What would Jow Forums do?

>be me
>28 years old
>no job
>2 DWI no license for another year and no car
>No buses or jobs close by
>Live with sick mother who only says "i don't feel good" and "can you get me my water"
>House falling apart, no heat, shower leaks into kitchen, foundation crumbling etc.
>Use constant internet use to avoid anxiety
>Child like anger if my trance is interrupted
>In online school but cheat on everything and never learn shit
>Since sobering up, no social live besides my girlfriend and coffee with a friend once a month

Give me a plan for my day tomorrow

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Is this why we have an opiate addiction problem?

Start going to the gym.

Good point. I gotta diet better too cause I lose all motivation to work out when i eat greasy bullshit

I use an app called Bodbot for custom workouts. It's free and the customization options are insane. For starters you can pick what days of the week you want to work out and on what days you'll be working out at home and what days you'll be working out at the gym. You can pick how much time you'll be working out each day, what muscles on what day, whether or not you want to include cardio, just ass loads of options.
I use a full body stretching app too. Only 5 minutes.
But basically, get clothes ready for in the morning, prepping the night before is like leaving yourself wake up gifts. I like to write to-do lists the night before as well. Start settings goals. Big, medium, and small. Work towards certain things.
>Big thing: Get a job, search hard
>Medium thing: Fix leaking shower or heat
>Small thing: Cut down on internet usage, quit cheating in school and start learning

Plan for the day:
>Wake up, make your bed, it's a small simple habit that guides you in the right direction toward more simple tasks throughout the day
>Drink some water, the body is dehydrated after sleeping
>Next, stretch. This is where a stretching app comes in handy, they can give you targeted body areas or full body stretches for however long as you'd like.
>Eat breakfast. Try to eat a balanced breakfast and not just sugary shit like poptarts, gets some protein. Eggs are good, but not too many, high cholesterol.
>Go over your plans for the day while your stomach settles, make a to do list if you didn't the night before. I like to journal as well, it sounds gay but it's actually great for introspection and self improvement.
>30 minutes of chores. I've heard this called "Eat the frog" and it's basically this concept that if you eat a live frog in the morning, you can go about the rest of your day knowing you won't have to do anything that bad. Get all if not most of your chores done in the morning so you don't have to worry about it later.
To be continued.

Im actually gonna do this shit.
The heat will be fixed once I get a check for doing some freelance sewage cleanup

The morning is when I feel the best and I fuck up by forgetting about all my problems when I feel good and feel like shit at night.
Im gonna take your advice and crank out some chores in the morning.
No money for a gym
But I got free weights, bench, total gym and running is free so im gonna do that for now.

Fix your house you degenerate fag. You will feel better with every single little task you accomplish. It will give you a feeling of purpos and accomplishment, of usefulness. That is the easiest starter task for your rise back to normality. Start with basic things like vacuuming every room

i dont see why you need to change anything, sounds comfy

Bruh what you got a gf and a house and your bitching?

bro i dont know what kind of shape your in but start going jogging every day

jog/walk and not sprint every day 5 miles at least at anytime of the day at least its once every 24 hours that way your easily able to walk ten miles to a job

i used to walk 8 miles to a job and its about an hour and a half to a two hour walk depending on how fast you walk and that was to get to work if not your a bullshit artist

if your a lazy piece of shit fake a mental illness and collect ssi or ssdi

but really i wish i could do this if i were you sign up to the fucking navy like what the fuck are you doing with yourself

if I were you I'd kick my own ass. That might sound kind of hard to do. But you can run really fast into a wall, that should be equivalent of a good beating. Also lots of vitamin C, everyday

