This is a 11 years old Brazilian girl

This is a 11 years old Brazilian girl
Google Mc Melody if you don't believe me.

Now tell me again why pedophilia is wrong.

Attached: f7e24598fbbe5fe6d946126d284ae810.jpg (1080x1239, 1.55M)

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man what are they putting in the water?

so, does she?

Attached: 1538580965549.png (303x566, 163K)

Twll me again why youve not.killed yourself

The hotness of the kids is irrelevant.

fuck you kike, sage everything


I refuse to believe she’s 11

Jesus Christ, MODS!!!!


She may look like an adult on pics, but i´m pretty sure i could figure out she´s 11 by just seeing her in person. Make the date, keep it discrete.

Because fuckers like you need a bullet to your head.

Isnt pedo rape the national sport in India?

>It’s real
Uh guys

Don't, it's real

Just because her parents make her into a slut doesnt make it ok to fuck her.
She has the mind of a child, kys

And people around here say Brazilians aren't ass and sex-obsessed

just like my japanese animes

Are you implying most women don’t? Because that’s a shit argument to make.

Fair point.

Believe it user I have a cousin like that except who’s 13. (((They))) want to make the girls look older and the guys into feminine faggots.

Born: February 4, 2007 (age 11 years), São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Full name: Gabriella Abreu Severino
Parents: Thiago Abreu
Siblings: Bella Angel

there's your clue right there, Gabriella.
angel gabriel is behind this. he's Hashem.

>It's okay to fuck kids if they look like hot adults

You can't fuck kids because they're still developing and don't know right from wrong. Not that women ever know this...

Attached: Women are crazy.jpg (500x500, 275K)

>yfw oppai loli in your lifetime

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What was 'her' original boy name?


she will look 80 at 25

I see this a lot with the dance troupes. They throw stage makeup on little girls and make them look like whores. It's shameful.

My erections are reserved for 16+ girls, because turning 16...magically changes you.

Attached: jailbait mexico.jpg (625x505, 41K)

More like in Pakistan. Normal rape is a national sport here.

15 in 3 women in India have faced sexual assault in their life. #MeToo #BelieveWomen

this is more of an example of why degenerate culture is wrong. This 11 year old is hyper sexualized and wearing adult slutwear. In a normal "drunk chick at the party" scenario, she could probably ruin a grown mans life because theyd never even think to ask for ID

hard times ahead, when capitalism collapses times will be hard for a while, this generation is preparing. Harder times mean faster maturity for more offspring to replace those who inevitably get killed in the constant turmoil and violence.

>This is a 11 years old girl
Looks like just another ugly old hag.
>pedophilia is wrong
Pedophilia is good, little girls are hot. But no pedophile would like an ugly tarted up bitch like that. This is what a sexy girl looks like.

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American girls age 2x fast as the rest of the world, thanks suntan promotion, microplastics and hormones in drinking water

jesus fucking christ not even bolsonaro can stop this ride.

Muslims would even fuck babies if they began menstruating.

the only reason pedos exist is because they are too lazy to put in work to get a woman so they go after little girls. its really pathetic

you have elderly tastes for a muslime

I hope you get chemically castrated you disgusting, vile, piece of shit

>everything i dont like people doing, they do it because they are lazy
t. pol