What's their deal? Are they identical in culture, ethnicity, and politics to arab muslims, except they just happen to be christian? Or are they completely different culturally? I'm asking because i've been watching some documentaries on the lebanese civil war since it was being featured this week somewhere, and it seems there was an enormous cultural separation between the christian maronites and the muslims. Even though there were many muslim factions they all seemed to align with a pan-arab thought.
> pic somewhat related
ME/Arab Christians?
bump for interest
The Christian side tend to genetically differ slightly if im not mistaken. Kind of like the coptic Egyptians.
Likely still arabd doe.
I assumed such, there is probably some minor genetic difference due to historical ethnoreligious tribalism. However, what about cultural differences? Do ME christians tend to get along with muslims and live the same way of life, celebrate the same holidays, and identify in the same way, except for religion?
I'm asking because the ME is insanely religious, and religion is probably more important than race there.
Dont think they do. Christians are generally not liked.
Its what makes georgia and armenia interesting. Surrounded by Muslims yet genetically isolated
ME catholic here (Assyrian). We are completely different to our saracin neighbors and quite frankly have a neo nazis dream culture.
>vote right wing all around the world 80%+
>women aren’t degenerate and only marry in race
>hard working and very libertarian / low taxes
>extremely religious (catholic)
>genetically different from Muslims
Pic related is what the average Assyrian girl looks like. She in specific is a mother who was fighting isis.
You folks are the only redeemable humans in SE MI. If we could get Dearborn and Detroit cleared of trash, we might have a new utopia. My gun shop is run by Assyrian Catholics...super based, earnest people.
Assyrian here, grandparents from Syria/Iraq , we dont get along with turks, we stay away from armenians but we dont really hate them, we despise musdshit arabs since we are the indeginous people of mesoptomia, also we never mixed with arabs nor any other ethnicity like the maronites from lebanon and some catholics. Most of us are 99% pure assyrian. We all wish for the day where we retake our rightful clay and rebuild Ashuria as the and go back to our ancient tradition of skinning alive kikes and Bedouin arabs