Good advice here

>Exercise. This is where a workout app comes in handy. Even if you go to the gym but don't know what workouts to do, it can plan the workout for you and show you how to use the machines. Same for home workouts, if you don't know how to do them it shows you.
>Shower. Use good hygiene. Your looks are your first impression on people you meet, don't look like a grimy cave troll. For the love of god don't let your hair look greasy and don't smell.
>Meditate. It's good to clear your head if you like to think about nothing aka not think, or if you like introspection through guided meditation. It's hard to get good at meditating, you can get guided meditation apps that help.
>Read. If you're focused on self improvement, start with diet and self help books. Set some time aside to expand your mind.
>Go about your day from here
>Try to talk to family and friends throughout the day, stay social, even if it's just your girlfriend or coffee friend
>Spending time in nature is good for the soul too
>If this is your plan for tomorrow, I'd work towards looking at all possible options for getting a job and also look at all possible options for fixes to the house including which one is highest priority and how much it's gonna cost.
>If you're doing online school, don't cheat fucker.
>Try to cut down on internet. Cutting down on bad habits is good, but you have to replace it with another good habit. It doesn't hurt to view your habits as list of pro's and con's. Start turning the con's into pro's, eliminate the con's.
>Make healthy decisions for lunch and dinner. If you're snacking throughout the day, which you should, eat healthy snacks. Less processed foods, more natural foods, preferably organic but I know you're poor so go with what you can get, for the love of god not fast food.
>Spend some time with your mother. The woman raised you and will not live forever. Don't be one of the people that comes to regret the time they didn't have.

I have only been out of work for 2 months and I dont eat without one so Im not avoiding it.
Just shit options without my car
I was a crew cheif for a restoration company and any technician position requires a license

I was a straightup drunk last year and I didnt mind living in shit
Now Im trying to fix my degenerate bullshit

I thought about the Navy
If my mother dies il join but till than i gotta take care of the cunt

introspection through mindfulness meditation***
But also, another tip
>Start budgeting and getting good with your money. Especially with your situation. Don't live above your means because obviously you've got better shit to deal with at home
And remember that humans are habitual creatures. If you want this to stick, you have to make this a daily routine long enough that it becomes natural, long enough that you won't slip back into old habits.
Self improvement is a never ending journey. We may not ever be perfect but it doesn't mean we can't strive to be.

More good points. Il take the advice
I know I will feel better with a job
Last couple months without a schedule and less responsibilities made me a fucking child again.

Does your mother have money squirelled away somewhere? Is she prone to accidents, the poor dear?

I live in a trailer with my grandpa with only a few hundred maplepesos left to my name and no sex for a year and a half. Sleeping on a dog bed for a couple weeks my sholder is fucked and still havnt found work yet. Need a bike and some vitamons bit atleast my gramps got free medical weed so we just sit and watch wagon train and andy grifith show. I dont drink or smoke darts atleast and i hope to get a trailer of my own soon so i can atleast pickup one of the lot lizzards for some snookie.

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Get off the fucking internet all day for a start. It's really not that good anymore.

Walk to a library or some second hand shop to get some books. Go for historical or factual, fiction if something really floats your boat. Get used to reading without the internet distracting you.

Start working on yourself. Mind and body. 30 minutes of exercise will make a huge difference to your mind.

Next up, time to fix that house up. I'm sure there'll be wood or scrap wood around somewhere. Everything you could ever want to know about wood work is on the internet. Stay the fuck off this place and instead use the internet as a well of knowledge rather than something to distract yourself from real life.

Start heading off these problems rather than watching them pile up

Lastly, but should be firstly, START READING THE BIBLE. Get saved. Get your loved ones and friends saved. Everything will start clicking after that.

Hope your okay user and this didn't sound too stern

> do secret checks on rigging electrical wiring in house to start “non suspicious” fire.
> execute plan re fire
> burn house with mother inside
> claim insurance
> do emotional press interviews re your loss
> be so emotional it inspires other to start go fund me pages for you that earn you big dollars
> get invited to go on Ellen or other care bear type talk show where your so lovable and emotional people keep donating shit to you
> win via gibs
> get better girl friend cause you’ve got better money
> Aquire an entourage of helpers and “friends” who want to be around the sad guy who lost his mom and they feel good by doing shit for you and getting credit for it
So much winning and potential

I grew up without any mention of religion in my home and my parents only fuck up was not bringing me to church

When I saw the flag I knew
I would finally get the help I needed

Break up with your woman. If she didn't leave you when you became a parasite she is a bigger parasite than you are. More will come in time.
Keep living with your Mama and take care of her. Do whatever you can to help her because once she dies you will regret everything you didnt do in horrifying clarity.
Apply to literally any temp agency and get instant work. They even offer 15-20 dollar/hr jobs if you can show you're qualified.
More than anything I said tho user you have to help your family. Without your family you are nothing.

Good advice here. Whats the stretching app called?

Yes opiate aren't just for pain, but they "cure" your anxienty better than benzos, cures your depression and your emontional pain.

Its deadly because you feel love, safety and warmth, like being child under planket when your mom stroking your hair