Teslas, Teslists, Tellism

The car, the followers, the faith.

At least Nikola (Tesla) was profitable during his life.

Attached: teslism2.png (1200x1548, 47K)

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EM dynamo wheels yaaaaay!

Attached: 1539747303303.gif (717x787, 150K)

Off-topic. Reported.

Whatever happened to that shill who kept spamming these threads with tesla logo = satanism images

>At least Nikola (Tesla) was profitable during his life.
not really

Tesla: contributed to electric world, dies broke
Could say the same about the man.

>Nikola made 0 profits
He got paid for work. Therefore profit.

That isn't how profit works.

>That isn't how profit works.
*laughs in Hayekian*

Attached: hayek.gif (350x343, 67K)

Just saying, modern electric cars fail on one thing now. Price, they fill them with so much bullshit. A lot of people want point a to b. You could sell a brand new electric car for under 20k today if you cut all the bullshit and built it like a real economy car. Honestly economy cars are a thing of the past. Closest thing i can think of is a yaris and they went up in price and now its a "bells and whistles" car. The car industry is fucking dumb.

>modern cars fail on price
It's regulations.
>could have 20k car today
IMO the regulations are moving too fast. A 2013 model car would hardly cost 2/3 as much as back then.

That is true, a lot of older cars couldn't be built today because of regulations and safety standards. I think I will end up building one myself with a kit before i buy.

>mfw Tesla is a fortune 10 company.

Attached: screen-shot-2017-10-18-at-1-46-41-pm-e1508351385743.jpg?quality=82&strip=all&w=1600.jpg (1600x800, 122K)

Attached: screen-shot-2018-06-16-at-1-02-15-pm.jpg?quality=82&strip=all-.jpg (1014x546, 41K)

Attached: dims?quality=100&image_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.blogcdn.com%2Fwww.engadget.com%2Fmedia%2F2013%2F10%2 (606x347, 72K)


Attached: Tesla-Model-S-Fire-Wreckage-Norway.jpg (978x619, 104K)

Attached: tesla-model-s-fire.jpg?quality=82&strip=all.jpg (3342x1238, 865K)

>Who do you think **owns** the press? Hello?!?


Attached: 131109863.jpg?itok=7x1GXfcj.jpg (932x524, 53K)

Attached: tesla-fire-france.png?resize=1600%2C1000&quality=82&strip=all&ssl=1.png (1600x1000, 521K)

The fumes would be horrific.

Attached: 3266166_032618-kgo-tesla-fire-2-img_Image_00-00-01,16.jpg (1280x720, 236K)

That's what respirator masks are for.

Attached: 8-25-17+OC+Tesla+Fire.jpg (1200x712, 75K)

Attached: Tesla-fire-West-Hollywood-NTSB.jpg (1280x371, 472K)

Attached: d.jpg (824x500, 199K)

>That's what respirator masks are for.
First responders will be impeded by donning the masks, and by their heft.
EV are unsafe!

Attached: 5abba799657fae2d008b48aa-750-563.jpg (750x563, 87K)

Found this gem in /o/ , look at what 2 teslas colliding result in.

Attached: 1540151069443.jpg (2159x1477, 374K)

All car fires are, dumb fuck.

What's left of a Tesla Model X

Attached: model-x-burn.jpg (1153x563, 122K)



Attached: tfw_they_keep_falling_f.jpg (331x319, 49K)

Tesla might s well make the car body out of magnesium to compliment the lithium fires.

I just found out i can get a used Leaf for 6k. 87k miles on it so a mildly used battery.
9k for one with 37k miles on it. Why would i buy a tesla?

People trafficking is usually illegal, and I don't think that the Canadian government would appreciate that.