Unemployed members of Jow Forums

What the FUCK is your problem ?

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Can't get hired, obviously.

I'm learning Spanish all day in prep for the hispanoeon

Why do you repost these threads? What the FUCK is your problem? Please respond.

I'm white and can't get hired.

There is zero hope for the future

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i am a NEET

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trust fund boys

basically make $50000 a year doing nothing

trust the plan

I'm scared of talking to human beings.

>Comes to pol to complain about the system
>Disparages others for not being cogs in the machine

Been almost a year since I quit my last job. I haven't even bothered applying anywhere, too ashamed of being unemployed for so long. Hence, am waiting for another couple of months, starting a fake website...etc. and putting a fake company on my CV.
I am a failure.

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Leave me alone

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>Just got fired last week
>Was my third job within a year after dropping out of college after two year
>literally too retarded for even construction or easy niche job I had
>Cant even kill myslef because its a sin

I dont know what the fuck im going to do.

pic unrelated just some random pic from art class

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how do I become NEET? I literally cant hold down a job because i'm so dumb and spastic.

What previous jobs did you have user? What's your level of education? Criminal record?

Getting robbed of 60-70% of my income through by various taxes.

This and disabled

Because they are losers with no capital.

Retired at 31.

Gotta pay for Mohammad to rape your women

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Physically or mentally?

That's an interesting piece of art. My mind was searching for a long time looking for meaning. Thought I saw a woman riding a man but then it looks like a bull.

fuck i wanna become a NEET so bad but I have to work to make sure I can retire and have stuff I want.

>hasn't escaped the desire for materialism and jew fiat currency

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>cool where can i work

>warehouse nigger
>sign holding faggot
>grocery cashier

Yeah I would rather not have a job.

>while he subsists on jewish programs
Kys leaf

Jews, duh.

Just do it why go through life if youre just going to struggle thats my philosophy

I have a phone interview Friday.

I hate phone interviews, usually I just binge watch Mad Men before an interview, drink a bit and just Don it up.

>not living in a multi-generational household and passing on the wealth to your relatives

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That is retarded. You should sound like a resume and be sober you retard.

>get unemployed
>apply for job
>not athletic enough to do said jobs i initially applied for
>apply elsewhere, like 3 stores and a fast food joint, dont get hired
Been working out but body feels like shit because im on a cheap diet.
>apply 1 more place today
Well not sure if ill get hired but it sucks. My nearest unemployment office is a city away. Dont even know if i qualify for that unemployment.

In canada? That wont last lol.

A bit of both. depression, seizures, some mystical experiences.

I’m in college

Based Diogenes.

>Working for a system that actively hates you
cringe. If I could subsist off welfare I would. Anyone anti UBI is a retard.

Ya no shit, got most of it outside before the collapse

leave neets alone! We just want a sleep box with computer and basic sustanace and we will bother noone and harm noone and interfere with nothing, pls no bulli

Because I'm a white man and Jow Forums told me that I therefore have no chance at getting a decent well paying job. Jow Forums also told me that women don't like white men so I don't bother asking women out.

Working as a legal assistant until i go to law school

No shame on your senpaitachi wealth here. Someone worked for it. But if your american you better work or be thrown into the litetal gutter. Gov gives you plenty of free edu to get started if you pick something not retarded.

I quit my job in march. They never permanently filled the position and Im trying to work up the courage to ask for my job back.

How old are you? Get an office job you nigger cuck.

Join the Army.

That is fucking stupid. If your a white man that lacks our ingenuity mabye you are less deserving.

>2 years of college at 4 year university but no AA. Taking a single art class right now

>Manual labor for couple months at commercial remodeling. Spot opened up and became the new Truxk driver delivering materials and dumping waste. Only got job because I was the only Laboror not on drugs (except I was on kratom but they didnt know)

>Leave that job because get offered a job in residential remodeling by the father of my preschool friend. Thought it would lead somewhere because employee had a house

>Take kratom to do demolition better. It really did help me do demolitions a lot better.
>made me retarded so I couldnt learn electrical.
>get fired after 6 months

>get job at ergonomics company
>build height adjustable tables, deliver chairs, fir the clients for the chairs.
>make a bunch of mistakes and get fired after 2 months

No criminal record. fucked my brains up from adderall, weed and video games.

