There are 4 world powers in this world

A. America - economically strong, military lots of funding but due to PC stuff highly ineffective in actual modern warfare

B. Russia - economically weak, but the largest country on Earth and military powerful and effective (could defeat ISIS together with Assad and Iran)

C. China - economically very strong, large but untested military, dominates parts of Africa through trade and investment, highly influential in Asia and Eastern Europe

D. Germany/EU - economically strong, excells at exports, militarily weak and inwards focus, historically has strong ties and influence everywhere including Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Japan and with Russia

Which one will dominate the others in 20yrs? My guess is China and Germany/EU.

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The West is hemorrhaging civilizational vitality due to its suicidal nigger worship obsession, China will dominate and Russia will be its Caesar

EUSSR is already collapsing on itself. Tariffs have exposed just how fragile the Chinese economy is. The US is eugenicizing its population to be fatter, weaker, and lower IQ. Russia is struggling to be the dominant power it once was. It's aggressive use of force to acquire small territorial victories will cause the rest of the world to gang up on them.

If what I see continues, three emerging superpowers will appear in 100+ years: Turkey, Poland, and India.

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Pffftaahahahahah, never gonna happen. You've fucked yourselves demographically. You're likely very stupid and brainwashed (being in Germany) so that is ok I don't' expect you to respond to facts.

Only thing doing any dominating will be muh dicc.

The west will rise again. The only reason you can even talk about those other counties in the same breath as the US is that they had weak lease leader's for 20 years. It's over now, America is playing to win again.

Even if Russia, China or Germany did have the best economic situation and the best available leadership (and Germany doesn't), those people's are still racially inferior and genetically incapable of success (Germany most of all).

Turkey and India

the EU is our client state lel

god damn Claudia Schiffer was hot as fuck. here she is younger

Attached: claudia.jpg (660x440, 322K)

Russia and China have the future, EU/America fucked by being retarded and demographics. America would easily be #1 if we went hard pro-white nationalist though.

Thats how it is, its rarely about who is best, only who is less stupid and decadent.

>My guess is Germany
Yeah right, when Turkey dominate the world, hell will have frozen over


Europe has not been relevant for at least 5 decades.

Good lord.

>Russia and China have the future
No. Russia is going to be carved up in the next few decades.

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Hopefully Germany or even Russia.
Russia would be pretty neat.

The UK is more powerful than germany. Germany is not a permanent member and no nuclear weapons. Diplomatically the uk is heavyweight compared to Germany. Also, militarily and culturally

Eh this is believable too I guess. I forgot about eastern europe, which has a good chance to become a neo poland-lithuania state, again not by any ability of their own, merely the fall of western europe

The Kosovan Empire will rise again.

>Military powerful and effective
Pick one, Russia is the biggest paper tiger of all time. It is all bluster and misleading statistics. Like here, it sure looks like they've got a powerful land army on paper. But then dig a little deeper and you realize that that vast majority of their arsenal is rusting Soviet era equipment. Of those 20k tanks Russia has on paper, only ~600 of them are actually modern. While every one of those 6k tanks the US is fielding right now is a variant of the Abrams. It is the same for every single category of military equipment.

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>America economically strong
Just bullies whose time is running out
>Russia powerful and effective military
They have rust buckets for tanks
Economic power waning. Fucked in the long run
US bully us and sit on our strength. Jews and their puppets everywhere

Haha Hanz, the healthiest thing for Germany would be to leave the EU, we'll be carpet bombing Brussels in the next 10 years.

>Tariffs have exposed just how fragile the Chinese economy is.
>6.5% GDP growth despite stagnant population

Come again? Are you falling for US propaganda?

As a representative of a mutt nation let me tell you this; nothing you do matters once you have this many shitskins. The only reason america is still functioning is inertia and whites still have areas to live in due to vast spaces and contribute. Also our don't hate us with every bone in their body like yours do. In 20 years, these kids will all be adults and the nation is dead 100%.

Now if Germany somehow expels them all back as they should, then I agree with you it has a chance to rise.

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>Europe has not been relevant for at least 5 decades.

Except any day in those 5 decades, everything revolves around Europe, America is a Western sideshow, China/Russia an Eastern sideshow,

The UK stopped being relevant in the 1940s.

