I just want a chance to escape poverty. I hope I can have a better life in America

>I just want a chance to escape poverty. I hope I can have a better life in America.
>Burns our flag
Can someone explain this to me?

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Sauce or gtfo.

ayyyyy the flames look like the golden arches

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This really is retarded.
I refuse to believe that most people on the left can get behind this.
This will hurt them bad.

>America is racist
>Lets go there and be oppressed

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Oh, I just looked it up. It's not real. Still, fuck the caravan...

>hey republici, watcha doin?

Sauce or gtfo.

>I just want a chance to escape poverty. I hope I can have a better life in America.
>Burns our flag
If you actually read the article, those guys aren't migrants. But I guess you knew that already and just want to shill.