/hue/volution - BASED WITZEL EDITION

On prisoners' rights twitter.com/PeterCozy/status/1050774090808741888
On thot patrol twitter.com/RealVinceJames/status/1050042805551128576

>2nd round polls: BOLSONARO 57% X HADDAD 43% (((Ibope)))
Bolsonaro vs. Haddad run-off will happen in October 28th.

Jair Bolsonaro is the front-runner in Brazil's presidential election. He is a conservative Christian, pro-gun, a former army captain, and the only candidate with no corruption charges against him. He's looking to modernise the lethargic Brazilian economy with the aid of UChicago economist Paulo Guedes. He wants to align Brazil's foreign policy with Western nationalist governments against the influence of China, Eurasianism and regional socialism (Venezuela and Cuba). He has a hard stance on crime and supports increasing the power of police forces and the army to tackle Brazil's drug and violence problems. Under heavy fire from the media and academia, with an extremely restricted campaign budget, and having survived an assassination attempt, Bolsonaro's presidential run is nothing short of extraordinary.

JB's antagonist in the presidential race is Fernando Haddad, a sociologist, former minister of education under Lula and former mayor of São Paulo. He's running for the left-wing Labour Party (PT) under the guidance of former president Lula, who is currently in prison after being convicted for corruption and money laundering. PT had been the ruling party in Brazil for 13 years, but is facing high rejection in the polls after a police investigation uncovered the largest known corruption scheme in Brazilian history, which PT architected.



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If checkdigits Soros will die in January 2019

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Just a reminder that everyone that voted for Amoedo has the same guilt as those who voted for Haddad.

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nth for taking communists on helicopter rides.

Mano Brown dissed PT in their own convention.
LOLLLL they're experts at getting BTFO in their own show.

Please discuss

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>have the same guilt

my cat is missing for almost one week
will he come back on election day bros

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Manuela is kinda happy. I think she was thinking about the size of Mano's cock

The official trending list is garbage and highly censored, this one is way better.

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O Mr. Pocket vai mesmo fazer com que as universidades públicas cobrem mensalidade? Eu não me importo muito com isso, mas no momento estou desempregado e está difícil pra caralho arranjar emprego agora, principalmente no horário que estou disponível (12:30 pra frente). Ele realmente acha que só tem playboy nas universidades?

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>Todas as canções que nos alimentão
>Todas as belezas do mundo
>São epenas mãos sobre instrumentos

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Ele só vai cobrar pra gente de renda mais elevada. Pobre não vai pagar mensalidade.

bolsonaro will lose, hadad will win with 51%
can't wait for all the nazi huehue tears
não passarão!

You shouldn't worry about that, I'm pretty sure he'll slice the CLT away. Minimun wage will go down, you'll find a job quite easily.

iven if he did, you're paying for it already


necessary but not sufficient

>Bolsonaro, Bolsonaro, Suasticafake

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Hide concern troll threads
Ignore concern trolling posts
Do not reply to concern troll posters

Only rich kids will pay AFAIK

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I'm fairly sure that she disagrees with most of what's happening with PT and is only their vice for exposure or trying to get in power so she can push her agenda.


Pic is your brain on communism

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Did you like the warning, Putinha?

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Andrade criticizes himself and said allies made him adapt his government plan.
What's his endgame?

You are joking right?

You do know that she had to give up a lot of things she wanted in order to get to the Vice presidency, right?


Haddad used this in his campaign?

I litterally put the word video in google and this is what shows up [related pic].


Attached: video.jpg (782x539, 69K)

Lula chorou.

Shut up Souza
Your comments are insignicant as your country for Europe

He spammed it everywhere and used it in his TV ads.
>deafening silence from TSE

Amoedo voters only voted for him out of a childish tantrum, they forgot we had a bigger enemy.

I did, did you like me spamming that over 25 thread, vadiazinha?

Attached: hmmmmmmmmmm.png (297x198, 140K)

Link for the video

And remember, during the elections we can even consider we're fighting against a political party however in the long run we're really fighting their weak ideology and terrible praxeology.

Even right-wing posers deserve more respect than "moderate" leftists.

Praise the fact that the "walk away" movement is getting stronger but careful to not overestimate those that are simply becoming centrist cucks. It's just their natural response to get along with everything that is safe and popular, they're just projecting what's going to be safe and popular in the new era.

God bless.

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It's over. Haddaddy is growing 20 points per day.

>reconectar com a periferia
PT se deu conta que ganhar votos da classe média alta LGBT trans gender fluid e antifa é mais rentável
Pobre sempre foi de direita, até mesmo nas análises internas do PT eles sempre admitiram que nunca conseguiram apoio dos pobres a não ser no nordeste
Gave up on what? She is a communist whore. She does whatever is better for the movement

You know it, Bicha.

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Yeah, he did. Like he used the church with the swastikas where cameras got them spraying #elenao stuff on other walls and the retarded artist who called Mourão a torturer.
Unironically picking the worst falseflags for his campaign.

>Amoedo voters only voted for him out of a childish tantrum, they forgot we had a bigger enemy.
so what?

