Why is there so much drama lately? Why can't everyone go back to talkimg about politics?

Why is there so much drama lately? Why can't everyone go back to talkimg about politics?

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Because the time for talking is over. We are at war with the left, and only one side can survive.

Because now that SJWs are dying off it's time to turn on one another because none of us were friends in the first place.
Fuck the pseudointellectuals like Soigoy, I'm rolling in the shit that drunk paddy Jim.

aint that hammurabi

Midterm elections is the reason. Reminder the entire internet is under a major psyop right now. Just remember what you were taught in your undergrad logic class and don’t start wildly changing your opinions based on some single thread you read (or even multiples and multiples of threads as we get closer to the election)
It’s all a ploy for your mind. I wish they would leave is alone. But, rest assured the shills are only getting paid until the election, and then we’ll have a (small) but of respite. But yeah it’s because of the midterms. The whole world is impacted because of US midterms. trying to drive everyone in thousands of directions and especially more than anything to demoralize the right and stop anyone from organizing. Just assume everyone is a shill and worst case you’ll feel a bit lonelier than usual until election. But don’t let it go to your head . We’re all still here , and remember we’re frens, familam. Keep your head up, and my advice honestly is to try and avoid the internet as much as possible until election. But if you can’t (like me, often) just realize that that’s what’s going on it’s because of the midterms.

You aren’t losing your mind, you aren’t crazy, I like that you have your own opinions and i am glad that this place exists and mad as hell they are destroying it. Remember to go vote , and we’ll be here again in two weeks or so.

(Also reminder that some anons really are just sitting out on the sidelines during midterm craziness — it’s awful for the mental health ....and all combined , the shill:user proportion is just inflated higher than usual right now).

Stay comfy, fren!

Most of the alt right are actually mentally children and can only throw around personal insults instead of actual arguments

None of them ever had any principles. All these skeptic types have ever been interested in is destroying, not building. It's why it's always "anti-theist" and "anti-SJW." They don't actually care about their countries, or any religion, or code of conduct, or their friends. (This is why they're all very liberal on social issues, and are social-democrats on economic issues but are usually careful to not spill the beans to their pro-Trump audience) The only way you can attack retarded leftists currently is if you're patriotic; since they've reworked SJWs to be more insular, while still aggressively subverting all forms of media and entertainment. If there's no trigglypuff or fish-mouthed red-haired girls to make 10 videos on, these people aren't interested.

The only thing for them to be against now is themselves. This IBS thing started off as simple bandwagoning after one or two entertaining debates, but now they have virtually no content to make so they have to keep doing it anyways; despite the diminishing returns. It reminds me of how the YouTuber STAR_ got sick of playing one game, which his audience liked, and burnt a bunch of bridges to switch to playing another game, only to get bored of that game too. Digged himself into a hole.

Skeptics have nothing new to say, but they'll still cling onto life and post worthless videos anyways. The Amazing Atheist is a good example. But don't worry, they'll always be lurking in the background ready to hijack any meme Jow Forums creates or any fad that becomes popular on the internet. Internet celebrities are pure cancer. Even Jim. If you want current events then read the news, browse Jow Forums, and maybe some blogs. If you want knowledge, read. Watching e-celebs is outright harmful because you inevitably get attached to them, and they'll drag you around forcing you to conform to their personality cult. If you don't get attached then you simply get bored and don't watch.

The guy you posted officially swore off talking about politics so he could be a professional drama streamer.

Sargon is a tranny fucker and cock sucker (true story) that got mad cause his beloved Metokur didn't want anything to with UKIP or to be part of his "big" plans to reform social media.
His recent "let's make gamergate 2 jim and ralph" is a great example of how retarded, deluded, and desperate he is for Jim's attention.

Sign my boobs Sargon-chan

That sounds a bit like the left

Fuck Drama

LOL No, it looks like its opposite

Based and Onionspilled

They are all drama whores sucking cock for shekels.

Anyone see Sagon of Retaad on Jew Rogan?

spot on. i'm sick and tired from yt drama and e-whores.

Well technically he is trying to do politics.
So if someone discussion about him is about politics.
No matter how fucking stupid and gay he is.

Hahaha yeah he showed that he had no life or perspective outside of youtube drama and sjw bashing. I guess he was just in the right place at the right time for that one

I mean for getting big

Sargon must be destroyed. The only way to break free of Liberal ontology is to allow it to progress as quick as possible so the fundamental hypocrisies and lies (equality etc) can see civ collapse on itself. Sargon and his followers wish to see time turned back a couple decades; impossible to do. He is merely acting as a speed bump - a speed bump inhibiting acceleration.

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Sargon is the literal Stepfather of IBS. Without him, there would be no one to laugh at. These guys are making upwards of 12k each month just shitting on septics.

>making 10k or more a month talking about autistic internet drama.
the end cannot come soon enough

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There is drama every time an e-celeb experiences a drop in views.

Sargon's autism is the gift that keeps on giving. Every week, when you start to forget that he exists, he comes back and does something so dumb that you think he's trolling. Every time though, it turns out that he's serious.

t. Basement NEET

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Because all sides have a eerie feeling of the existential threat.
Liberals and globalists feel existentially threatened by the global rise of nationalistic politics and fascistic rhetoric by Trump, Putin, Erdogan, Orban, Bolsenaro, Sisi, Xi, and other so called "strongmen".
Socialists feel existentially threatened by the rise of inequality, incredibly powerful international corporations, and obvious formation of an oligarchical class or hereditary aristocracy.
Conservatives feel existentially threatened by the incredible pace of societal, economical, political changes, and tremendous generational tilt of millennials towards liberalism and embrace of diversity due to internet and diverse exposure in large cities.
Religious fanatics feel existentially threatened by much lower religiosity of new generations and society as a whole.
White nationalists feel existentially threatened by white race becoming a minority in some traditionally white countries.
Minorities feel existentially threatened by the rise of white ethnic nationalism and white supremacy.
Strongmen feel existentially threatened by the rise of the US as a champion of liberalism and human rights, imposed even through military force and economic sanctions.
Oligarchy feels existentially threatened by the rise of trends towards socialism.

Everyone feels existentially threatened and people tend to be extremely deaf to reason when they feel existentially threatened.