CoonDev back again.
i'm making an RPG named Coon. set in a dystopian futuristic world where (((they))) finally win, ask me anything
>inb4 not political
mods i swear this is political
picture unrelated
CoonDev back again
will it have npc's that look like npc's?
yes, as robots.
>"a world where (((they))) win"
So are you making a BMWF simulator or something
will you be releasing this game on switch, ps4 and xbox one?
It's going to be an Atari Jaguar exclusive.
it's not even an actual video game. but if i were to ever make a video game version of it. it would be for PC only because fuck consoles
what are the gameplay mechanics
what a comfy looking place
Make the million gold piece equivalent a white girl
What are you using to make it? Engines, and or languages? I work with unity myself
Can i do the soundtrack? I'm an audio engineer/composer and would like to make coon music for the lols
make a copy of The Protocols a quest item. and red symphony.
who wants to play a game of just queuing at the welfare office
those mountains are comfy, where is it?
want to know this too, bump
reverse image search says that they are the Tatra mountains in between poland and slovakia
d&d shit, it's a pen and paper game
nothing it's a pen and paper game
checked but i dunno
What's the backstory? How do (((they))) win?
>sometime in the early 2020s
> the kike controlled government of the united states, releases alien technology to the public
>this ushers in about a decade of great scientific innovation (used to explain all the laser weaponry and technology)
>jews then use subversion and shit to nearly breed out and wipe out the whites while enslaving the remaining mutts by catering to all their pleasures and keeping them stupid
>there are still holdouts of whites in the rocky mountains and the northernmost parts of canada and alaska. and a few other places across the globe that don't really matter
>the united states is basically one big sorta futuristic ghetto at this point.
>gangs and shit everywhere.
>it's the 2080s now.
>game starts
note that this is subject to change.
feel free to critique it.
anyways, if you people want it. i've written some lore on Los Angeles and the surrounding area
>d&d shit, it's a pen and paper game
Sounds fun, I just wish I had red pilled friends to play it with. Where are you going to post it when it's done? I'm honestly quite interested to see how this turns out.
How does this differ from, say, Cyberpunk 2077?
>how does this differ from a work of fiction that has absolutely nothing to do with your work of fiction besides the fact that they're both the same genre
Thanks for doing something interesting with your time, unlike 90% of this board.
There are multiple Jow Forums webdevs (including me) that could port this game to a multiplayer browser arena.
could you use refractor engine? many modders still know how to work with that (codename eagle,bf1942,bfvietnam,bf2)
sounds good
Use that almond activator between your ears faggot, it would help me to understand the setting you're describing by taking a well-defined setting that I'm familiar with in the same ballpark and elucidating contrasts