Yeah, Europe is still the center of the world I'll give you that but it isn't a unified force and its retarded and decadent. Only Hitler could have fixed that

China, maybe India in the future.

This is not about the shit skins. It's about your unwanted military presence in our regions. You think we allow these if America bases is not in a 1000 mile radius? You think we just take this lying down? As soon as your establishment masters in the US see a revolt coming they arm their bases better or start randomly maintaining things to flex. Your jew infested government brought this. You are the course of all these problems Pablo.

Just in case anyone thinks I'm exaggerating. Even if you want to be overly generous and include the T-80 under the umbrella of "modern" they are still at a huge disadvantage numerically. Nevermind that Russia can't actually logistically afford to operate T-80s thanks to the guzzling turbine engines, there is a reason it never really replaced the T-72.

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>Only Hitler could have fixed that

Wörking on it...

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RIP my Englisch. I mean America forces Europe to take shitskins

In absolute terms Britain is more powerful now than she has ever been. Her enemies like to talk her down because its only lack of belief in herself that prevent the resurgence that will inevitably lead to the birth of the British Star Empire. Not even joking.

This will only happen if Russia loses nukes. Otherwise no one will try this shit. Even if there's one person in Russia remaining, as long as they have nukes no one will invade.

Australia. Because we're sick cunts and we'll be the only white country left.

Chinks will implode in a few years.

Even India beats Britain without nato support easy

This roastie used to bang dorky magicians.

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Good luck calling on us to fight for your fucking Caliphate, Nigel. Fix your house up and then we can talk.

E. Canada

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>americans are forcing me to take shitskins, the german people and politicians are demanding they stay out this is totally happening
one of the lamest things you guys do is blame us for your own cuckery, you are in denia. Our bases may be bad, I'll give you that. But you actually run your own countries for the most part. We aren't holding a gun to your head to take in kebab. And if you spout the "you are bombing syria and they are coming to us" meme you are fully retarded as most refugees aren't even syrian they are gibs wanters and you gave them gibs, not us.

Need to stop blaming others and come to acceptance. Or keep crying about "Ami go home" your choice

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But if the chinks go won't Australia go with them?

I unironically agree with this.
> I'm sure your media and govt help you cope with this somehow

>B. Russia - economically weak, but the largest country on Earth and military powerful and effective
>D. Germany/EU - economically strong, excells at exports, militarily weak and inwards focus, historically has strong ties and influence everywhere including Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Japan and with Russia
If we could only unite against everyone else... imagine the power. We would be able to BTFO both USA and China.

>military lots of funding but due to PC stuff highly ineffective in actual modern warfare
The US military and wipe out any enemy of our choice in days. They choose not to because the goal of the military is to drag out military operations indefinitely to guarantee further and greater funding. If the US military is ever let off its chain we would be attacked universally around the world for the amount of damage/carnage it would inflict.

I see you post on 8 chan

Within a few decades Russia could find itself in a position where it has no reliable means of delivering even a fraction of its nuclear arsenal. The US is in a similar situation as well, neither country has modernized their nuclear delivery systems in a long time. If I remember correctly based on some leaks during the Obama era if a nuclear war was to break out right this moment, the US would only be able to deliver about 800 warheads out of its entire current arsenal. I can't imagine Russia is in much better of a position.

The ultimate blackpill is that pretty much all of those powers are gonna be collapsed in 20 years. If Japan stays Japanese it'll be a powerhouse. Isreal obviously as well. The rest will just drag themselves down with third worlders

>In absolute terms Britain is more powerful now than she has ever been. Her enemies like to talk her down because its only lack of belief in herself that prevent the resurgence that will inevitably lead to the birth of the British Star Empire.
>Not even joking.

If you ain’t joking you are shitposting.

I do? That would be new to me ... never been to 8.

Europe and Japan will ally and rule the world in the next decades. US is dying. Russia can't get off the ground. India can't get off the ground. China is a paper tiger ready to collapse.

Yes, we could. But we Europeans are being divided by the eternal Anglo-American and their merchants.

India is predicted to be superpower by 2050 along with China.

LOL at socialist EUcucks who earn 60% what americans do and pay double the taxes thinking they're relevant. You guys will have the same wages as China/India by then and they will economically dominate you with twice the growth.

US will be on top ($110k/capita income).

