This kills the poltard

This kills the poltard

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celebs don't matter, kid

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Literally who?

>just some 'celebrity'

some goat looking mfer, for sure

>One of the most accomplished philosophers of the 20th century


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what does this ugly ass bitch even do?

The only person who is afraid is the jew. They are well aware that one the facade that they have created is destroyed, EVERY SINGLE human in the planet will come for them. There will be nothing to stop brutal slaughter.

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>jewish pilpul
not surprised, using the deflection technique

if this is the philosophy he seems pretty dumb

>huh some disabled "philosopher" said something therefore it's true /pol BTFO LOL

>iPhone filename
>phoneposting bait
y i k e s

anti-semites are people jews hate, not people who hate jews

>taking Sarte seriously

Except I’ve never once seen any strong evidence on pol of some massive Jewish conspiracy and am instead met with some Israeli rabbi quotes from decades ago supporting open borders

To be sure, I Could never take this guy seriously because of his eyes

Wtf is up with this guy's eyes?

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When people say anti-semitism, they actually mean anti-satanism, because a large part of the jews and their elite are satanists and false jews.

you're just a follower, an empty headed npc, guided by those you assume to be above you

Jewish inbreeding taking its toll.

He was a Marxist and has been incredibly influential on the cosmopolitan elite we fight against today. He's not a celebrity, he's a cornerstone of their faith.

>mon visage quand

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>Doesn't even know who Sartre is
>Still think they’re smarter than Leftist NPCs
Like pottery

Is this one of those quotes that sounds deep to your average person but is actually completely nonsensical?

you can know who he is and still disregard it as vapid trash, son

So we are supposed to take this deformed degenerate freak seriously?

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Like I am gonna trust what this wall-eyed fuck has to say.

just look at all hundreds of specifically jewish ngos its like 15 minutes of research tops

>massive Jewish conspiracy
You're deliberately framing this issue as to argue against a strawman.

Nope I agree a large part with pol on issues except for the Jewish conspiracy because no one on this board has ever produced any actual evidence of its existence. You have this false dichotomy in your head of
>there’s NPCs and then there’s pol
when in reality you are the NPC that gobbles up all information sent on this board regardless of merit

the funny thing about Sartre is that he was a literal cuckold

>most twisted philosopher can't even look at people straight

like pottery

to be honest famille all his "philosophy" is built on sand and has pretty much been debunked right now

Okay then what is the proper way to frame it

Hahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahah there are people who think sartre is a philosopher haaaaaaaaaaaahahhahahahahahahahahhahaahahahah he's entertaining but has no intellectual worth lmao hahahahah only retards read sartre like it has any merit hahahahah wew goddamn mutts are funny
brb telling my fellow frenchmen that our inside joke got out this is hillarious

Yeah, pretty much. Navel-gazing proto-nihilist #898918291 isn't really my idea of an "important writer"

imagine in 100yo when europeans will quote joe rogan like he was an actual intellectual hahahahahhaha fuck im done

Read some Kevin MacDonald or watch some of his interviews.

"This kills the Jow Forumstard"
Very retarded...

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Or just read this image.

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I know who he is,retarded mutt.Just because he's some famous marxist "philosopher" doesn't mean I should agree with him.

philosophy basically ended with the 19th century, sartre is telenovela tier

>Literal Marxist pushing the meme of antisemitism
Lurk moar newfag

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no you can't

Okay tons of Jews support multiculturalism and racemixing, but I’ve not seen that it’s the Jews who are actually behind the push for multiculturalism and open borders in the US and Europe

Sartre was a persistent apologist for Communist totalitarianism and its use of terror against subject populations. He advocates in 'Communists and Peace' for a Communism which is, “constantly renewed by the liquidation of opponents.”

He said in his late 60s in an interview with Esquire that he'd be a Maoist if he were younger and more physically capable.

>“to shoot down a European is to kill two birds with one stone, to destroy an oppressor and the man he oppresses at the same time.”
>“A revolutionary regime must get rid of a certain number of individuals that threaten it and I see no other means for this than death; it is always possible to get out of a prison; the revolutionaries of 1793 probably didn’t kill enough people."
>“Terror is the guarantee that my neighbor will stay my brother; it binds my neighbor to me by the threat of the violence it will use against him if he dares to be ‘unbrotherly.’”

