Kamala Harris will coast to the presidency in 2020

Warren shot herself in the foot. Booker is flaming out. Biden is saying he's too old. Harris will go through the primaries unscathed, and have all the media on her side and she won't forget the midwest like Hillary did. She'll beat Trump.

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Kum-Allah Whorris

she's an unlikeable cunt. she has none of the charisma of Hussein O. and will shout from the hilltops the polarizing message that Hillary dog whistled but shied away from in quotable form

but then she'll open her mouth and people will hear what an idiot she is, OP, think it through man!

Apparently you didn't hear about her Iowa event today?



As someone who lived in the Midwest for 13 years, the Dems are fucking doomed if they nominate this chick

kek I’ve seen the video of her getting gangbanged. so will everybody else in 2020

It's early. The hype machine hasn't started yet.

She will clearly be the Democrat pick
They will run Beta against her
And they will let Bernie rile up his supporters to make them believe they will be listened to.
But Harris will be the Democrat Nominee

She has no chance at all.

>And they will let Bernie rile up his supporters to make them believe they will be listened to.
The worry is if Tulsi Gabbard runs as the Berniecrat.

No niggers; niggers, no.

The only Dem out there currently that could take down Trump in 2020. Creepy Uncle Joe.

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I will literally kill the person that wins in 2020, if its not trump.

she has zero charm just like hilldog. trump will devastate her

She's even less likable than Hillary. Terrible candidate, I hope she's nominated.

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The left has really lost its mind

She would lose every single state you fucking retard.

Kamala Harris? The whore?

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I know it’s out there but s-Sauce?

Yeah she checks all the identity checkboxes but she is a thundercunt of epic proportions.

That would actually be a pretty beautiful map.

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Democratic party will be dead after 2024 elections. They just keep killing themselves recently.

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Oh no. It's literally over. I will cry myself to sleep now!

Well, she's retarded and has earned merit based soley on her ability to use her vagina.

This has been done before (See: Avenatti/Stormy)

Harris made a fool of herself in both kavannaugh sessions. She had a bizzare line of questioning, as if she were trying to get him to perjure himself.

***aims down through the glass ceiling and brrrrrts your woman card***


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God, PLEASE make this happen.

Kamala Harris got into politics by fucking a married man twice her age, who appointed her to her first TWO government jobs.


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yeah, no. Midwest hates california

This is embarrassing. The entire country and this is the best they can come up with? Is there any chance a literally who populist could win the Democrat primary? Trump and Sanders kind of came out of nowhere for example. Why are the Dems struggling to find people to put on their bench when all of the media supports them?

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Yeah, the money to pay people to attend any of her events is still in escrow.

Having the media on your side is literally the worst strategy you could possibly have if you want to beat Trump.
Democrats ideally want a candidate that is quiet, and the media is neutral to slightly in favor of but doesnt rave about. Someone that can capitalize on anti-Trump sentiment without being polarizing. Kinda like how Emmanuel Macron was in the French elections.
Harder to do in a two party system though.


Trump has no place to stand on who fucked who. He's cheated on every spouse.

Sure Jan

>that math question

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Michael Bloomberg is more likely to be the Democratic nominee than anybody who could be called a populist.

Okay this is epic



The 'S' is for "standing"

Cry more.

Trump never fucked someone to get a job.

Harris needs female voters to win, and women do NOT like slutty whores to fuck men twice their age in exchange for a job.

Kamala Harris is basically the opposite of the #metoo movement.

there’s at least one hard copy in Sacramento. That’s where I saw it

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this. she literally fucked her way into San Fran politics. 60yo willie was king nigger

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To incompetent to debate real isues.

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Dems - who advocate baby killing and coal burning lecturing me on "cheating".....

Trump will be POTUS forever.

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>identity boxes
literally a huge negative outside New York and L.A.

>run by a woman of color
Literally a disaster every time this has been tried

I'd fuck her honestly

I want her to stop using shampoo and body wash for a couple of weeks, though still showering with warm water, so she smells clean but natural. Also, no shaving of the body hair. Then I want her to sit on my face. I want to feel her hairy folds grind over my face until her scent overcomes me as I pass out with a smelly, shiny snail trail from my chin to my forehead. I want her extra, extra smelly but in a clean and natural way. I’ll bet her pussy will smell terrific. Really, really terrific.

I would honestly give my left testicle to suck on her tit. I would stroke her hair and she moaned in pleasure while I bit around her nipple, and playfully lapped up the beads of sweat that formed around her breast.

Her entire history of fucking her way up with Willie Brown will haunt her.

