Not one of the pol-npcs criticizing Peterson's individualism have familiarized themselves with it

It is adopted and signalled posturing without substance.

So here it is explained:

In the theory that Peterson develops in Maps of Meaning the community is an ever present integral part of the landscape of the individual. The community is the order outside of which unknown and chaos reign. This community is present in every hero myth. It is woven into the substructure of the archetypal landscape. It is where the hero is protected by the walls of the city, where he grows up, learns the wisdom of tradition; and it is in large part for what he lives. Peterson describes the development of the individual growing into an individual in relation to his community. He describes the mythic structure and variance in great depth. The hero intermediates between order and chaos, the community and the outside world. He travels into the unknown always in part for the sake of his community. And for the sake of his own growth (think initiation rites), which is always also growth in his capacity to serve his community. But the hero never departs on his journey for personal glory alone. Never. The glory is empty without the community. When the hero completes his journey successfully he shares the treasure with his tribe. For the community. Rewarded by the community. Always. The archetype of a Hero that Peterson develops over hundreds of pages is an individual but nothing like the Ayn-Randian type of atomised individual who can succeed on his own, solely for his own sake. Beowulf or Simba are nothing like John Galt or Ragnar Danneskjöld. Peterson's individual is the Logos that by rejuvenating his community prevents it from regressing into tyranny.

And the TL;DR version:

The hero goes on a journey to the unknown that exists outside the borders of his community. He kills the dragon and gets the gold. He brings the gold back to his community and gets the beautiful virgin, as he now, appreciated and admired for his feats by his fellow males, exists near the summit of the male hierarchy.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This goy... he gets it.

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Peterson man bad.

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Everyone knows the hero's journey fuckface

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Yes, Peterson can help you out of the nihilist abyss (forward or backwards, that's your decision). His theories/teachings are interesting and helpful.
Joseph Campbell talked about similar things btw
I like when he was fighting the gender pronouns shitstorm in Canada. The Joe Rogan podcasts with him were the GOATs, short and focused.
I don't like the not self-aware rockstar Peterson being critic even with Kavanaugh.
And 12 rules is boring, same message could be deliver in a 2-hour podcast.

who cares what he says? He tells people to stand up to leftists and speak the truth and he tells Kavanaugh to stand down and let the mob take his head so that 'healing can occur'.

That's like Degrasse Tyson saying we should give astrology a chance, justifying it in another tweet, then writing a 14 000 word blog trying to convince people he was just thinking aloud.

Peterson's family should be strung up, bled out, air dried, then turned into crispy barbecue meats.

And then the same community stabs that hero in the back, the virgin that was given to him turns out to have been riding Tyrone's dick for years, the child she gives birth to is not even his and he gets divorce raped and loses most of the money that community showered him with at the start. There is absolutely no reason to fight for the sake of a community that cannot maintain itself, defend itself and is founded on deception and not integrity. Any individual such community produces will be deeply flawed by extension, and that can be clearly observed in the youth of today.

Peterson is the guy who claims that his daugher's autistic meat diet is incredibly healthy, but is so fragile that a mild amount of apple cider causes him profound psychological and physiological symptoms for a month. (Even if you follow Peterson in blaming toxins etc., wouldn't a healthy body be able to resist those toxins?)

Tbh, they both have an autoimmune disorder of some kind, so while it may be healthy for them, it may not be healthy for others.

The developers of Quest for Glory 1-4 saga (originally Hero's Quest but the name had to be changed due to trademark dispute) understood the hero archetype and the mythic landscape extremely well. The graphics are what they were 25 years ago, but the tale is like told by a Tolkien.

And here is a neat archetypal pattern of the hero's journey, the place of rest and recovery on the journey is feminine:

Can the community feel pride and responsibility for the creation of said hero? Legit question

Campbell is great. I have every book he ever wrote 1 metre from me as I'm writing this. A whole self for them in the home library. But my favourite work on archetypes is still Seven Basic Plots by Christopher Booker. He of course borrowed a ton from Campbell and Jung but the scope of his work in one single tome is admirable. He worked on it for 35 years. You don't have to agree with him on the inviolability of the traditional patterns and narratives to reflect on them in the light of modernity and modern storytelling that for better or worse broke free from the conventions. The following one star review of the book (to which I would naturally give 5 stars) is my all-time favourite review on Amazon. After first unfairly tearing the whole work apart and deeming it worthless, it proceeds to give a fascinating view into the modern understanding and outlook that wants to free itself of what it sees as the restrains and shackles of archetypes and traditions: (recommended reading to anyone who is a student of literature).