Interviewer: Imagine a cultural revolution in Paris. Would you try to stop them from burning the Bibliotheque Nationale, the Mona Lisa, etc.?
>Sartre: The Mona Lisa, I’d let that burn without giving it a second thought, but I do think I would try to protect some other things. Whether I’d succeed is another question. But I think I would say: let’s put this aside, we’ll discuss it later.
>I wouldn’t really see anything wrong with burning professors because some of them are criminals; but actually I would insist that they be left in cellars for a certain time, like paintings and books during the war, and that they be discussed with a clear head once the main action was over.

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So, are the jews anti-semites?

anti-semites are just marxists that are scared of the idea that they are actually left wing

ya'll a bunch of clowns

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Lurk more.

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Whatever Sartre said, you just treat the opposite as true and you'll be fine.

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>people who hate Jews actually just fear everything except for Jews.

to make extraordinary claims you need extraordinary evidence.

This kills the dumb jew

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Everytime you post a picture of him, his eyes get further and further apart from each other

WTF does he know, he's a bent-eyed frog poofter

that requires the anti-semite to read dense philosophical and psychology texts

They can barely stomach the idea of a picture book

E. Michael Jones is right about Sartre

I’m glad you’re posting some sort of evidence to back the claims up. But it cannot be shown that Caller proposed the bill with the intent of promoting Jewish interests as opposed to just getting more Democrat voters

existentialism is degeneracy rock bottom of European philosophy is there ever was any

Sartre was an ugly freak who had nothing to say, besides a few incoherent word games and fictional works which rely on shock value to conceal their worthlessness.

Consider the quote in the OP, where Sartre is apparently concluding earlier remarks on the inner thoughts of 'anti semites': his conclusion is a speculation on the emotional states of others, an ad hominem which amounts to the claim that his ideological opponents are maladjusted, and a paltry misdirection which clumsily tries to avoid confronting the subject matter

This is the level of sartre's work, basically total worthlessness... keep in mind sartre's follows apparently consider this a highlight.

"philosopher" = "I make shit up that sounds smart"

I wonder what race this person belongs to?

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is anyone supposed to take Jow Forums seriously

talk about outing yourself at 70 IQ

Revilio oliver described anti semites the best but exposed why pay to play churches in America are necessary and how advertising works in the process.

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I m like telling you eh eh eh, got some elk meat you wan some?

what did he say about him?

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>antisemitism is a pathological disorder!
>antisemites are afraid of jews!
>antisemites are actually afraid of themselves!
Wow. I've heard these sort of talking points befor....

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He was a dopefiend child molester. So yeah just some celebrity.

>Literally who?
kek mutt education at its finest

I've only listened to one of his speeches and read one of his columns. Quick rundown of those ideas please?

And I'm glad that you seem to have an open mind about this subject, even though you've made this exact thread multiple times. Try reading some Kevin Macdonald, or just lurk more threads.

the winner of the incel olympics of 1968

Hell isn't other people, Hell is having to look at those freaky shabbos chameleon eyes

We are the dumb ones, yet you are here shilling while we enjoy our free time

That must kill you, you dumb niggers are 24/7/365 just to counter what we do in our spare time.


people respond as post-modernists would by focusing on the one who made the claim rather then the claim itself.

The right has been taken over by the left, the polarization is delicious

He wasn't really a philosopher, more of a litterateur.

As if OP would ever really do that.

I’ve literally never once made this thread besides now

>killing anything but his willing readers

Right? If they were so sure of their beliefs then you would think they’d have strong evidence to support them

New hire?

New IP address

I've seen an OP containing this exact quote multiple times in the past weeks. Must be just a coincidence.

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couldn't you replace the word Anti-semite with almost anything and have the same amount of meaning

Sartre was a faggot. Of course a Marxist such as he was would be a philosemite.


It's too bad he can't read what he wrote.

>>Sartre: The Mona Lisa, I’d let that burn without giving it a second thought
What a fucking nigger. Marxism truly turns its adherents into literally niggers. This is why I never feel bad when commies get killed.

French deformed manlet

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Fkin’ Marxist

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Content-free. It is not an argument but an insult.

of the many mistakes germany made during the war, letting this bug-eyed freak live was one of the biggest.