On a blockchain you solve a problem and everytime you solve a problem you build a block for a digital reality...

On a blockchain you solve a problem and everytime you solve a problem you build a block for a digital reality. Google reCAPTCHA does the same thing. Google reCAPTCHA was released in 2007. Bitcoin and blockchain technology was released in 2009. The A.I. of Google built blockchain and Bitcoin using reCAPTCHA and people solving its problems and building blocks.

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youre feeding the A.I every time you solve a captcha

No shit sherlock, you think being user is free?

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Yes. Solving basic problems like "which square(s) have a car" helps a digital form understand and interpret base reality.

Having these simple questions answered helps improve AI algos, AKA "thinking."

Driverless cars are not the end goal with this data.

The end goal is robots in public life that can function seemingly intelligent.

They will be able to maneuver in public space autonomously with this data.

The data mined off of public robots will help create an even better picture of reality for predictive algos in the future.

Data is a big deal in robotics, especially autonomous robotics.

Phones are a goldmine.

An autonomous vehicle can still only garner so much.

The real get will be done with at home robots.

Human behavior can be understood and modeled better with at home data rather than social media data.

Attached: Fallout-4-Synth.jpg (700x393, 38K)


i already knew that, explain how this ties into blockchain (in detail please)

We have almost no chance now, I used to think well cause there is such a big force and push for such values and morals that a force at very least to rival it would form but I realise the past is not the future, we cannot grab a sword and teach men how to use it and the enemy may have better armour nooo no no now they have hydrogen bombs and cutting edge technology/weapons and we might have a few rifles.

It is truly doomed my friend, I just wanna play muh vidya drink, smoke tobacco, smoke weed occasionally live with my post cheerleader Aryan gf and do shrooms is that too much to ask but when I cannot do these simple things I know I must fight.

Never even played that game. Fallout 4 right?

Google will have the 1st public and at home mainstream robot. Bank on it.

It wont be called a robot either.

It will be wheel based at first ala hoverboard/segway.

Bipedal and multi pedal versions will become popular quickly once the public gets comfortable with having them around.

Android laws will be written. Mistreatment of an android in public will be treated similarly or just beneath the mistreatment of an animal.

The only delay has been networking.

Fiber optics was supposed to be the gateway but proved too expensive.

5G will be the super network necessary to link 1st generation autonomous public machines.

Its all arbitrary meta compilations

but how do I mine it?

You already can't do any of that stuff. The whole idea of being "free" is a total and complete lie meant to keep people pacified. As long as people's definition of "free" is "working and then quietly watching TV after work" we're absolutely fucked. You're not allowed to be in control of your own body and your surroundings, so what's the fucking point? What do you do when you are not entertained by any of the trite shit that amuses the morons around you?

Yeah it's Fallout 4. The image I posted is a "synth" or a Synthetic human/being.

Yup. Meta work done by NPCs to help a main AI focus on larger matters and the will of its controller.

captcha isn't training anything. the correct answers are already known.

when reCaptcha was introduced in 2007 you could fool it. It evolved. It made the blockchain code in two years. Its 2018 now.

Intrestingly, services such as Qwertl uses the blockchain to do the same thing as Jow Forums does with captcha, but with background mining instead. If an attacker tries to misuse to system with spam, they will still need to mine one atomic unit + miners fee to send a spam message, which means that the difficulty will go up with increased number of posts, and that the project will make more money, allowing for moderation.

I say NPC not in the mimetic way. To an AI, all living things are NPCs. For that matter, all things in non digital format are a form of NPC to it. More connectivity and data can help it manipulate that which it cannot overtly control.

Scrolling aimlessly at headlines and not reading details? Sweet, an AI would appreciate that. Makes it easier to compress predictive algos if one knows less details.

Knowledge and the search for knowledge are the ultimate algo breaking variable to predictive behaviors.

Not trying to be edgy or cryptic, just stating fact.

Building an evolving and growing algo (machine learning) isnt easy to begin with. Keep adding in variable after variable and the string can become immense.

I'm more interested in the engineering aspects of robotics over the programming side, not really a fan of AI doom porn.

