Let me get this straight. You people dont want non whites on your countries...

let me get this straight. You people dont want non whites on your countries, but white people can live in non whites and no one bats an eye

lmaoo you guys are completly ignorant

Attached: b4omla5y11u11.jpg (1078x689, 194K)

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yea u got that right nigger

Go live in Africa. Feel free to take your white allies with you.

yeah, sorry we built industry, cities, and infrastructure for you savages, that was our bad

Define “white people living in non white countries”.

Protip: US, Canada, Australia and South Africa don’t count.

>the left can’t me-

Your people don't have countries. You never built cities or settled. You were wildlife until we built civilization around you (and then you tore it down after we left).

you can kick whites out and see your country go to waste as a result if you want. i dont care lul

Attached: zimbabwe.png (2093x608, 722K)

Trump isn’t a nationalist, if he was then why has he deported less than king nigger?

Attached: D0E75DCF-080B-4879-B363-A0618802A01C.jpg (300x257, 41K)

united kingdom, sweden, netherlands, france, south africa ... what the fuck are you talking about?