Per hour.

manspreader reeeeeeeee

>now that the fake bitch was COMFIRMED to have cut herself

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Haddad tried to pander to right-wing people by saying he won't legalize abortion and that he respects Christianity
by doing this he lost support from 99% of university students

At this point, I almost feel sad for these people.

BTW Manuela seems to be using a Umbanda necklace. Voodoo bitch kek.

that sucks man, i hope he comes back

Emotional speech to moralize this thread


>Haddad tried to pander to right-wing people by saying he won't legalize abortion and that he respects Christianity
Lol, does anyone believes it?

If he makes it so you don't need a fucking diploma for every kind of job that would help too

Boulos has the most punchable face in existence.

Do you live near any chinese food shops?

>99% of university students having a coherent line of thinking
wew lad

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>The biggest upsets of the Brazilian elections is happening right now and even O Antagonista is reporting.

It's over.

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Would certainly look better on a pike

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>got a message from my uni saying there'd be classes regularly this week
>find out they had to send that message because there's a movement by the fucking student directory to stop classes in support of Haddad

It better not have any fucking leftists tomorrow when I go to class trying to keep me from going

Pray for us Americans huenons. Soros and his goons have started their false flags to win the midterms. Stay vigilant, (((they))) will try to do the same to yall


O sistema republicano foi feito para os comunistas
Qual pessoa da direita tem coragem de mentir 24 horas por dia, ir na Igreja fingir que acredita em Deus, ir no centro de umbanda 24 horas depois e menos de 72 horas após rezar Ave Maria dizer que aborto é um ato de amor?

Eles sempre souberam que os comunistas tem a capacidade, vontade e talento para mentir e dissimular mais que todo o resto da população
Por isso pessoas de direita dificilmente entram na política. E é por isso que a esquerda ganha mais fácil, pois ficam brigando entre sí

Manuela se veste de boa moça, de socialite, de revolucionária, de católica, de progressista intelectual e até de dona de casa. Ela faz isso com a maior naturalidade

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Amoedo and Dória voters have a small dick
and lack of Testosterone.

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Haddad could sacrifice a tranny in one of these PT rallies and university leftists still wouldn't vote for Bolsonaro.

they are have
>Police report suggest there was self mutilation the swastika attack case.

Gang up and pass by force.
Our people have finally became ripe to end this bullshit.


>Mano Brown
>literalmente um bandido da periferia cheio de contatos bandidos

O diss dele é um elogio a qualquer um.

>Our people have finally became ripe to end this bullshit.


That would be great. This way I can finally get a decent paying part time job.
I know. There's no free lunch.
Did he specifically said that, though?
That's true, but it'll take some time until companies realize that not everyone has a degree anymore.

Reminder Brazil will be great the day we burn CNBB building and kill leftist bishops

Attached: (((CNBB))).jpg (1192x1812, 489K)


Maybe they null their vote though. University students are retards.

>Its a party full of rich kids

Why does the left do this?

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Sending my prayers, man.
Now we know how bothersome false flags can be. If somehow we can mutually help each other to debunk these bullshits when it they come, you can count on us.

>Did he specifically said that, though?
I don't think so.
Terra (e outros sites) começaram a shillar essa narrativa, mas eu ainda não vi nada parecido vindo diretamente do homem.

It's more like "if even he is dissing them, how low they must have sunk".

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I just wish Trump and the Q Team would come down to our hemisphere and start BTFOing our own Foro de São Paulo swamp.

Sounds about right. Don't let them blame the attacks on you and stay strong. They will try more as the election gets closer

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Will Bolsonaro win?


Do you honestly believe the left will win in 2022 if we pass ballot paper law?
I doubt it.
Not even Ciro has a chance. Not even fucking Lula

Reminder that they aren't even true bishops and that that's a fake church. The true Catholic Chuch was exiled in the Second Vatican Council. Those bishops and Pope Francis are a fraud pretending to be the Catholic Church.

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I think the Operation Blue Menace that you guys had yesterday was a good idea. Show liberals and democrats being super radical.
For example spreading that news about Maxine Waters encouraging supporters to harass Trump officials.

Sue them for copyright violation.

This one here



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deebly conzerned

Attached: deebly concerned.png (269x354, 114K)

also, dat 1000 yd. stare.

Naah as vadias aqui da federal continuam apoiando ele, elas nem entendem dessas merdas, são full anti Bolsonaro, mas como aqui só tem curso de exatas, quando fizeram uma enquete no grupo do face com uns 10 mil membros o Bolsonaro ganhou por pouco, então não são tantos apoiadores assim do Andrade, são mais as vadias, os viados e os cucks betas que apoiam ele

From Veja.

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First they fire that cunt, now this.
Also the Doria and Mano Brown video.
Feels good indeed, man.

I'm glad you like it, moçinha.

So now we have a "second round" with chances of PT winning, but that's a-ok, right?

Não perca a nova novela das 7:

>Another woman acting like an NPC
At least she is getting BTFO.

puta, viado e corno. bom modo de descrever todo o eleitorado dele.

Welp. too late

I'm already sending this to all my DCE friends.

PT false flag today or tomorrow? That's the only thing they have left

He lost his cat, senpai; not his dog.