It is easy to agree with the reviewer's part truth. There is a lot of great modern literature that go against the archetypes. And it is invigorating to at times think to hell with this burden of history and biology pressing on me, I, am a free man. And it is necessary counterbalance against the regression into tyranny. Yet the modern tragedy is that we cannot escape our nature. Even after we think we have successfully struggled free the archetypes remain and haunt the unconscious. This is what Peterson means with rescuing the father: We cannot build without foundations and we lose our bearings at our peril.

I automatically read it in his Kermit voice. The writing style is just so similar to his. Do you have a finnish proxy Dr Peterstein?

I’ll agree with peterson. The group is after all made of indeviduals who assist each other and make up the community.

Here's the basic mythological landscape as drawn by Peterson. It's an endless cycle of building on foundations.

Without building things stagnate and fall apart. Thus pure traditionalism is death.

Neglect and dismissal of the foundations leads to the walls of the city crumbling, the shared centre breaking apart, to all cohesion lost. And the surrounding chaos invades where order should reign. Thus multiculturalism and relativism are death.

Thus the archetypal hero is constantly and simultaneously protecting the foundations and moving onwards into the unknown. It can no other if it is to survive. This is why Peterson is so adamant that conservatives and liberals need each other as counterbalancing forces. And thus the current drifting apart is symptomatic of the civilizational crisis we are falling into.

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Didn't read

But i will say i cant wait for one of you retards to come up with a meme instead of "her derr no you" you invalidate everything coming out your mouth after that brainlet.

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There is unavoidable irony in the most closed hivemind on the internet coming up with a meme that accuses others of just repeating mindless memes.

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Yeah, those Discord comments are definitely not sarcastically playing into the meme

>most closed hivemind on the internet
>no barrier to entry, no censorship, anonymous.
Being this retarded. pick one retard and only one.

>a meme that accuses other of using mindless memes.
Clearly doesnt even know what a meme is, do you know how retarded you look right now.

the sarcasm is memetic

Meme was defined in evolutionary theory decades before you "learned" it was a paintbrush picture.

Not really because

Wait for it
Its just funny and you shouldn’t take memes so seriously

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>doesn't understand what a meme is or how they work.

Ok retard.

So is culture in general. If you didn’t have memes you’d have no way of communicating. I think you need to lighten up, baud.

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Everybody pays 50-80% taxes to fat cats so they can burn it in luxury stuff due to our lack of individualism. We give gibs to shitty people, accept low paying jobs, receive immigrants who crap all over the town... all because we lack it

It wasn’t so much ‘defined’ as it was ‘proposed’ to further a point about biological evolution. Did you read the book?

The definition was left open to further development. Only natural and to be expected. It is very difficult to define something as conceptually complex as a meme unequivocally. The same with phenotype and many other terms in evolutionary theory.

It is simple to conceptualize only if you think a meme is a funny paintbrush picture like your fellow Canuck above.

awful lot of memeflags

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ive no problem with his jungian stuff
its everything else that ive a problem with

Nice copy pasta.

seems like a fat load of nonsense. his videos are indoctrinating, mind numbing dreck.

Almost as if hes just a stupid conman or something with no real principles.

No pride in collective bad.
Induvidual good.
Individual hero in story.
Kill dragon for daddy.

He posted an identical post in a thread yesterday. Either its copypasta or he was such an self absorbed fag he felt a need to post it again.

you forgot the main peterson script

if (race!=white)

Traditions can’t be relyed on.
Niether can modern culture.
Order is good.
But change is also good.
Up is sometimes good.
But down is also good.
Induvidual is good,
But culture we get from society good too!
Communist are bad!
Nazi are bad!

But my rug.

Yes, and this is obvious to everyone without mental issues.

Well that too. But you have to add a bunch of bullshit about choas and order and dragons first.
Otherwise no sheckles!

