What would Jow Forums do if Trump is assisinated

The Left is becoming more unhinged each passing day, what if some antifa nut was able to take down our President. What would your reactions be?

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Soros and the rest would be dead. Lots of death. Our nation would not recover.

no reaction.. he doesn't give a fuck that we're getting killed

America is the whore of (((Babylon))).. the sooner it dies the sooner we can have peace on earth

Kek. You jews keep making this thread because you're scared shitless. Israel would instantly be invaded from all sides. DOJ and Mattis would begin the mass arrests and every single kike in journalism would be hanged from lightposts.

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I'd be ambivalent. He doesn't do much other than tard up libtards and polarize the politics in the US. Maybe I would be able to get laid again after speaking my mind to chicks about my political beliefs.

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Israel would be turned to rubble in less than 3 days and your families will both be dead if that were to happen to POTUS.

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Kill Jews. Same thing I planned on doing if he wasn't assassinated.

like when the jews killed your beloved Kennedy?! Jews already have their next puppets (China) ..(((America))) is already dead you just don't know it yet :)

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You should understand this you stupid kike.....This is a new age with instant information dissemination worldwide. The Jews haven't been this exposed since Weimar. Trump, Putin and Xi are all working together to take down the NWO and if you think ANYONE is your puppet it's because you're too weak to accept the fact the world is changing and nobody cares for your illegitimate terrorist nation anymore.

>trump and putin
>both with their daughters married to jews
>take out jews
gas yourself and don't ever fucking @ me again.

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Do you honestly think these pictures your posting prove anything or do oyu have these stupid ceremonial situations just to make yourself feel better because jews are neurotic retards? You don't actually think that this picture or a picture of Trump touching a wall proves anything right?

zionist jew = jew
fucking american education


Watch the fireworks

would there be blood in the streets?

I'd put on my new hat.

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(((republican))) politicians and trump passed new laws protecting jews ... guaranteed them Billions of US taxpayer dollars ..
what *LAWS has trump or republikikes passed to protect whites

ALL politicians are traitorous rats ..they are put into office to stall as whites suffer and die.




Falling Down

Coming to America:


>"not all jews!" cries the jew as he strikes you

was that what he meant?! lol

I would:
1) Release the hounds, followed by:
2)free helicopter rides for the survivors.

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Watch the chimp-out on youtube

Pretty sure Obama was a bigger assassination risk than Trump.
Which probably pisses Trump off no end.

Has it occurred to you that if you can't get laid due to your political beliefs, there might be something wrong with them?

The consequences would never be the same.

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