Im going to use this time to get off kratom.

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Or maybe Air Force/Coast Guard

forgot to mention that I only was truck driver for about 3 months, totaling 6 months at that company

Join the military if you're in good shape. If you're not, get into trades school.
Blue-collar jobs pay better than most white-collar jobs nowadays.

If theres one thing I could stress to everyone, its OK to be a janitor or a cleaner or trash collector or any kind of job like that. Employers look favourably at people who have put themselves out there and gone through shit to get where they want.

THe entire right half of my body doesn’t really work, neither of my hands work, and sitting is painful.

Also I have orthostatic tachycardia, which sucks.

If you are hiring, please let me know.

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>its a fucking merchant
I've been here too long

I'm currently in the transition period of my business was taking off enough that working a regular job was prohibiting growth, but not quite so much that I could actually justify leaving said dayjob, and full time self employment
Hopefully less than a month before we start seeing true sucess

NEET life is too comfy and I have savings anyway.
Everyone I know is depressed being a wage slave.

Most office jobs require some college or work experience

They really dont. They look for skills related and portfolio. Your advice is a good way to find yourelf a sanitary manager.

What’s more important, having a job and giving into a corrupt system or spending your time online as a freedom fighter, spreading truth and creating based anti-Jew propaganda?

Jews don't work and have all the money. So fuck working.

>Im going to use this time to get off kratom.
That's the most important thing you can do. Check yourself into a rehab if you can't do it on your own.
Would you consider getting into a trade that's easier than a sparky? (welder, plumber, carpenter...etc.)

>Air Force
Not gonna happen, those dickheads are selective as fuck.
Army has the lowest standards and best benefits.

when the means of production are privately owned, less productive people aren't allowed to work.
the owners then turn around and vilify them, blaming them for it and turning their slaves against them (despite the fact that those same slaves are a couple of bad days away from being in the same position)
seize the means of production and distribution, start reaping all that you sow instead of feeding porky at the top. you have nothing to lose but your chains

I'm a 32 yr old physically disabled father who is attending college, drawing SSDI, and working at a Domino's for side cash. My degeneracy is unfathomable.

What do you think of the apartment I’m considering?

I’ll be staying in the closet, I have to phone the owner if I want to use the restroom; but he says he will shop for me if I give him money so that’s nice.

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I only work 14 hours a week and I'm fixing up an RV so I can live in the desert, I got tired of paying rent and wasting my life so I only work to afford food, gas, and internet, because I'm doing a lot of programming and renting a lot of books from the library about all kinds of things. Hoping to get rich off my vidya that I make and buy land for fellow anons to live the NEET life on.

I just came off active duty to join the guard. I have a great savings account an AA (completed on duty) and am going back to get a BA on the GI bill. It’s one of the greatest opportunities you can get as an American.

Please tell me how to get SSDI. I’ve been out of work for over a year and spent over 7k trying to fix me this year alone.

Can be worked on by getting Jow Forums
What exactly is wrong with you?
>mystical experiences
what the hell happened?

I would consider anything. I don't really know what's easy enough for me to actually be competent at though. I dont really know whats out there.

Uhh selective just means you aren’t totally retarded. Low as fuck pt standards

Probably worth noting I hired a lawyer and they told me “ late if ever” because “white male”

I wish I had the will power to read and not just sit around paying video games

t. brainlet

>Getting robbed of 60-70% of my income through by various taxes.

>Be Germany
>Living a nice comfy life
>Decide out of no where to invite the 3rd world to Germany
>Think they will boost the economy "They all Brain Surgeons and shieeet"
>Nope 90% men all dumb with no skills and the majority are illiterate in their own language, let alone German.
>Surprised when your taxes skyrocket to pay for them to live on welfare and breed like roaches.

Until you idiots bring down your state, you are literally a slave race to your new colonisers.

Second on mystical experiences request.

Jesus, i could've mistaken for thinking i was in Jow Forums.

