We need to protect our white aryan race from this filthy jap propaganda we must educate others of the dangers of hentai and we must prevent race mixing with those filthy slutty Japanese whores once and for all.
Fuck Anime & Weebs
Caleb Morales
Juan Perry
Sanae is best girl though.
Julian Wood
Anime contains some pretty right-wing messages
Samuel Flores
I'll be goddamed before I let you filthy kikes lay your hands on my Nyaruko.
Blake Bennett
reminds me of that guy from the 18th century who was friends with the marquis de sade
he died in a very similar way
Anthony Wright
>He posts this on an anime imageboard website
Jackson Lopez
>protect our white aryan race
it's gone man. may as well jerk off to some qt 3.14 superior 2D waifus.
Jack Kelly
>The based user posts an image to trigger weebs
pretty fuckin based man
William Bailey
>on an anime website
lmao fuck off
Noah Scott
stay mad