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>we aren't holding a gun to your head to take on kebap
Oh, but you are user. You know we have zero defence against external threats. Does your lizard brain know we are under occupation for more than 50 years. Do you understand that our governments are dictated by globalists throwing democracy and sometimes the constitution out of the windows. School yourself mutt. We are helpless, unarmed and weak. You on the other hand are not, and you still have schlomos dick up your ass. Who is the cuck hier

the world will be carved up between china, russia and america.
russia takes europe and central asia.
america takes the western hemisphere plus australia, uk and japan
china takes all of southeast asia, indochina, korean peninsula, etc.
africa, south asia and the middle east will be where the three spheres of influence fight each other with their local proxy states.
national governments will still exist within these spheres of influence but all essential foreign policy (security, trade, balances of power) shall be directed from beijing, washington or moscow.

I think you sorely overestimate your position in the world...
> Imagine the entire continent of Europe was armed with the best and most advanced military technology. Now imagine Germany fighting that.

That's what you're up against. Kindly fuck off, two time losers

Shut up Kraut. Your land was made again by plan after ww2, and all your capitalist continued business. You have much to pay

>India is predicted to be superpower by 2050 along with China.
Oh? I thought it was 2020. I guess the time of suddenly becoming ubermensch needs to be pushed back a couple more decades and suddenly boom lol

Bollywood is miles better than hollywood

Lol this is babby tier, it will be India/China and the US wielding extreme geopolitical dominance.

EU will become irrelevant as its stagnating socialism makes it China tier in wages and third world pretty much with a small population. India will grow at 7-8% with huge human capital + tech focused innovation (FAANG chief location = India right now) and will be the primary rival to an extremely powerful China.

Africa will be a shithole still but 5x the population, making up all the poor people in the world.

You're retarded if you think Russia will have any influence in 2050, it's a shithole.

Yet another divide and conquer thread. And look at all the idiots who took the bait. (((They))) know our weakness and play to it very effectively. This is why whites/Euro descended peoples will fail and go extinct. Too much infighting.

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Except the superpower by 2020 meme was never legit? Like economically India was never predicted to be over $3-4 trillion by any IMF/Global estimates by then.

It's just that India was predicted to be the third largest economy nominally: which it WILL hit.

India is currently the country with the highest YOY wage growth over the past 5 years, look it up.

It is also the most rapidly developing, like China in the 2000s. India today has the same GDP as China in 2003.

In 7 years guess where that will take them?

They are also hitting 8.2%+ Growth.

T. I own investments in India and made 5500% growth past 3 years under Modi.

>30 PT-76s currently in service
For what purpose?

>small population
Much larger than Burgerland. And with much better education apparently.

Dude your propaganda poisoned the whole world dont try to deny it your ancestors are the Mad dogs of jews

A) if America had to take the gloves off the PC shit wouldn't matter.
B) impossible to invade due to geography. You'd need to nuke it. They're like the Chinese they can't expand outside of their borders
C) China is not economically strong you pants on head retard. Incompetent military with garbage equipment. And you make it seem that controlling parts of Africa is hard.
D) correct about EU.
Overall OP is a fag and doesn't know shit but America will endure for at least several hundred more years.

We are the best there ever was. Most of the technology used in the later half of the last century came from us. Given the third chance we surely wipe out anglos and their jew lovers and install a final empire

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Very original concept you have there

lol you think russia is a super power


The EU population is projected to shrink unless it takes up Ukraine.

Per capita wise its income will hit like $50k by 2050.

China will hit $50k at this same time, with 2.5x the population.

India will hit $25k nominal, but PPP wise be about the same as EU 27.

The US will mog all of them at $110k, along with hyper capitalist nations like Switzerland, Singapore and Hong Kong hitting similar levels.

The Anglosphere: UK, Aus, Canada will average $80k.

What this means is...

I'm sorry to say..

Europoor BTFO.

America is Europe’s enemy. You support the Brits who agitte against our Russian friends and who undermine European power constantly.

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Russia isn’t militarily powerful in a conventional way anymore. They just use what they have carelessly, and are sitting on nukes.

Russian warfare have always been a numbers game

russia isn't going away. they have a huge landmass with lots of nuclear weapons. the eu is destined to be absorbed into their umbrella unless something like an intermarium is established among the v4 states.
we will see about india. if india can solve the pakistan question it will be able to exert control outside of its borders. if it can't, it will be somewhat like a germany or japan in the future.

