Many proponents for open carry and no gun regulations and restrictions want guns to be able to hunt and to just fire them. Those that want a self defense weapon often buy pistols over other firearms, while those that buy snipers, semi-automatic rifles, and shotguns use them for sporting. Why don't we privatize gun ranges to the military. It will be open to the public like a library and run by the government. Civilians could go into the gun range and use military grade weapons and heavy machine guns for recreation. Security will be heavy because it would be a military run institution. Our military has a fuckton of leftover unused ammunition; the Navy actually fires off rounds that "expire" because they have so much leftover. People could actually get training for these weapons there, and who better than soldiers to do that? You don't even have to increase taxes, because the military already receives a fuckton of those taxes. You can't really do anything about our friends in the wilderness that hunt to survive and make a living though, but we are pretty clear on where those places are, so this could be implemented by the states. I'd rather have gun ranges become privatized at the expense of business owners losing their ability to make a living because then the public won't need to buy weapons to use guns for recreation while having access to a wider variety of weapons, so there won't be worries over guns getting into the wrong hands. What do you guys think?
Gun Laws
>word salad
>the public won't need to buy weapons to use guns for recreation while having access to a wider variety of weapons
Why would you want to buy a semi-automatic rifle for recreation when you could use a military grade fully automatic assault rifle that you don't have to buy. All those military weapons are already paid for by our taxes.
>Why don't we
Nah, fuck off.
Because it's my RIGHT to do so you commie fuck
Only racists need guns, literally just call the police if you are in danger. Yikes. Fucking retarded alt-righters.
Who do you think we even is? That question's rhetorical. It means and is used as "the US" encompassing the constituencies and its voters.
It's also your right to be homeless and kill yourself, that doesn't mean you should do either of those things.
Gun laws within states are effectively useless unless the neighboring states have the same laws anyways. The goal isn't to shut down gun stores, but if my assumptions are correct they would just lose business.
And who the fuck are you to tell what I can and cannot do?
I can stockpile enough weapons and ammo to arm a battalion and there's fuck all you can do