The way AI is being created by large companies like Google is a very interesting topic IMO

Google doesnt return anything with Qwertl.

To a degree you're right.

Know the phrase, "trust but verify."?

Sources can be given a trust rating. If a number of sources are giving the same answer then at some point the answer becomes verified. Users with a low trust rating can be sub categorized as untrustworthy or even just dumb.


Cool thread, desu.

The point of blockchain is not "solving problem" but having a chain of documents, each next cryptographically verifying the previous in order to make it impossible to retroactively change any. Google has nothing to do with that.

>you have hair
>dog has hair
>you are dog

This is you when you claim that google is doing blockchain because it also solves problems.

It still is training, and it's actually extremely simple: you are given 9 pictures, and class is known for 8 of them: 3 need to be checked, 5 need to be not checked, and the remaining one is your input used to extend he training set. Of course, it also is verified by other users, and there are more complicated schemes (this retarded bullshit with appearing pictures), but that's the basics of it.

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the alchemy of AI, quantum computers.

QCs are not magical, nor are they even quantum in the physics definition.

They are multiple stacked processors connected together transferring data at a faster rate than current consumer products.

BTW, they are no better and actually less accurate than current binary systems.

Until the engineering improves drastically, QC will remain the alchemy of computer science IMO

>I'm surprised no one mentioned those things that i personally call quantum computers even though they are not quantum computers in any way!

Silicon Valley intends to control washington dc

They are going to take it from the jews

Engineer (hardware) or software side?

Software side is developing just fine. QC can be VMd with Q# through Azure right now.

Anyone interested in quantum programming can DL Microsofts version of it using Q# for free from their website.

I wonder if the 2009 spam wave was engineered by google and the likes

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Educate me.

QC is NOT quantum as pertaining to the physics world. It is more data (2's & 3's) aka more options.

QC hardware is still MANY years away from becoming a viable consumer option.

QC as it is now, is less accurate than current binary models that can be done more cost effectively.

QC is the alchemy of computer science.

Sans major breakthroughs in hardware & software, effective and reliable QC will remain a pipedream for researchers & developers.

are you confusing accuracy with cost efficiency

QC(s) are neither as accurate or cost effective as current binary methods and models.

Super retarded example incoming, please forgive me:

3+3=6 Fact

Sometimes not fact in QC. If many possibilities are given the option to be "right" sometimes the wrong answer is given as right.

Current QC models are accurate to around 90-96pct. I'm shooting from the hip here, the number could be more like 96.6pct

Obviously something like 3+3 is a simple computation. When you get into larger numbers and more complex scientific calculations, QC has shown to be less accurate than what we use today.

Yes that sounds picky but computations need reliability and accuracy when and if that system is responsible for guiding a group of people into making a risky or expensive decision based on the feedback.

If the only explanation you can provide is super retarded then you should not be providing explanation at all.

Would you use a calculator that is only 96 percent accurate to do your taxes with?

Would you use a calculator that is 96 percent accurate to guide your ship to Mars?

Would use a calculator that is 96pct accurate make financial decisions for you?

Would use a calculator that is 96pct accurate guide your vehicle on the freeway at 60 mph?

Would you listen to someone who admits to not being to explain what he is talking about?

is this really how it works?

the 3/5/1 i mean

i want legacy back

ps i used to think recaptcha was BASED because they did the whole book transcribing thing (the pictures with the words you had to type out), but then it became AI google training to kill us fml

It was for a long time, but they added new modes of operation. You still often get those 9 pictures with either 3 or 4 needed to be checked, and sometimes looking at quality of pictures you may be able to determine which is the one they don't know much about, and your answer will be accepted even if you check it incorrectly.

I won't be worried until recaptcha starts asking me to click on all the pictures with NS rebel hideouts. Then I'll start getting a little suspicious.

yeah this is true sometimes i just click three top rows and nothing else for the car even though there's shit in the bottom and it just accepts it

ps i said cars and the fading out + new fading in cars recaptcha came up fml

I hope the Internet goddess knows I love her

China has already given citizenship and personhood to a robot.

search : sophia + robot + saudi arabia

Is she our waifu, user?

I always try to either put in an incorrect choice or not choose every picture containing "x"