Most of you are not American

Friendly reminder that most of you shit heads are not Americans. Most of you are gutter tier Euro trash that immigrated here in the 19th and 20th century. True Americans (original British colonizers) are as rare as indian tribes themselves.

America is a nation of misfits and cast aways. Why even fight it. Just because you are white doesn't mean shit. We are a nation of immigrants. In fact most niggers have been here longer than your shitty German and Irish ancestors.

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ok so I'm ethnically german but im still an american citizen who upholds to its founding principles so whats the problem

gib unnie tetas

The founding principles died like 100 years ago bub. Pay your taxes and keep quiet.

Spin it how you want dumb fuck. I was born here so Im an American. My parents were born here and my grandparents were born here.

Some niggers have been here longer, but they are still so stupid they can’t survive on anything but crack and food stamps. What’s your point?

Mayflower stock here fagget

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I'm descended from three separate families who settled Jamestown.

True, I spit on all of you visitors, but it is not politically expedient to alienate our European guests at the moment.

Just because some Turk roaches moved to Germany does not make them German. They will forever be German. American is the original Brits period. Everything after that is something else.

Hey Jim, did you hear that LaRue now offers AARP discounts? Get on it!!!