>without mental issues

You suffer from Peterson derangement syndrome, mate. You buried the thread yesterday under a flood of 100 posts about what can only be assumed was your imaginary little brother (I hope, otherwise seek professional help). Long tirades how he is no longer coming for your sit-downs. With you (and your parents as you described) talking down to him, an adult man, and disrespecting him personally for liking Peterson. It was just pure crazy. You disparaged "him" for working hard and trying to get ahead. Condescendingly sure he wouldn't get anywhere. And when some good soul asked you 20 times to tell about your brother, what it was you actually disagreed with, in reply you just repeated how much you hated Peterson. And this "brother" become a very contradictory character in your tirades. He had no other attributes than your hatred of Peterson. None. You hated Peterson and that was all there was to your brother, to how you described him. It was just crazy outburst after another. And then you started demanding that people agree with you Peterson is bad. That was your brother. I assumed you invented the whole brother thing as a fiction of "look at what Peterson does to people". Although even then it was only you that sounded crazy, not your "brother". But Jesus if it was a real brother, go and see a therapist. You have some serious issues to solve.

That is not a Peterson script as he is against all fractionary identity politics. He tries to conceptualize the community and group-identity on a metalevel. You'd agree with him if we lived in your pure nation state. You would want to protect the whole and not see it break down into warring identity fractions. Nation state would be your metalevel. The circle to draw around everything. The centre that holds together. Peterson thinks that something like that can still be salvaged and our civilization is not destined to break apart.

It is far more complex than:

White man bad.
White man no tribe.

All of this is shit you said already yesterday. Thank you I am sure lobster daddy thanks you for your service.

Peterson wants you to become a normalfag and marry hand-me-down mudsharks. Kill yourself.

Nice memeflag cowardly kike

>Whites getting married and having children is a bad idea

Declining white demographics is one of our biggest problems. Peterson consistently defends marriage, nuclear families, life-long relationships and the commitment it requires, the importance of fathers and having biological children being the highest thing most people can achieve and experience in their lives. He would naturally disagree regarding someone like Newton or Nietzsche, but to most people.

So Peterson is very much for traditional family values. Unlike the leader of white nationalists, who was just dumped by his wife for beating her up several times, dragging her around the floors by the hair, cheating on her and consistently telling her she was submediocre human trash because he was famous and she wasn't. Such family values. Such an example to set for the children. What a foundation to build a white future on. At least he wasn't like that deranged Peterson eh, who has been with the same woman since he was 7-years-old, first as best friends, then as teenage sweethearts, then as a married couple with children and now as grandparents. Quite an incredible story in itself.

> he is against all fractionary identity politics.
he has only ever openly condemned one
yes you can infer what you want from his postmodern blob of jungian stuff but the message he has fashioned for the general public is very clear

Benefits of the diet seem to be very real for his daughter. The apple cider thing was laughable at least in the form he told it on Rogan's podcast. And there are other stupid things he has said and done. Big Bear (the christian stand-up comic / pianist / youtuber) did a good compilation on them. If you are looking for some sort of mentor who will never disappoint you, stop looking. Peterson has some very interesting ideas and sometimes he is an idiot. But the balance is clearly on the positive. That's about it.

wash your penis

>he has only ever openly condemned one

That is so false it's not even wrong.

the closest thing he has said to condemn sjws is that "there must be a line the left cannot cross just like there is a line the right cannot cross"
thats it
but he never went and stated what line that is
his past tirades against pcness have turned out to be a cheap bid for attention as he now fully sided with the sjw kangaroo courts in the US

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>Peterson will save Canada
So he is going to save Canada, a country that is changing/losing its current demographics, by telling his white audience to be more individualistic. Yes goy, don't look at the other groups in your country. Be the brave hero that saves the virgin and stuff.
Now go clean your benis.

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Peterson is like your grandma, who tells you to do things that you already know you should do, but it’s good to hear someone else say it never the less.

>he now fully sided with the sjw kangaroo courts in the US

Why build your views on claims you know are false.

I listened to his lectures, there's a lot of interesting stuff he brings up. The problem is not individualism, it's that he is a dishonest piece of shit.
Tribalism is bad, unless you're a jew. He is clearly a psyop.

His role is to subvert racial identity among whites. Get gassed along with Peterstein, Moshe.

It’s true that great communities are formed by great individuals and you have to save Gepetto from the ass of the dragon to become a real man. It’s also true that Peterson uses the individualistic reality to obscure the individual’s tie to the community in the first place other than as an atomized, almost non-participative segment of it.

But not for his wife’s people. Their tribe as he would put it is perfectly justified in having a community to associate with preferentially. Just whites shouldn’t do it

These claims are ridiculous. Jews are intermarrying themselves out of existence in the West. 50% of Jews marry a white what-you-would-call gentile. Google for Jews intermarriage. 'Gentile' intermarriage rate is 10%. Jewish intermarriage rate outside of Israel is 50%. They hate whites so much every second one of them marries one.

