Is society really going in the right political direction?
Pic related
Is society really going in the right political direction?
Pic related
why would anyone use /this/ for italics in your own fucking handwriting?
the whole point of using // is when you can't change the font to italics.
I didn't need to see that.
First tbing i've noticed
Are you meming my life?
Today I saw these two fat. ..I mean land whale Latinas making out on the bus
I just thought "get a room" and kys
Come on Jow Forums, finding a trad girl isn't that hard. I found one and I think I am going to marry her.
>White, blonde, blue eyes, tall, beautiful
>Virgin, only kissed one other person before me.
>wants to have lots of kids
>helps out with house work and Financially as well
>lacks confidence
>can be vain
>Doesn't exist
>Parent are really annoying
an /is/ isis board wouldnt be terrible
>doesn't exist
Sometimes we fall into sin. And I regret falling into sin each time but God has turned my most recent sin into something good. I have moments ago spilt my seed. I expected tares to come up, but things have only come up roses. I have been saved from the indignity of seeing your pic in an aroused state.
Keep your sick fetish to yourself damn leaf