Why is Donald Trump so petty to the point he is wiping away Barack Obama's economical gains of the ecomomy?
Why is Donald Trump so petty to the point he is wiping away Barack Obama's economical gains of the ecomomy?
>economical gains of the economy
Couldn’t even bait without fucking up, nice one shareblue
No worries bud, we just have to abolish the fed rq then we'll be back to greatness again
Fuck off Shareblue
Fucking worthless basement dwelling wastes
Go suck Soros scrotum
gr8 b8 m8
Regretting voting for Trump now. My retirement portfolio is down 30%.
Wow trump started the trend line three months before he even was inaugurated! The promise of a $5 trillion tax holiday for multinational corporations couldn't have anything to do with that now could it?
>print money to fund $10 trillion dollar tax cuts
>quadruple the deficit in a market expansion
>be surprised when interest rates go up
No the Fed, run by old republicans, is definitely doing this on purpose to help the democrats!
OP, what is a market correction? Look that up and report back to us, you dumb shill.
After rising 45% under Trump? Okay, got it.
>It's obama's economy if it is doing good
>it's trumps economy if it tanks
Didn't even notice that.
You're a shill who doesn't even own stocks nor do you understand how the markets or monetary policy works. Just like every other Democrat.
Go fuck yourself.
All due to poor returns in the Tech industry.
Which is completely out of Trumps hands.
It'll bounce back so no one is concerned.
"Honestly, I voted for Trump in 2016..."
Fuck off shareblue.
>can't tell the difference between slope
What an absolute retard
Hilarious how people compare the number when Obama took office after the GFC and think its comparable to Trump who comes in promising massive, unfunded tax cuts and another quadrupling of the monetary base, a president who said "just print money" verbatim.
Trump tweets nonstop about a cherry picked "4%" GDP growth, even though a month later inflation was estimated at 5%, crickets from Trump on inflation. Instead he says the FED is "crazy" for protecting the value of the dollar. Trump sheep who probably have criticized the FED for devaluing the dollar for decades do a 180 and support Trump. Incredible.
>No the Fed, run by old republicans
Ran by old jews you slimey little kike.
Is this what winning feels like
Who support the tax cuts and $5 trillion tax holiday for money global, multinational corporations laundered overseas. The FED is run by the very people who benefited the most from Trump's corporate tax cuts and to the estate taxes. To say the FED is trying to manipulate the money supply to support democrats is retarded.
Economical gains? Did you even graduate from high school?
I payed 2K less each month of taxes after tax cuts and I'm middle class.
These "gains" were mere frills and cosmetic improvements on behalf of the (((elites))) to give the appearance of improvement. Meanwhile, millions of working people continued (and still continue) to struggle. Despite high productivity, increasing production, improvements in the potential standard of living, people only receive as much of their labor's worth as their (((boss))) decides.
The black/white/yellow "meme" is annoying little demop faggot. try a better color scheme.