What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Idk, they are the ruling party in Poland. Oppose immigration and are generally nationalist. What's to be hated or am I missing something?
What happened?
They are center-left fiscally, but at least cherish that a right-wing socially party is ruling and we don't have any muslim refugees, unlike what would've been under PO.
It depends what do you mean by "wrong"
>we don't have any muslim refugees, unlike what would've been under PO
wrong, PIS took 2,7 rapefugees plus over milion Ukrainians, plus few thousand of shitskins from India Nepal and Bangladesh and now they want to import even more of them.
>we don't have any muslim refugees
they demonstrated why there should be voting passed whenever the ruling party wishes to replace someone in the position of prime minister and or other influential positions of power
Yes, there is an intake of immigrants from distant countries, including muslims, but those aren't refugees, but economic migrants who come here on strict visas to work.
Didn't mean to sage that btw.
lol pis
that's even fucking worse you retard, they import them to make sure fucking prywaciarze kurwy don't have to raise wages, fuck them
Doesn't Polen have the same GDP per capita as Romania, one is 15k usd the other like 14k?
in both cases both countries shared the same economic fate of losing their self sufficiency
I don't get your point?
You would rather import trash that doesn't work and leaches welfare, rather than immigrants who at least come here to work?
>to make sure fucking prywaciarze kurwy don't have to raise wages, fuck them
Lower cost of production means cheaper products. If you are afraid of shitskins affecting your pay, get a real job.
PiS looks in the right direction, but doesn't have the brains to get to the right end.
Basically, the sole role of PiS is to remove obvious złodzieje and kurwy. Nothing more unfortunately. They are just too stupid to fix this country.
>You would rather import trash
No you tard, I would rather import neither.
>Lower cost of production means cheaper products
again, wrong you fucking cunt, majority of Janusze biznesu make products for foreign markets, you won't buy most of the shit they produce in Poland
>If you are afraid of shitskins affecting your pay, get a real job.
I bet you think everyone should be programmer doctor or lawyer or eat grass, am I right mr. Kurwin-Mycka?
PiS are even worse than złodzieje and kurwy they promised to remove. PO were cynical thieves. PIS are cucktholic thieves who think they have moral high ground.
they have good ideas, but terrible execution.
>social program for newborn kids called 500+ to increase demographic growth (500 zł a month per kid)
instead of giving a 500 tax relief every month to the parents, they created a gigantic beurocratic machine to do it and hired thousands of beurocrats, which costs the budget not 500 zł, but probably twice as much.
Good ideas, but they have no fucking idea how to execute them properly.
>No you tard, I would rather import neither.
>that's even fucking worse you retard
Difficult to have a discussion in such aggressive manner from your side. In any case, which political party would you vote for?
to kłamstwo, wzieliśmy więcej
po co do cholery nam pontonowych czy innych jak stan naszej służby zdrowia jest tragiczny?
>PiS are even worse than złodzieje and kurwy they promised to remove. PO were cynical thieves. PIS are cucktholic thieves who think they have moral high ground.
Kind of true. Although, I think most of PiS members do evil because of pure stupidity, not evil intentions. Most of them want to do good, but as I said, they don't have the brains.
In the long run PiS will do much damage so I hope a miracle happens by the next elections.
Fun fact: PiS may actually be preparing for a total Ukraine collapse. They are trying to 'spolonizowac' young ukrainians so when the collapse happens, they won't totally chimp out. the problem is obviously bandera cult, but for now most of those are still in ukraine.
Razem SLD or Ruch Narodowy, the first two would import shitskins but at least they wouldn't lie about it, plus they would support workers rights
Ruch Narodowy is a decent option, I agree.
But I seriously don't understand how could you think of supporting both Razem and RN, they are polar opposites on social issues and immigration.
like I said, at least they wouldn't lie about importing shitskins and would fight against Janusze biznesu, and on social issues- I don't give a fuck about fags or muh aborted babbies
>If you are afraid of shitskins affecting your pay, get a real job.
thats how it starts. then they settle there. have families there. then theres millions of them and they are claiming Poland is their home just as much as it is yours.
They showed us who they really are, korwin warned us
They propose a 75% tax on individuals earning above a million złotychs.
You understand, that if such tax was accepted, people would do everything to avoid paying it, and just outsource their jobs and companies abroad?
I hope you vote for Ruch Narodowy in any case, they are the biggest anti-immigrant party I guess.
An both have most of their workers abroad being a slave.
>bycie nieironicznie pisowcem
Jaki kurwa smród xD
>Ruch kryptopedałów
A lubisz w dupe?
You're way too optimistic. I don't think PiS or any politician for that matter plans that far ahead. PiS simply tries to put out the fires and to stay in power for as long as possible. There were labour shortages so PiS filled them with cheap workforce from Ukraine. Now that reservoir of cheap labour in Ukraine is dry so they started to import Nepali / Bangladeshi and others people form the Indian peninsula. They doing it simply because the employers want to keep the wages as low as possible and avoid having to modernize and invest in new technologies.
this, PIS are retards, plain and simple, they have no plan other than be christcucks and grab as much money as possible
Didn't they pay to have "Fort Trump" built on Polish soil and Corporal Tyrone to fuck Polish women?
national bolsheviks trying to ruin this country
>national bolsheviks
I wish. They're just cuctholic cuckservatives.
>American soldier
>Fuck anything beside other mutt-oldiers
and both has the largest brain drain yet seen in their history
the biggest problem is that we have no fucking economic independence anymore whatsoever and that we've been colonized by foreign corporations who have a tax haven here
Ukraine must collapse. We must do it to infiltrate Poland and take more land for Reichskommissariat Ukraine. It is part of Hoвa Укpaїнa. Poland must be destroyed
Proof that libertardians are our enemies.
KYS traitor
Being a money grabbing socialist dumpster fire of a formation who tax everything they can without calling it a tax, repress legal small business, promote foreign corporations and generally penalize the plebs for playing by the rules.
The anti-immigrant and patriotic rhetoric is the most crude and unsophisticated bytesize input formatted for the socially conservative NPCs when PiS actually lets in non-vetted, non-vaccinated, fake id, fake education, low IQ UKRs, Pajeets and Flips.
We're fucked for the coming years as there is no emerging political force in sight to play a quasi-republican role. It will just take a little longer to crumble than in the West.
That's something that will take decades to rebuild, if ever.
I still cringe when people cite Balcerowicz as any kind of economic authority.
There was a Polish user who's grandma was in the Polish secret police (what happened to him BTW?) He said everyone in the party was replaced slowly with other, pro-EU, anti-Polish officials.
A Co z głosowaniem na ruch narodowy?