind

Had to check the filename

>I'm Krang!

>we as culture will pay
there is not will. we just pay by default with our time of our lives. we don't belong to ourselves. we are literall 100% slaves of those whoever created us here. everything else is larping

of course you can be better or worse off in our world at any time.. now or 100 years ago.. but that doesn't change shit

your views are remenescent of nothing but your own larping about how you think the world should have been or ever was but it the would was never like you think or will it be ever like you wish

we are all doomed. the real black people is that there is no hope unless a real miracle happens, but there is no miracles.

i don't drop the ultimate pill coz you all wouldn't be able to handle it anyway.

it's just a blackpill

and your pill is not blackpill.. its more like a larping pill.

you try to convince yourself as if now we are paying for our mistakes and there is no hope because of that

you don't understand that there was never any hope and the civilization was always fucked up

it's not nihilistic. it's you are who are nihilistic by dismissing the factual nature of this world.

i'm realistic as fuck. you are saying that we are fucked but i told you I KNOW THE PURPOSE OF IT ALL.. i can't be nihilistic. but you are

coz you idolize the past but the present you see as your broken idols

well it haven't been broken and it's not idols. it's just the way shit has always been and will be until it's time to end...

I know her.

Who here will participate in the civil war?
There are people with lists with journalists, activists and academics on it.
They are the first ones to be targeted.

>from its decadence
it cannot recover from the jew infestation

Christcucks can't even play videogames well anyway, probably because all of their NPC/godfag genes slowing down their reaction time and quick thinking abilities.

Out of curiosity can you actually drop the blackpill you were talking about

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My Serbian cousin who worked in Texas for two years tried to explain to me how Mexicans are.
He told me they are worse than gypsies and he's not the racist type of guy.

We are all Krang user, we ALL are

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Fucking hell.

What part of TX? Not all Mexicans are Mexicans. Lots of filthy Guatemalans and Honduran jungle niggers get called Mexican here.

>what is the entire point of faith

It's your cat's doppledanger from the Mirror World.