Gabbard is the only decent candidate they have, but the party will never back her, especially after she went against them on the Iran deal
personally, her domestic policy is too liberal for me and she won't win against Trump
but I wish the Dems would at least try to run a reasonable candidate

When the time was right i would stick my lubricated forefinger right into her bumhole, and she would simultaneously whimper whilst trying to contort her face into an image of pleasure for my benefit. The juxtaposition of pain, surprise and obvious pleasure would accelerate my ejaculation by at least 4 minutes, but lets not spend too much time on my own pleasure.

She has zero chance of being president

As I furiously worked my index finger into her bumhole, where my forefinger was already hard at work, I would slip down her torso, lapping up the sweat forming under the fold of her breast, across her navel and just above her bird's nest of a bush, until I reached her flappy pink opening. She would look at me with an expression of nothing more than pure lust as I skilfully worked my tongue down onto her beady, pulsating clitoris.

"Would"...you're irrelevant, faggot. Unless you're mayor, you get non of that pretend nigger pussy.

Circling my tongue around her inflamed bulb, I would carefully navigate my way around and back around, gently teasing with a combination of kisses from my pursed lips and upward strokes from my erect tongue. After teasing her in this way for at least 47 seconds, I would allow my tongue to flick her clitoris and before she had a chance to digest the immense feeling of pleasure I had given, my mouth would once again latch onto the thing like a particularly rapacious scorpion.

Absolutely ZERO.

Working her clit from every angle I would increase the intensity of my efforts until she was positively screaming, never letting up the vigorous anal fingering that has been occurring alongside my front end work.

Bill Clinton raped a woman and the media covered for him. Harris has nothing to worry about. Worst comes to worst she spins it as being taken advantage of by a powerful man.

As she begged me to slow down, I would, for a moment, move my attention away from her clitoris towards the engored folds of her labia, and the glorious hole that was her vagina. With my pursed tongue, held erect like the arm of an SS soldier, I would enter her hole with the fury of a thousand storm troppers taking Poland.


Spooky. However he is against marijuana decriminalization and really hates guns and loves illegal immigrants, which alienates moderate Dems. Then he is a fiscal libertarian that hates taxes and loves the free market, which drives away socialist Berniecrats. He’s the party’s dream corporate candidate like Clinton but actual voters will hate him. Tulsi Gabbard may have a shot if she runs but the party establishment will attempt to cripple her in the primary because she is too a Conservative.

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Having been blessed by the Almighty with a particularly extended tongue, I would be able to probe her opening far more profitably than the small members that had previously explored those uncharted waters. with the ability to change shape within the crevice itself, my tongue would prove to be the most effective pleasure generation machine that christine had ever experienced.

As I penetrate with my tongue, my nose would be flicking her clitoris and my three fingers (I have added my ring finger in the meantime) would be working her asshole. In this way, she would reach the most violent and explosive orgasm ever experienced by a C-list politician in the history of the Internets.



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Can't happen. That's been taken care of.

Also - Are you admitting "victim" is all she has to sell?

Yes, you are.

She would blow so hard my face would be drenched in her juices to such a degree that ever a week spent wandering in the Sahara desert would fail to de-moisturise and dry my face. Indeed the sweet scent of her juices, resembling a mixture of apple cider and Impulse body spray would forever be etched into my hippocampus, inextricably linked with the highest levels of pleasure a human being can experience.
With this toe curling orgasm, she would push me off her back on to the carpeted floor, and simply stare at me in wonder, incredulity and devotion. With this I would know she would never leave me, she could never. The same feeling dawned on her, and she knew she was to be my slave forever, as I was hers. After regaining her composure, for what would seem like half an hour, and was surely in fact longer, she would motion for me to get on to the bed which would be dressed in Barnie the Dinosaur linens. She would throw me onto the bed and whispered something so dirty in my ear I dare not type it out.

More likely they will push Beto instead of Kamala Harris.

They are making a huge deal about him and even if he does lose to Cruz, he's hording money like crazy and not giving the cash to other more desperate Democrat candidates that need it. Which gives him a leg up in 2020 fundraising-wise.

Beto's just white enough to pass and "hip" with the kids. He's relatively unknown and they will do their best to push the best of both worlds "He's latino! He's white...ish!".

trump is toast in 2020. There will be a recession near 2020. And kamala will likely have another female VP.
Personally i suspect kamala is behind the booker leak, to clear the field.
Whether you like it or not USA is going full brazil in the next 5 years. Complete with favellas and lewd dancing mutt chicks

>Also - Are you admitting "victim" is all she has to sell?
No. She'll sell Universal Basic Income. She'll claim victim if she has to make an excuse for her past, which she might not even have to since the media won't push it.

