Friendly reminder

Early is On Time, on time is Late. See you on the jobsite at 6 tomorrow, user.

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>The Wage-cuck's Pledge

I´m calling in sick, srry

What's the alternative? Leech off your parents until you're 50 and they die then you're out on the streets?

at least you keep your dignity

......... said the actor.

So early=late?

cucked and wagepilled

Does he also lick his boss's shaft, as a thank you for employment?

Wish the fuck I could... Just one day.

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FUCK this guy. Cleans a couple toilets, gets paid MILLIONS FOR IT and thinks he's some kind of hard worker fucking kike NIGGER!

our parents ruined society, it's only fitting that we ruin their retirement.


Goddamnit I hate this shit

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Its not just a wage, its a full time job with a supportive team and work you can feel good about. You fucking weirdo.

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Give me a job nigger.

No thanks, I'm living the NEET life just fine.

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I'm at least ten minutes late everyday. Zero chance I'm getting fired.

>posting a thumbnail

The G.O.Y.I.M Pledge. Fuck that kike. Work union.

I'm a 31yo neet but look clean cut and smart. how tf do I get a decent job? I went to uni for 2yrs

it's so depressing to see all my old college friends so successful

mike rowe is worse than bill nye.
>dude just work hard its all gonna work out.
>never worked hard a single day in his life

or should I go try to finish my bachelors as quickly as possible

Shit like this is irrelevant in the era when your employer is most likely some transnational conglomerate who lobbies to replace you with cheap shitholer labor and/or outsource the operation at which you work to some shithole tax haven.
Sorry Mike, but you're woefully out of touch. Such honor codes and rules of conduct only apply if you work for a pro-white entrepreneur committed to providing work for pro-white men.
If you work for some transnat or foreign employer, do everything you can to sabotage and subvert it.

You probably have shitty interview skills and/or a shitty attitude. If you got no job experience the only thing they can go off of is the interview. It's a shitty artificial personality test that has very little to do with your ability to do the job but it's the current system.

Daily.Reminder this good goy started as a presenter for hone shopping. This is a facade about as authentic as Larry the cable guy.

Of course not user, I'm leeching off your taxes, all that hard work you do funds my NEET life.

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Where should I apply? will amazon fulfillment center hire me with no real work experience since uni. I'd prefer decent hourly $ but would also like to finish my BA, so a big corporation is ideal. but beggars can't be choosers, i suppose

He is a big advocate for the trades, something many youth should follow instead of lesbian spaghetti eating interpretation degrees like some cucks

If you're still in school just work somewhere part time. It doesn't really matter where, but if you can get something related to your degree all the better.

Try to get internships during the summer. It'll give you something to talk about during an interview and you can try to make connections while at the internship.

Once you're graduated just apply to as many jobs as you can in your field. Be willing to relocate as well. Again, at this point it's mostly a personality test so getting your ideal job isn't guaranteed. Once you get the foot in the door you can start to build up experience and then you'll have more opportunities after 2 years or so.

I have a do whatever, whenever you can kind of job. I keep to a schedule so it doesnt get too crazy but I make my own hours

Can't even read that.

I think most people would like a job like that. Everything is so fractured socially and economically that such places don't exist anymore. No one outside of maybe a lucky 5% actually like their job.

There is no such thing as a bad job.

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honestly any job that requires steel toed boots won't have many people you'd want to surround yourself with
its angry alcoholics with some crackheads sprinkled in

and why feel good about making shekels for the company owners?
if you don't run your own business or save lives then get a new job desu

I like anything that gets me out of the house.
My house feels like a...tomb.
Problem is that I never learned to drive.
Why? because fuck other drivers.

i've always hated that one thing.
on time is on time. eat a fat dick, if you want me there earlier, make on time earlier

I make $23/hr working in DC and living outside DC and I still can't afford my own place. The ride never ends, goys.

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You get a character for a specified duration. Nothing more, nothing less. You are entitled to none of my time that I am not directly compensated for.

friendly reminder mike rowe has never actually held a manual labor job and went to school for opera

>sweat pledge
>from a man who's never sweated in his life

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technically if you have an iron constitution, ANY job can be enjoyable. However, people who don't work are parasites

So you could enjoy working for Hillary

Whats wrong with the trades? Explain

>road is packed with cars
>getting tailgated going the speed limit
>drive 5 above to keep a distance between myself and the car behind me
>faggot speeds up so he can keep tailgating me

I also love when you need to make a turn and there's a car way down the road, and they speed up when they see you making a turn. I swear 90% of people on the road are just running on pure animal instinct- "GRUG SEE CAR TURNING, GRUG SPEED UP- MAYBE GRUG PASS CAR BEFORE CAR TURN!"

People are dangerous and retarded in their 1 ton plastic monsters and mandatory self-driving cars which refuse to go over the speed limit will fix so much wrong with the roads.

theoritically you could. SHOULD YOU is an entirely different question

That's the third time this week Pablo. We need to have a talk about this. Now, I'm not racist, but I have realized most of you Mexicans rely on whites to pick up your slack.

>He thinks the reason people don't work in specific fields is because it is gross. Nah I would do the dirty jobs job for like 40k per year, seems like fun jumping around from cleaning sewers to sorting trash, to working in a peat bog, to picking up road kill. The real issue with blue collar jobs is the tedium. Lots of jobs are fun the first week, but doing it 40-60 hours a week 51 weeks a year, for 45 years is the most boring hell imaginable. The real reason I hate Mike Rowe is because he fundamentally fails to understand why people hate a lot of blue collar jobs, and it is primarily the tedium. Not that I would expect someone who studied communications in college to understand blue collar work.


