Or even better stop giving the caravan story steam. FFS
Or even better stop giving the caravan story steam. FFS
Go for it.
Trade all the white nationalists, so they can make their own nation. You'll be begging to be let in within the decade.
George Takei is an admitted pedophile.
He wants to deport people he thinks are unwelcome in this country? Huh.
Is he verbally retarded or am I? Isn't he technically saying he would prefer the alt-right
He's just looking for 5,000 fresh cocks to suck.
the corporations demanded we let everyone in. Globalism is capitalism. You voted for the capitalists again. Dont cry about what you have done.
And I’d swap 5000 white nationalists for one degenerate Japanese cockara suckaru
>guy whose only lifetime achievements were playing a supporting role on a 60's TV show and sucking light years of cock has a political opinion
>stop giving the caravan story steam
But if they tried to ignore it like all political common sense says they should they wouldn't be able to virtue signal.
He's no Samurai
you are right, his wording means he wants alt-right nationalits
Maybe if you’d stop picking your nose for one minute and actually THINK...America is a nation of immigrants, and there could be the new Einstein in that caravan.
>liberal enjoys treating people as currency
>haha I’ll give ya this white broad for three chinks
He dun goofed by implying that taking in Central American "refugees" was a negative thing
Einstein was from Germany, not the jungle
>America is a nation of immigrants
No it isn't, kike.
Personally I'd trade every limousine neoliberal for a homeless shelter but we all don't get what we wish for, do we?
>white nationalists building their own houses, roads/bridges, cleaning, picking up trash, landscaping.
Yeah, I think you have it backwards.
They'll be wondering where all the cheap labor went.
He’s correct, the trade would be eugenic, according to a leading WN the homosexual Greg Johnson the movement is ‘degenerate’. After all almost all of the leading WN are either sexual deviants (Colin Robertson, Ryan Faulk etc), race mixers (John Derbyshire), unemployable parasites (almost all of them), unfaithful wife beaters (r spencer). Even Jared Taylor fathered bastard children outside of the sacrement of marriage
Israel is a nation of immigrants too so they should take at least 50 million Chinese refugees
Show us proof of him being sexually attracted to children as young as 10. If you can't, you are a liar.
Cut the shit George
We don't post the webm of him anymore?
What if we give him 5,000 alt-right white nationalists that aren't white?
im pretty sure the trump curse will get him by aids
Reminder that George Takei took not only a back seat, but at least 4 rows back behind William Shatner, a true dyed in the wool Trump supporter who actually had a career after Star Trek.
Didn't he have some #metoo stuff come up? Why did they give him a pass?
Because he pushes their narrative. Both he and Milo shared similar experiences but only Milo got tarred and feathered.
He should move to Mexico and be rid of all of us.
What is this degenerate chart?
George Takei, famous for being on a tv show that was only watched by incels and for being a fag.
when can we implement the Lex Luthor solution for California?
>implying we wouldn't do it for a fair wage that can support a family
So you're okay with brown people being poor slaves? Some fucking progressive you are, racist
shut up William go shitpost on /b/
Found the treky pedo faggot
Lets just send the demtard fag over the boarder, no trade needed.
He needs to shut the fuck up.
>Trade FOR
Didn't this guy rape someone?
Oh wait yeah, Russia hacked the erection.
That was strangely disturbing to read, why do you have this saved?
>old people's bodies
thou doth protest too much
WTF is this molester even virtue signalling about? No shit he'd make that trade. 75% of liberals would make that trade.
He'd trade them all for a white dick up his wrinkled old Asian ass.
what the actual fuck
He's a semen samurai
If you're a nationalist and illegally hiring people at below the market rate essentially enslaving them, you're explicitly violating the concept of nationalism.
I'd say that idea is more valid for progressives and globalists in general. Since they have no principles and they are okay with slavery.
its called science
stop looking at the mirror then
to troll, obviously
for women - yes, arousing, as males are still biologically capable of reproduction. Women are unarousing due to being infertile by that age. Biology.
Except for the fact that whites have built the majority of great civilizations and societies. Thats why every "minority" wants to migrate to a white country
Well yeah George Tagay has a much better chance of getting some ass from a bunch of degenerate sodomizing foreigners than white nationalists
So he will trade 5000 doctors and engineers for 5000 autistic alt-righters across the world? Literally a Hitler -_-
Or 5,000 rapists #believevictims #metoo
this would work better as that meme with the sweating guy debating what button to push
Haha dumb nip wrote this wrong. Read it carefully. He literally meant the other way around I’m sure. When you trade FOR something you receive it. Can’t even speak the Engrish
Back to the camp tojo!
It’s easier to grope refugees I guess.
We voted for the nationalists, commie scum.
Personally i'd trade 5000 George Takei's for one (1) cheeseburger.
Hate that jew
Explain all the dildos posted here by muriturds.