And this fact about Jewish identity politics, i.e. lack of them, before even touching the crazy claim that Peterson would be motivated by some secret Jewish interests. Give your heads a wobble. Jesus.

>And 12 rules is boring
Remarkably boring, didn't cry about Pinocchio once in the entire book.

Maps of Meaning far more interesting and better book. But I can understand that it's not for a general audience.

If you have any sense the 50% intermarriage rate should be a killer for your anti-semitism. Every second jew marries a gentile. Think about what it means for a second. Hate the Hollywood Jews and media Jews and their ideological gentile brethren, but to hate the Jew generally when every second one of them marries a gentile. It's not very sane, is it?

Didn't know that pointing at a group that has roots on the top is considered hate.
For how long have they intermarried with gentiles and how do their kids identify. If its from a long time, it doesn't seem that the jewish community is declining at this rate.
It either means that the 50% intermarriage is wrong OR that their kids become jews themselves most of the time.

One drop rule. Especially since their ethnic identity and shared victim complex is so large. They just try to whiten their bloodline to make it more competent but pass along only a Jewish identity, partially because they have such a high ingroup preference and many, dare I say, hate non-Jewed whites. I’m not saying Peterson is part of a conspiracy, though it’s not out of the realm of possibility. If you’d read my post you’d know I’m saying he’s a hypocrite. He’s also a gatekeeper and willfully ignorant of one of the biggest factors in societal cohesion.

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>doesn't understand memes within the contaxt of social media.
Thinks memes are hard to define while posting on Jow Forums.

Thats because you are a retard are your hamstering word salad only highlights that further.

unless he has retracted his twitter and blogpost about it, its true

He defends Jewish nepotism in areas of media, politics and financial power in western nations with bullshit debunked IQ rhetoric and then ignores anyone that btfo his argument. He should have never went there but he did and now he is an intellectually dishonest hypocrite but go ahead and buy his rug goy. Be an individual goy. White people who collectivize are nazi goy. Its ok for the jews goy because they are so smart. Trust them goy.

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If they hated whites they wouldn't marry them. It really is that simple. All of them are normal love marriages and not personal sacrifices to marry spouses you don't love to "whiten the bloodline" for the Jewish cause. You know it makes no sense. The alternative is that they don't hate whites. And they will become whites at this rate, the Jew as a separate ethnic group will disappear in the West by 2100. The ashkenazi DNA was 2/3 white European to begin with.

And take any of the groups where some Jews have (had) a negative impact. I of course acknowledge this. The University. Media. Hollywood. Speculative finance. Philanthropy of the Soros type. You will notice that the whites who work there alongside the Jews are exactly the same ideologically. Even Kevin MacDonald consistently admits this in Culture of Critique. Franz Boas was a Jew. Margaret Mead and Ruth Benedict were gentiles. And so forth through every movement with a strong Jewish presence. The leftist Jew and the leftist gentile. Try tell them apart racially. You will have a hopeless task finding a defining role for ethnicity itself as the driving force.

So to concentrate on ideologies as Peterson does, instead of race, when mapping our situation remains the more sensible option. Even as a white nationalist, as you can be a white nationalist by proxy by being against multiculturalism and immigration. This is crucially significant when you consider the realism of the matter. Where we are regarding the Overton window. Peterson is currently the most famous and popular intellectual in the West. And he gets his message about marriage, traditionalism, personal responsibility, the value of Western Civilization across to millions if not already tens of millions of people. If he had talked about race, nevermind Jewish conspiracies, he wouldn't have got any message across to anyone. If you think he would, go and do it.

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The heroes journey isn't original content. It's a long standing trope in mythology and modern storytelling.
LOTR, Star Wars, etc all share it.
Juden Peterstein has most definitely not invented this.
He definitely has his uses, but he's far from an ally. He's a boomer hippy leftist who thinks the left has gone too far, and doesn't realize that his era's leftism would inevitably lead to the leftism of today.

Yes its perferable to stay an individual when facing mass immigration from collective cultures goy. Definitely a winning strategy goy.

>its ok he is a sham because at least its a nice sham
if thats how your typical yurop thinks, no wonder your continent is lost

The Kavanaugh nonsense was probably his lowest point. I followed it throughout and did an analysis of it in quite some length. Pride is certainly a sin he suffers from. He knew he was wrong long before he kind-of-admitted-it. But that doesn't make him "a full SJW".

>jungian archetype ((((psychology)))) pseudoscience


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Of course the hero's journey is not original content. His multidisciplinary analysis of it is original content.