They aren't that hard to get unless you're a total spaz.

fuck dad, I've applied for 4/5 jobs already.

>just 4/5
Dude the average is hundereds a year.

Never take Acid. It is poison.

I'm in between contracts.
I haven't had a contract longer than 3 months in a long time.

ITT - pathetic excuse ridden "people"

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>I dont really know whats out there
Do your research. Lookup your state codes and what it takes to become licensed (HVAC - electrician - plumber....etc.), compare the cost (both in time and money) to the return and the opportunities available in your area.

I work 12 hours a day, yesterday i did 16, fuck you nigger

You are correct that skills and qualification related to the employer's job are important and in many cases required, but by showing the employer that you will do what it takes to succeed, they will prefer you over other candidates

there arnt hundreds up here where i live and my car needs $1400 worth of repairs and i have one "office" outfit and i just got rejected from a job last week, dont know why bc i have no record, and i have $0 in the bank and my mom hasnt paid my rent in to months and im scrounging around for old cigg butts and my life sucks so FUCK OFF
like i said im trying. i just got my BA in may and fuck im trying ok????
i dont want ot work at micky d's for shit all an hour
the internet bill is due in a few days and i will have to beg my mom to pay it.
not everyone is born with a fucking silver spoon in their mouth. and i just spent my last $4 change i found around the house after searching on the lotto and didnt win.
why couldnt i have been born rich :(

Can't sleep at night, at concentrate during the day.


my former boss kept telling everyone I was a nazi so they wouldn't hire me.
ironically it actually made me become a nazi.

People like you.
This whole fucking thing needs to collapse so we can build it up again and clean up that mess.
But this ain't possible with simps like you, who sacrifice everything to keep that rotten things afloat... just so they can enjoy a brief moment of material gratification.

probably manual labor (nigger work) because your reading comprehension is abysmal

Work temp. Everyone works temp. Literally the jobs trump is talking about.


A few years ago I had a series of seizures out of the blue and was hospitalized. When I regained consciousness I had some kind of spiritual awakening and was in a state of bliss for about six months. It's a long story. Ever since I've had some bipolar like symptoms and have had a number of different kinds of spiritual experiences. I spent a few years trying to get into a monastery, retreat center, ashram type setting but it didn't work out. I've had a number of physical symptoms too and have had difficulty getting a diagnosis. Eventually they couldn't find a medical reason and told me to apply for SSDI. I didn't want to, but I did and was approved. I'm grateful, but don't like being on it.

Mine was severe spinal trauma. No possible way of physical labor ever again. But it is basically a prerequisite to have a lawyer unless you have cancer or some shit. The system is fucked unless you want to cut your dick off, shitskinned, or prove yourself to be incompetent. I hate being this way. If you ever do get SSDI, you will contemplate suicide in months.

gob bless cabitalism :--DD

are you really that surprises commies don't work?

I just moved to a new area and knew nobody. I live in a sober living home but I managed to get a good office job with benefits. It took two months and while I was looking for work I worked like a Mexican at the labor hall. I have never done labor but I had to so I did. If I can do it so can you.

I was using my time to tap into the spiritual and artistic pursuits of our world and the beyond, while you were clamoring over people to stay above water in a ship that has all but sank. I did this in the comfort of a home provided to me by a successful parent, while I worked odd jobs to feed myself and buy/do cool shit.

In event my situation should change, I can just get another job or walk off of the bridge.

The thing is im too stupid and a spaz. Im not trying to throw a pity party or cop out. I genuinely think i'm too stupid to even learn basic electrical. Maybe I could do something like wood/vinyl panel floors.

The weird thing is, I think I might actually "re-teach" myself math and physics to become a physics teacher. I have horrible "practicle" intelligence, but I really liked physics study groups.

And as they say "those who can do, those who can't teach".

kind of a weird thing to go for, but I might do it. it might work. I definitely wont be one of those teachers complaining about the pay or anything like that.

Anyway thanks for talking with me user. I was expecting to just be called a brainlet and to KMS. It feels really nice to be treated with empathy from someone who has no incentive to do so. You're a good person.

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27 need a new career
dont mind actually working
what do