Israel and Turkey will be the next superpowers and they will be allied. What will begin with conflict will end with a strong alliance. It is uncertain whether India or China will come out stronger in the end. This timeline is messed up. US balkanizes and falls out of relevancy. Internet gets really censored in 2039. VR addiction plagues the population sometime around 2050. Human level capability AI is reached in 2055 ( at least in my timeline ) and a rapid technological development follows. I dont know what happens after 2060, because I just fucked off to this timeline. Its okay if you dont believe me. Just wait and see for yourself :)

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>GDP as China in 2003
I meant 2006 actually.

>hurr durr all the leaders we elect keep letting in refugees
>this is America's fault
You faggots never change, 5 decades ago some of you idiots try the whole nationalism thing and get BTFO because of crippling autism and your entire nation spends the rest of its days going turbo cuck to make amends but because your anecdotal experiences expose you to people who disagree with your nation's mainstream that must mean everyone over there disagrees and the only logical conclusion is that America currently headed by a very anti-immigration leader who has repeatedly warned Europe about immigration, is "forcing" your elected leaders to do things they fucking campaigned for.

You're retarded if you think India gives a shit about the Pakistan question; in five years india will probably build a wall and end it there.

Russia is a shithole, it's not absorbing anything excpet mountain niggers in the Caucases.

Yeah, sucks. I imagine Anglos should unite with Americans and the rest of Europe should unite with Russia. That would be natural.

You're as threatening as a blue haired lesbian

>The US military and wipe out any enemy of our choice in days.
> They choose not

That’s what I am saying, America is highly ineffective in modern war ever since Korea. Mostly due PC shit.



>highly ineffective in actual modern warfare
wait what?
We win every year in the Int. war games

Anglos and muts together ready to suck jewish dick forever

BRICS minus Brazil (future Fallout 5 wasteland IRL) and South Africa (it may get somewhere but not soon).

>ineffective in modern warfare
we can turn this rock into glass with the push of a few buttons. But yea atleast you’ll have a 4:1 kd before evaporating lmao.

for a few years her milkers were spectacular

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My timeline involves the first ever mega empire
> Hint: it's not Israel. ;)

North America and Europe unite to consolidate the largest, strongest, one world govt ever.
> A racial caste happens
> Surprisingly it isn't so black and white
> Minorities of pretty much every race come out of the shadows and a "common genetic tie" connects elites from every culture

The world becomes at rest for over a century

They are pressured to let in refugees by the UN/American diplomats. There are people with more power than this elected individuals. There are people with more power than Trump, believe it or not.

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Numbers aren't going to do them any good, just look at how well Iraqi T-72s performed against American tanks. Literally the only damage and losses inflicted across both the Gulf War and later invasion of Iraq were from friendly fire incidents.

>But muh monkey models
Its always with the excuses.

Typical low IQ burger retreating when faced with facts. EU has nearly twice the population of US. Yet you called it small. Why are you low IQ burgers so afraid of admitting you were wrong? I swear burgers are the most chickenshit scared population on the planet.

Russia has more nukes and more ICBMs, The point is not nukes, the point is modern warfare. Again and again, America shows it cannot into modern warfare. While Russia is able to fly hundreds of effective sorties and fight on the frontlinie... America goes through 15 forms of bs to even hand over some ammo to Kurds.

China has expanded extraordinarily for the last thirty years. The idea that such growth rates can be sustained indefinitely or permanently violates basic principles of economics.

>Which one will dominate the others in 20yrs? My guess is China and Germany/EU.

You'd be wrong. The US is the only country in the world with the geography and demography to dominate the world 20 years from now.

>tariffs have exposed have fragile the Chinese economy is
>Chinese economy continues to grow at double the US rate
>China still has like 4x our industrial sector
Fucking /ptg/ anons are retarded.

Well that is a substantial backpedal and a pivot al in one!

Their GDP is artificially boosted by them creating so many fucking ghost cities. China is a fucking joke.

You Will be too busy fighting each other

>US is the only country in the world with the geography and demography to dominate the world 20 years from now.

What? Why would mutts in some God forsaken minitarue country dominate anyone?

Lol no, they could not handle the top three of your choices in a war, not even close.

top kek