I've lived near them growing up. The city I went to school in had a large community of jews.
Everything about jews is cowardly, prideful and greedy. While the average jew I lived near might not have had the power or influence that bankers and media elite might have, they still shared those same, disgusting traits their more powerful cousins had.
The only difference between the average kike and the wealthy kike is power and this merely affects the ways in which they can lash out against the goyim.
If they're rich, they push for policies to genocide whites; if they're middle class, they harass their neighbors by calling the cops or the city ordinance officers on them.
Give a kike power and influence and they're nearly all the same. It's in their blood and it's in their culture. And as we say, "culture is downstream from genetics, and politics is downstream from culture."

It's really not though. It's basically Jungian archetypes repackaged for a millennial audience.
This isn't without value, but he's hardly an original thinker.

I think Peterson is absolutely spot on with his idea of individualism. All he is saying is to accept responsibility, which I view more as a right quality than a left. His core principles can absolutely fit within most pol political beliefs

>It's in their blood

Their "blood" is 2/3 is white European and 50% of them are marrying "white blood". Every second one of them marries a gentile. So clearly the Jews you met either were not generally representative or you mischaracterized them.

He's a hypocrite for attacking white men identifying with their ethnic group.

Apologies to everyone else, I thought this guy was trying to discuss these things in good faith.
Saged, and won't be back.

his most original contribution has been his postmodern deconstruction of what truth is; all in the tradition of the same people he claims to despise

I have read Jung and I have read Maps of Meaning and while Maps of Meaning is highly influenced by Jung it is also a very original work of human thought. There is naturally much he gets wrong and his thought at times wanders through the pages, but if you have read hundreds or thousands of books and are in the highest 0,5% or so in intelligence and are looking for something to stimulate your thoughts, and especially if you value the archetypal landscape, myths and narratives, it's a great book. It's not for everyone, but it is a great work.

Yeah but the dragon in reality a metaphor for immorality, which no man but Jesus has been able to slay. Jesus wasn't a metaphor either.

Their "blood" remains 2/3 white European despite your protestations. And 50% of Western Jews are marrying "white blood" despite your refusal to acknowledge it. Every second one of them marries a gentile although this doesn't compute with your view of the Jew. So clearly the Jews you met either were not generally representative or you mischaracterized them. OK, so it was the latter.

>civic nationalist
Just like all individualists his main flaw lies in the fact that everything he preaches is meaningless if you let the tribe be destroyed. It's putting the cart before the horse.

I don't think they will disappear from the west. They have been there for a very long time. And just as any other ethnicity, they vote in certain patterns. Yeah, you can point to the leftist scum who do the same shit, but I cant point to even a single jew who wishes a western country to remain white.
>Because we iz multi-kulti and what even is white.

We can make the same observation in other groups. #NotAll doesn't really explain why another group of people should be in your country, doing their own shit, many times going against the inner workings of the nation.
To the point they have fucking organizations in the USA that are openly jewish, and if jews don't support them, they sure don't care about them. You know why? Because they are the same group. This isn't anything new, it has happened since forever.

>you can be a white nationalist by proxy
They are losing their countries. Look who has the most and least kids. Look at their schools. What do you see?
How can one be a nationalist, if he loses his country to a new identity? Again, telling your WHITE audience to be even more individualistic, isn't going to help much. It seams more like a fantasy than anything else.
>live your life and have fun, don't care much for your community
Ive been hearing this from westerners for a long time.

>go and do it
I dont live in a country that is getting its own people replaced by every other group on the planet. And i have no will to buy a ticket to canada, to tell them that they are getting fucked.
Most of them can see it. Private conversations with canadians have led me to the conclusion, that just as any other western people, they are to afraid to speak what the think. To the point where they are willing to burn their whole community as long it doesnt paint them as "Racists". This is what you get with individualism. Wanting more of it, wont fix a single thing.

>despite the same character traits appearing time and time again in jews this is not representative of them as a whole


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>If they hated whites they wouldn't marry them.
They hate Europeans because they are jealous of their accomplishments and envy their beauty, spirit, and creative force.

If you can't beat em, racemix with em goyim.

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those heroic epics are entertainment and idealism - fantasy - not a reflection of reality
group action isn't evil, it's a necessity to protect yourself from other groups
Peterson's whining amounts to someone trying to stop a successful survival strategy because they disagree with it. The west has been trying that and it isn't working.
He's a boomer that's afraid of nationalist revolution, nothing more.

