I bet your all fat fucking losers with no hot gf just jealous of Black and female success face it the age of white men...

I bet your all fat fucking losers with no hot gf just jealous of Black and female success face it the age of white men is over just accept it and move on losers get a life

Attached: 7C5976D4-3D72-406B-98F2-9B333E41B0CA.jpg (1030x984, 245K)

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Not jealous, just mirin'

Kys sage

Julia Vins is one of the few people I follow on the Instagram account I made to get closer to and fuck a hapa Okinawan who burnt bridges with me in 2016

Attached: 43049080_728490724168148_8614601686880360257_n.jpg (1080x1350, 184K)

when breast cup size is smaller than the chest size, it's time to quit.

I'd impregnate that hapa meatbeast.

No proper punctuation. Opinion discarded.

shes on that bicycle time, nomsayin?

She looked great before.

Death by snu snu

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