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Does this guy stand any chance or should I stop caring?
Blake Barnes
Justin Jones
He's gonna win. Based Black man.
Gabriel Wood
uncle tom ass nigga!
Gavin Reed
Why beleive polls when you know that your enemy is the one polling people?
Aiden Perry
his bis and tris look good but his forearms need work, I recommend reverse wrist curls or a "forearm blaster" with a 5-10 pound weight
I'd give him about 60% odds
Andrew Wilson
He's a great candidate for our side competing in a state that is nearly impossible to win.
Just like Beto.
Jayden Diaz
I live in Michigan. Stabenow is a very well established incumbent. I see an equal number of yard signs out. He's fighting an uphill battle
Ethan Adams
No, and it doesn't matter, because he's a total cuck on immigration.
Adam Reyes
I see more James lawn signs around than Stabenow, and I'm in the most liberal part of Michigan. Will be a close race, this is what I saw with Trump.
Lucas Harris
BASED racemixing black man