>but if you have read hundreds or thousands of books and are in the highest 0,5% or so in intelligence and are looking for something to stimulate your thoughts, and especially if you value the archetypal landscape, myths and narratives, it's a great book. It's not for everyone, but it is a great work.

Christ you are an insufferable cunt.

>petersons book dont make sense to you low IQ brainlets
>only I can understand peterson


>If you are looking for some sort of mentor who will never disappoint you, stop looking. Peterson has some very interesting ideas and sometimes he is an idiot. But the balance is clearly on the positive. That's about it.

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>I cant point to even a single jew who wishes a western country to remain white.

How about the Jew who is in charge of Trump's immigration policy and who gentile liberals call a nazi?

When white nationalism enjoys below 1% support among whites it really isn't a thing that there aren't many Jewish white nationalists. On average when you adjust for social class they are somewhat more liberal than whites and especially they are more likely to vote Democrats in the USA.

There is an innate propensity for certain narratives. So clearly they have had an adaptive function and value.

>How about the Jew who is in charge of Trump's immigration policy
Demographics still changing. Immigration is only one small part.
Also the leftists throw "Nazi" at everything at this point. Im surprised that the word hasn't lost its meaning at this point.

>When white nationalism enjoys below 1%
Well then they are truly fucked if that's the case. To the point where they need to call it white nationalism, when in reality, its only nationalism.

in as much as they are an emergent result of dominance politics sure, but they are also subject to market forces, in which losers in the dominance hierarchy have now a disproportionately high representation and voice

Yes, people don't want to talk about intelligence, unless we are talking about negroes, but it's the truth, that has to be said sometimes. Unless you have read hundreds of books on the topics and have the intelligence to try and analyse the patterns Peterson tries to build in Maps of Meaning, there is little value to you reading it. You won't understand any of it. It will go over your head. It's the truth. It is in fact what Murray and Herrnstein say on the first pages of Bell Curve, just the fact that you are reading it makes it probable that you are in the highest 2%.

>Well then they are truly fucked if that's the case.

In Sweden, with a population of 10 million, and with the worst demographic situation in the West, the white nationalists got couple of thousand votes (Jow Forums unironically thought they could get 4%). White nationalism can only happen by proxy. Secure the borders by being against multiculturalism and immigration. Get the white birth rate up by being for traditional family values. This is the realism. The way that people like Peterson, Jimmie Åkesson or Douglas Murray each in their own way are travelling is the only realistic way there is. There is no other. It's pure fantasy. Jow Forums is a dead-end. There will never be anything even resembling the image of this board in the real world getting mass support. It's collective fantasy signalled here. Will never amount to anything. This is clear. And many here have to know it. But what else will they do? It never was about actually changing the world. You are not here for years if you want to change the world. You are just here. And that's all there is to it. It's just performance of imagined identities. A sort of social home for many who dream of a white nation they will never have. It's not real.

Many of the narratives we have a propensity for were group-selectional adaptations. Think of the highest form of heroism. The hero who sacrifices himself so that his community can live.

The thing is, Peterson's individualism is the exact individualism Jow Forums always have been agains't

Everyone want's to be a snowflake and race and multiculturalism doesn't matter, this is Jordan Peterson's words, these things will never ring well with any sort of nationalist if he has any respect for his own values.

He has some good points, he has alot of valuable lessons for all NEETs stuck in the abyss, but stop parading him around like every aspect of his opinions are golden, you fucking NPC.

group selected BY THE WINNERS
only after mass media what the losers want became more important because collectively, the losers spend a lot more money than winners as they vastly outnumber them

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"Also the leftists throw "Nazi" at everything at this point. Im surprised that the word hasn't lost its meaning at this point."

It has lost its meaning. When one of these Antifa types screams "Nazis" at anything that they think looks sane you think they are thinking about the 1930s German National Socialists? It is Pavlov dog conditioning with these golems. But here we are at NPC again so I'm done.

>it will never happen
When you keep promoting even more individualism, of course it wont happen. This "fantasy" you talk about, is true for most other countries. Again, why are people not wanting to support nationalism? I already said, that this is the result of runaway individualism. Throw your community under the bus, as long as you don't get hit. Peterson wont be saving much of the west by promoting more of it. Closing the borders and promoting more kids, will not result in only white kids. You still have this "minority" that are making AND will make more kids than the whites.

>You are not here for years if you want to change the world.
Oh, im sorry that I chose to spend my free time here. I will go and.. clean my benis again.