Why are Americans so fat?

Why are Americans so fat?

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>tell the press to take my picture when I walk out
>takes off shirt, busts out 25 pushups

Only dick size matters, dumbass

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Who is the tranny behind Trump?

He means thst hes doesn't have aids like Barry Hussein Obama


Everyone knows white guys have small wieners, though.

but obama is american too op.....

Obama's lungs are literally filled with tar from smoking. While Trump will definitely die within Obama's lifetime Obama will not live as long as Trump.

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Unlike King Nigger, Trump doesn't have gAIDS.

why do jews always hide their flags? Is there something shameful about the Israeli flag or something? Maybe jews are just cowards idk they do seem to hide a lot

white ween is the largest on average
then hispanoids
then shadow people
and then gooks

I thought you guys said he’s from Kenya?


>why are people with more food fatter
hmm really makes you think

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LOL you dont think trumps done drugs?? Do you know how much coke hes done

Dr. Huffington says everything is fine.

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He's literally never done drugs in his life. If he had ever done drugs the media would have covered it no doubt.

Why do Obama's tiddies sag so much?

I thought the left doesnt believe in fat shaming or healthy bodies being skinny or muscular? Healthy is 700lbs too you bigot.

go look in the mirror before saying something stupid, OP

Because he’s half white and if he was full black he would have a Greek God’s body.

because we can all afford food.
its a luxury for us. With an economy this powerful even our most poor are able to achieve the caloric intake to get fat.
Starve eurofag. LOL. winter is coming.