>The S.W.E.A.T. Pledge
More like the G.O.Y.I.M. Pledge

we're all jealous of your $1k/mo

the only thing wrong with it is you tards sacrifice an education to learn a trade.

I would LOVE to join the military
A) they don't put Aspies in combat position
I would love to kill a bunch of Chicoms. BUT they don't want there is that

fucking subhuman mongoloid niggershit

You know what's depressing? Being a 30 year old NEET with crippling health issues and hundreds of thousands in debt for a medical degree I wasted years of my life on before getting unjustly expelled. I worked so hard and had so much potential and people just wanted to destroy everything I had and they succeeded. I just wanna kill myself desu.

How'd you get expelled?

>unjustly expelled

five bucks says you did something retarded and totally deserved it.

what education? you mean the crap that is served nowadays. What can you learn at a college that you can't teach yourself? you could spend $40k to barely learn to write english. OR you could go to Barnes and Noble with $200 dollars and teach yourself, or if you need help hire a tutor for far less than you'd have to pay a shitty blue haired Dyke to teach you toenail calligraphy

Honestly there's nothing wrong with hard manual work, but this faggot opera singer is acting like everyone needs to just shut up about the longer hours and shittier pay and just take it. Fuck that.

Look how small his hands are. He's never worked a hard day in his life.

college isn't about learning its about getting a piece of paper that lets an employer know you are baseline qualified.


jesus christ... you really are a tradesman aren't you. There's a reason why barnes and noble hasn't replaced college. Its because you are dumb.

>on new crew at my job
>have my routine down to the point where i show up exactly on time
>boss says "so you think on time is on time huh?"
>all the workers laugh
>"Oh I'll make sure to note that"
>"What, that I show up on time? Thanks."
>Workers crack up even harder

The story of how i made my boss hate me.

most people that come out of colleges are not baseline qualified to breath, let alone work.
my brother works at a Whittmans in our town and he said. "The problem with many of these college kids who try to learn mechanical engineering, is that they have to be taught how to use a fucking drill. PATHETIC

shit i show up to work half an hour early and people almost complain about it. its either get there early or sit in traffic and risk being late.'re not as important and smart as you were led to believe my your professors and mommy.

>There's a reason why barnes and noble hasn't replaced college
jews guarding a disgusting racket?

No... I simply see college as an institution that charges FAR too much for what you get

Yes, actually. By the time I'm ready for the "retirement home" civil war be occurring or on the brink of.

>these kids who've never used a drill before have to be taught how to use it UGH FUCKING MILLENNIUMS

show me on your ruined back where the young people hurt you, blue-collar.

Let me know when NASA or SpaceX hires Barnes and Noble shoppers.

this. I believe people should teach themselves. If they work hard at learning, they will go far. IF they refuse to learn and smoke weed and get AIDS.. they will fall by the wayside

It would get a lot of the dead weight in the world

Found the kid with student debt.

That guy never did real manual labor for a single day of his life.

I wuz a Doctor, I went to Barnse Noble and Shiet

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See you at 7:05 boss

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>charges FAR too much for what you get

do your first 2 years at a community college and get your bullshit classes out of the way then go to a reasonable yet reputable university for your actual degree.

I believe in hard work and dedication will pave the way. NOT some fancy worthless degree

Late = early

8 years of college is more than you would ever put in at barnes and noble.

Mike Rowe pisses me off. The only jobs he has only ever done has been acting. He's a life long actor who never made it and he's salty about his Hollywood peers.

He's a fake ass hole who thinks he's better than everybody even though his entire career will be that he larped as a productive member of society for a few days a month.

are you implying you don't have to work hard for degrees or something?

More like the S.U.C.K.M.Y.D.I.C.K. pledge lmao fucking faggot opera singer *dabs*

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You know a century ago 2nd graders were smarter in many areas than today's college kids.
They had little FORMAL education. BUT were extremely intelligent


another early cuck. they think this makes them better being a bitch

Don't worry about it.
That's for the court to decide.

People cannot teach themselves, creature. They need the shared experience of their peers and the guidance of their superiors to learn. Any other delusion of learning is just the cope of failures.

theres nothing wrong with trades
there is something wrong with listening to career advice from someone who has never held an actual job
mike rowe is like larry the cable guy - it's a character

>have a job working outside operating heavy machinery
Voluntarily at the shop at 6am despite not being paid 'till 8am.til
My Kubota is my Zord.

he's a few missed meals away from looking like earnest p worrel

Fuck off you has-been pseudo celeb boomer, stop wasting Tucker's time
And stop using 'literally' like some gay teenage girl

I understand going the speed limit but I hate people who go 10 mph under the speed limit. God forbid if rain droplets start falling from the sky and these people are on the road. Also, if you are going to be slow on the highway, pull the fuck to the right most lane.

Oh I"VE put a lot of time in Barnes and Nobles.
t. Autist who'd rather be at Barnes and Nobles than at college parties

There's no dignity in being a parasite to society, you cretin.


He conveniently leaves out anything about voluntary unions, pay negotiations, benefits, and working conditions.

you were right.