Take it to chat, AOL Boomer.

And that's a good thing!

This Whore will NEVER be President. screencap this you degenerate fuck

Jesus you ingrate....

Come on man she's at least b-list

LOL you bet on her didn't you

Sorry you're going to lose all your money


democratic nominee will be mark cuban.
president will be trump
screenshot this

She has no recognition outside of political junkies, and no it's not fucking "early". There has to be some sort of existing brand to build upon, but there's nothing, and she's not charismatic enough to start now. On top of that, maybe she won't forget the midwest, but the midwest will forget about her, just as it already is. She doesn't even have all the Clintonites behind her.

she's their John McCain

Can Kabbala Harrlot beat Beta and Lullsi Gibbsfor?

Unironically she is the metoo movement because most of them are dumb selfish sluts

Beto is honestly a shit tier candidate, he is only doing well because Cruz is somewhat unlikeable. Biden may honestly be their best pick if there isn’t some populist who claws their way up in the primary. Biden is the only known one that actually has a chance of beating Trump.

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If you think the rest of the US will vote in the literal representation of San Francisco, California politics, your brain have dribbled out of your ears, my friend.

She's unlikable. More so than Hillary Clinton. Her baggage is closer to Bill's than Hillary's though. Not that it matters with Trump anymore. At any rate no one likes her, no one new will really get far into her. All of her enthusiastic support will come from people who bought into paid marketing spends. No one shows up for her events now. No one will show up for them later, even with paid marketing spends. Trump is standing room only in the parking lot.

DNC is fucked.

I consent to this.

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Chuck Schumer is going around trying to get a feel for a Bloomberg run. He'd like to jettison the actual leftists.

The tide has turned. Anyone with half a brain despises what the democrats are doing to our country. You will never win.

Jesus christ never saw that one before

Fucker just can't keep his hands off children

>Nigger woman president

The absolute impossibility of that is not even worth discussing

They won't dare crash the economy under Trump. They absolutely CAN'T without risking revolution or worse.

First, all of Trump's supporters and even moderate left-wingers KNOW that the lunatic left (especially the upper class shits) would want nothing more than to DESTROY the economy, fuck all of the middle class and poor people who would be destroyed, if it meant getting rid of Trump.

People would know the fucking score, know who fucking did it, and there would be blood in the streets and all of the left wing shits and their media cronies (like Bill Maher) would be murdered in gruesome fashion in retaliation. And it would turn the normies against the left for a century, since a LOT of people barely survived the 2008 crash and others are still struggling as far as never fully getting back to where they once were.

Second of all, if they nuke the economy to get rid of Trump and managed to force Trump to basically STFU and go quietly into retirement? Whoever replaces him will NOT play games like Trump did. They will go full Hitler and with the left cheering and glad-handing that they destroyed thousands of lives nuking the economy to force out Trump? The average person will GLADLY shoot a fag, a nigger, a feminazi, onions boy, tranny, spic, Hollywood type, Democrat politician etc in the head and force the ones they don't kill into the gas chamber to die screaming.

Newsom is the only real threat

I hope she runs so I can see the gang bang vid.

I'd do all of that for half of an oreo. Cream side. Of course only if it were legal.

Furthermore, even by some miracle the left crashes the economy, forcing a Trump defeat AND manage to institute the necessary martial law to eliminate ANYONE who tries to make the Democrats pay for their economic crimes? They have their own lunatic fringe folks who will try and take over.

The business and media/Hollywood people might stop the Trump people from putting them to death for their crimes, but they can't do that AND stop the inevitable commie revolution, since crashing the economy TWICE in just over twenty years would give the commie faction of the left their justification for a violent commie revolution. And a LOT of people will join them, if it's the only way to kill the elites who ruined their lives crashing the economy.

I want to believe. I'll play along.
>How many guys?
>How long is the vid
>Tits nice or nah
>I assume the booty is nice but pls confirm
>cumshots? Where? Swallow? Internal?
Thanks in advance

>lost at rapacious scorpion

>she won't forget the midwest like Hillary did. She'll beat Trump.
No one in their right mind will be voting for a woman or a colored person after what we have seen. She is batting a 100% in unelectable and I hope she does run. Everywhere the Amish & other "plain" people live will vote for a man....every time.

I don't vote for smug bitches. Fuck her. if the choice is Trump or Her I'm voting Trump (and I voted for Hillary)