Well Jow Forums? Isn’t it natural selection if they die? Why should my tax dollars go to keeping stupid people alive? Poverty and low IQ have a correlation and they are usually very rude, maybe if they pass an IQ test they could gain certain privileges. Thoughts?
Do poor people deserve health care?
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You're like a reverse communist.
Man, I love ignorant and wealthy white people. Muh dick.
you are obviously a shill so nobody will reply
sage thread
Why should any federal taxes go to anything other than the military at all?
>Poorto Rico is scared of the truth
wow look at these low test faggots
To repair the roads and ensure drinking waters are safe and making sure corporations aren’t completely fucking us all over? This is in theory of course uncle schlomo does whatever the fuck he wants but why should my tax dollars go to keeping niggers and retards Alive when they contribute nothing?
No, I agree with you. Let's redistribute the wealth to those with the highest IQ's. Then enslave the lower 50% I think i'll make you my personal pube wrangler. It'll be an easy job you'll only need to work every other week. You can even sleep in the closet under the sink.
Would unironically increase productivity tremendously by giving the people who can actual influence the world personal servants to do the menial tasks in their lives. Should be more like 3% intellectuals, 97% slaves though, not 50/50.