Be like Bernie

And less like Trump.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-23-19-35-22-1.png (1080x1053, 496K)

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Stop jew.

Isn't Bernie a bigot now?

Seriously though even if I don't agree with his polices Bernie is a upstanding man that I respect. Very rare to see from American politicians nowdays

Bernie, the obnoxious commie bum who leeched off his parents until his mid thirties, shit carpenter, and failed politician. Yeah, be like that. Smart.

He's a literal Commie for LGBT promoting millennials

Why doesn't he open up his 2nd home to illegals or rapefugees if he's such a kind and compassionate liberal?

>Bernie, the obnoxious commie bum
Obnoxious? Seriously? He's a lot of things but that's definitely not one of them
>who leeched off his parents until his mid thirties,
Brainwashed protestant wageslave
>shit carpenter
Literally doesn't matter, you and every politician you support are shit carpenters
>and failed politician.
Not becoming president=failed politician
Amazing insight faggot
>Yeah, be like that. Smart.
LMAO even your vocabulary is taken directly from trump. NPC detected, just repeating shitty Jow Forums talking points

>Obnoxious? Seriously?
Stopped reading there. Anyone who can unironically defend the phony working-class accent of this New England street bum is hopeless and mentally damaged beyond repair.

Fuck off communist loser, I support WINNERS