Is there any rational reasons to give up GDP growth by NOT accepting immigrants?

Is there any rational reasons to give up GDP growth by NOT accepting immigrants?

Jow Forumstards please explain me, Why is preserving "culture" more important than extra 1% annual growth?

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Isn't today a "Japan needs feminism" day?

automation > unskilled labor

do you really think you will recieve thhe benifit of that 1%? Maybe in Japan you would, but in the U.S, it will just go to the corporations, which we will subsidize even more by paying their new employee's welfare.

Corporations get the extra 1%, the tax payers have to pay for the new citizens with education, emergency rooms, welfare, etc.

fewer people means less labour supply, higher wages
fewer people means less housing demand, cheaper houses
cheaper housing and higher wages = more families having children

every migrant who enters your country is robbing your future generations

Unfortunaly, automation is too far away from us.

We are talking about 21st century. NOT 23rd century. fuck off already

Unskilled labor is FAR more cheaper than developing Robots

And, People buy stock
Company made money
company give stock holders divident

That extra 1% comes from the government borrowing money to send out welfare checks to people who hate you.

The crime rate of machinery is 0%. Machinery does not need welfare.

You forget about demand and supply?

Fewer people=less demand=more price due to less mass production cost
Higher wage= pay more good or service for same thing(not changed at best)
cheper house mean no more construction, less job, less salary for people, so is less demand.
Demand=supply, supply=Gross domestic product
therefore, LESS GDP

less GDP growth= people predict their welfare system is no more sustainable. therefore, they avoid making children because children is risky asset.

Machinery needs maintanance.
Machinary needs investment
Machinary does not consume
Machinary does not have ability to do same thing as much as "Unskilled workers"

Your point?

> increased taxes for new incomers or decrease in ability for infrastructure to support the new people
> people who bough stocks get a little more money
>Country has to deal with a bunch of foreigners voting for more gibs and against the host nations interest

GDP includes the value of services produced by the government so just employ a bunch of useless people in non-jobs and hey presto you have your precious 1% of extra """services""" without comitting cultural genocide.

If you want """rational""" reasons to fit with your marxist concept of rationality, then of course you won't find any, as according to marxism, everything other than money is worthless, and thinking that it has value is just a trick by the bourgeoise. Family? Honour? Duty? Culture? History? Nationhood? Belonging? All are worthless before the mammon, the great god of Marx. There is no point in arguing against that because it defines everything outside itself as worthless, so one has already lost because a priori you accept the correctness of the marxist vision.

The percentage of niggers coming to Europe that actually get jobs is in the lower single digit. Yes, you got that right. You could have the full fake benefit you're arguing for with less than 5% of the immigrants and yet the full 100% are allowed in. And you're trading your life and your children's perspectives for it. That is if they manage to get through childhood and adolescence without getting knifed or raped to death. The worst immigrants you had to deal with were some hard-working but not Japan-tier polite Koreans. Come back and talk when you've lived in Europe long enough to have the Europe experience. And no, as long as you're pro-immigration, you haven't had

Why do you care about GDP? How is social-cultural health and quality of life not more important?

oops meant to reply this to you


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>Your point?
Machinery is cheaper, outputs more, and doesn't have any baggage of genociding your race.

More GDP=more total profit fore company
more profit of company=more stock price
more stock price= profit and shekel


Still doesn't change the fact it can boost GDP.

Q.E.D I proved your argument is bullshit

>one extra percent
Jewishness never led to anything good eventually.

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>Why is preserving "culture" more important than extra 1% annual growth?


Yea, so how many moslems and mexicans is Japan taking in recently to boost their economy with this +1%? Seems watertight, lol, tell me more about your facts and figures

GDP is a bullshit metric. I could take a shit and it would boost GDP.

GDP per native population is the correct metric. Immigration usually destroys that metric.

you own him

not becoming a war zone in the long term

Keynesian economy is not sustainable and invariably lead to slavery
infinite GDP growth is an illusion

So you're a kike then. We rest our case.

What the hell are you talking about? Robots are cheaper over the long term. You can buy a robot with an employees 1 year salary and then they don't require much money after that. In 10 - 20 years we'll be heavily automated if research continues at it's current pace.

What's the point of extra GDP growth if it's being sucked up by social services, that quite frankly the Japanese people don't use anyway. You know who will use those social services like food stamps, free healthcare, welfare, ect more often? Migrants voting for more of those social services. It's a slippery slope.

Nigger you post the same thread every week you’d think your copypasta would get old by now?

>1% annual growth
You can get that shit with 0 immigration at all, nigger, just need a populace that breeds like niggers but A: aren't niggers and B: produces like niggers don't

>implying second or third gen immigrants actually produce

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Listen up faggot china population is 1billion +
Abd their gdp is not even more than ours so shtf

Sure but what it also does is lower wages. Why would you want to make less for the same labor? Unless of course you're a rich cunt. Why do you want to make more wealth you don't need while the people at the bottom suffer?

>Isn't today a "Japan needs feminism" day?
Japan is already a gerontocratic matriarchy with age of consent at 18, porn censorship, subway carrieges for women only, and with a population where up to 50% of 25+ males are virgins, while females fuck gaijin Chads from tinder. How much more feminist can one country get?

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Dont you freelaking post porn here if you not posting the sauca as well