why did he do it Jow Forums? Such a disturbing incident
Vegas shooting
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He was a gun runner caught up in a coup attempt on Prince Salim or whoever. If you believe the official narrative you've got to be fucking retarded.
Why is nobody talking about this anymore?
uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh after investigating for months we don't really know why he did it. also he was a pedo or something LOL
t. fbi
really, despite the fact there were 2 women mocking white people before the shooting (actually on the damn police report) and he had a liberal faggot asian wife
just ignore the physical impossibilities with the incident, the emails about gun sales, the missing hard drives, the coincidences of the time of the event etc
he was just a weird pedo who snapped or something lmao
thats what the police said so it must be true
>all those people on the ground love homos
Colour me surprised.
Trump derangement syndrome. He killed trump supporters
Paddock may have considered attacking other events. He had researched large-scale venues in cities such as Boston since at least May 2017,[12] and had reserved a room overlooking the August 2017 Lollapalooza festival in Chicago, but did not use it.[13] According to his girlfriend, she and Paddock were at the Mandalay Bay during an earlier stay a month before the attack when he repeatedly cased out Las Vegas Village from different windows in their room.[14] From September 17, Paddock stayed at The Ogden in Downtown Las Vegas, which overlooked the open-air Life Is Beautiful festival that ran from September 22 to September 24.[14][5] His internet search terms from mid-September included "swat weapons", "ballistics chart 308", "SWAT Las Vegas", and "do police use explosives".[14]
old and broke duh
so lets shoot people because of it. Thats real logical. Fucking faggot
Mad Stan was my first redpill.
Why not? Haven't you ever been bored?
In reality - the death of the nation and the tribe. There was no place for him in society, so why not strike out at it. The same thing happens with all tribal animals.
oh are you projecting?
To prove how much damage one man can do.
I've read a lot about trends in suicide and mass shootings, spree killings, and other murders. But sure, there are biases. I just think it's more realistic than the conspiracy theories.