where are some of the cheapest places to live in the USA that aren't ghetto nigger shit holes?
Where are some of the cheapest places to live in the USA that aren't ghetto nigger shit holes?
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Your mom's house
epic burn
The Dakotas.
t. Some of my family moved there from California.
Dakotas. Montana. Wyoming.
Montpelier Idaho. An apartment is $125 a month
you faggots say that in every thread but what about Iowa, Nebraska, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri?
The South or the North of the South (West Midwest)
Basically anywhere except New York or California? How is this a question? Just pick a random irrelevant flyover state and there you go.
Too populated and near normies therefore its shit.
how are Iowa and Nebraska too populated??
Is west PA fine?
Pick a small town anywhere on the eastern seaboard? Idfk..
Everywhere in PA but Philly is good.
Thought this might help. Stay away from anywhere with green dots.
Not entirely accurate. Harrisburg, for instance, is full of niggers. Lancaster is full of spics. Same with Easton, Allentown.
Redpill me on living in Montana, please bros. I'm stuck in MD now but I have money and a bachelor's in database management, I gotta get out
It's not just California in the west, Oregon and Washington are getting crazy expensive too.
I went to dallas and it was full of niggers and 5x as many spics
Live in Iowa here. It really depends. You get into northwest Iowa and the population density drops like a rock. Big cities are fairly blue, though not nearly as bad as coasts, and the nigger problem hasn't quite taken things over there.
Anyone who thinks Nebraska is too populated is comparing it to what? Alaska or North Dakota?
stay out of montana you filthy shitskin liberal
I'll fuck you sideways with a fuckin rake you kike, do you want a special pose when I stuff you and prop you in my Holocaust museum? Some matzo, maybe a menorah up your ass? Faggot
>cheapest places to live in the USA that aren't ghetto nigger shit holes?
Tx near the border, you can go in mex and buy ssame shit at 10%
you're brown, Montana isn't for you. stay in Baltimore
Whiter than you you fucking black eyed spic mongrel, enjoy the shotgun on your daughter's neck when the whites come calling
Spic talking shit and got hit, what else is there
Based and neetpilled
>staying in America
whatever few last white states remain in the next 20 years are going to get WACO'd
Green Bay WI is pretty cheap. You can get a house for 100k or less. Whites everywhere too, but some parts have been meximelted a little. Stay on the West side of the river.
Good, run, we can shoot you in the back
Ghetto nigger shitholes tend to be the most expensive due to section 8. White working man pays entire rent amount while the spics/niggers pay $100 a month and we pick up the rest.
Find a house for rent in the suburbs.
punching nigger (A) assaulted punched nigger's (B) grandmom. So B reported to police. A got arrested but released - set up party at B's house, he was stupid enough to chill&drink with him. So A punched B to be a cripple for lifetime.
Moral of the story: kill a nigger when he niggers.
Further moral of the story: If you live in a beautiful place like Croatia, don't let niggers in, in the first place.
Someone needs a bandaid
Niggers can live for years without the brain. You need to pull the teeth and cut the lips, they can't chew chicken or smoke crack. Death follows soon.
Stay far away from CO. We're hitting Commiefornia-mass with real estate here.
>Shit 4 bedroom house made in the 80's sold for 400k
>Two bedrooms commonly sell for 225-300k in the Boulder County district
>Denver County is even worse.
Stay far, far away user.
North Dakota most underrated state, just gotta be able to withstand Hoth like winters.
Why are there so many Mestizos in Denver? Was it always like that?
Sir, your nigger gore video folder is top notch
There wasn't much demographic movement to CO until it was recommended that it "helped" with pneumonia and tuberculosis. It's mainly indigenous people near the foothills; the mountains had caucasian goldiggers (Lyons, Lefthand Canyon, Jamestown, ect.) and the rural areas farmers.
The biggest influx is that CO is not Texas and I-25 cuts through the center. That's pretty much it. There's a lot of coke rings on I-25 as well (don't trust any Pueblo cops/deputies) that contributes to a lot of Mexicans and other latinos staying here.
Anywhere in the south that isn't overrun by niggers but isn't totally out in the boonies? Currently stuck in Atlanta and looking to move. Thought about Knoxville but from what I've heard it's getting worse. Milder weather is a plus.