'But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you...

>'But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. To one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also, and from one who takes away your cloak do not withhold your tunic either. Give to everyone who begs from you, and from one who takes away your goods do not demand them back. And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.' - Jesus Christ
how many on Jow Forums are able to follow this doctrine?

Attached: Jesus-2.jpg (500x736, 41K)

How many atheists are able to account for the availability an legality of war and yet continue to take this simple commandment to countrymen out of context?

It doesn't contradict, and i doubt you're a christian if you honestly believe doing good to someone who wants to kill you somehow overrides their free will to actively hate you regardless.

Remind me again how this works if the person in question doesn't believe in God? (I.E (((You))))

Communists aren't human. You wouldn't turn the other cheek when a rabid dog attacks you, and you shouldn't with a communist either.

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>"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters--yes, even their own life--such a person cannot be my disciple.

Attached: jesus-light-of-the-world.jpg (1329x957, 242K)

embarrassing excuses

>Jesus wants Europe to become Islamic, goy

>buzzwords that aren't relevant

Attached: christianmemer.jpg (908x539, 147K)

>Away with you Satan, for thou speaketh of things that be not of God.

Your post itself is whataboutism.

You are taking it out of context, continue to play dumb. Thanks for playing.

In order to change, ones going to have to get tired with their own habits. this is pretty much what he meant. But i love it when people take this out of context even more while somehow stating they want to change almost 4 sentences later.

jesus got cucked by the jews that murdered him. poor guy.

do you feel in charge?

>You are taking it out of context, continue to play dumb. Thanks for playing.
it's a well known teaching with plenty of context, you just ran out of excuses

>Be a martyr to expose the blatant evil
>in exposing this evil liberate the world from pharisees to high up their own asses to even realize their warped.
>World realizes jews aren't jews. That Christians are Jews.
>Jew takes on a new meaning rather then a hated spited one.
>jews constantly use the term in order to get people to hate them so that when it is finally realized, christians get the whip and "jews" get away.

There is a way to interpret this very differently, but I can't be bothered posting it. Someone might have the copypasta. It has to do with double meanings missed in translation.


Only if you understand the time in history these were said, that they indeed have different meanings from today's world.


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>Don't eat shellfish or buttfuck or you'll burn in hell - God

not really. they would have been understood slightly differently but the general meaning is the same.some refer to a specific law from the time but that doesn't really change the message.

try identifying them and you'll get arrested!

Jews killed Jesus too.

that's not what it says. it says don't eat shellfish it you'll be ritually unclean and don't buttfuck or the land will be unclean and "spit you out" allowing foreigners to take over.

exactly. so stop taking it up the ass.

Attached: turn the other cheek hebrew translations.png (1380x511, 381K)

>Be atheist
>Use logic, morality and the concept of Truth

>Try to account for logic
>Try to account for morality
>Try to account for Truth

>Does this by taking away the axiom that it requires for these to work objectively

>Continues to wonder why secular societies and society as a whole is heading no where but nuclear annihilation and war.
>Just cannot grasp the reality in which they the God's of the universe are accountable to something thats greater than they will ever be
>Struggle hard
>Struggle even harder
>Become a buttfucking fedora wearing purple mandarin orange haired merman with 50 facial piercings some shitty tattoos and riddled with STDs in order to spite someone that clearly only wanted the best for you.

So this is the power, of subjectivism.

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thanks for the advice.

oblig text

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this is so dumb. do you really think Roman soldiers couldn't allow people to carry their pack of they wanted?

"And return to our neighbors sevenfold into their bosom The reproach with which they have reproached You, O Lord."

These satanist kikes need to be dealt with just as their useful idiots do: with disproportionate force.

You're pretty dumb. The law for them was just as binding as it was for anyone else and if they broke the law and enough people were witness to it they would be punished for it. You're projecting your own lack of integrity on to the situation and the soldiers.

the law is about forcing them to carry it it doesn't prevent people from volunteering.

Are you daft then, stupid, ignorant or just naive? Why would a person of a conquered country now in servitude to said country and it's soldiers want to volunteer for any more work than they have already been compelled to do?

What are you trying to achieve by posting these? they just say 'lol jesus was actually not as nice as some people say he was!' It doesn't invalidate the quote.

the soldiers aren't the ones volunteering.

Your right for calling these guys out user. Any feelings of ill will, no matter how justified, are a net negative.

This murderous barbarian scenario is highly unlikely and you know that i'm sure, It's cheap guile to justify your hatred.

also because Jesus told them to.

That's for people in your own community, obviously. Not for foreign nations. And it works. Bible is genius.

Follow this one first, and stop posting pictures of hippies
>1 Corinthians 11:14
>Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?

it also ignores what we know about how the earliest Christians behaved. all of the apostles were pacifists and marytyrs but no, Jesus was really a #resister

I know the soldiers aren't volunteering for it. I never said they were. You're rather thick headed aren't you? Why would SLAVES volunteer for more work than they have already been forced to do? This is a very simple thing to grasp! Are you one of those people that just doesn't even ask questions when you don't understand what a person is saying?

Jesus isn't telling them to volunteer!

>give me all your shit whitey, now!

Yes sir my lord demands it of me

>Oi it's the police you wanker stop! Did dat man jus rob you!

No sir I was just doing my Christian duty

>But he stripped you naked!

It what God wants...

>Why would a person of a conquered country now in servitude to said country and it's soldiers want to volunteer for any more work than they have already been compelled to do?
to win favour with the conquerors, which there are many examples of in history (look up the the many nazi collaborators in the countries they conquered as a well known example)
>Are you daft then, stupid, ignorant or just naive?
you don't seem too bright yourself m8

Yeah, that's why (((scientists))) who test shit on lesser beings are mostly atheists of profound morality

Yes he is. In the scenario they are asked to carry for 1 mile. Jesus tells them to go an extra mile. the extra mile is where they volunteer. they are no longer compelled by law but they do it anyway. the romans would not be opposed to this and would certainly not "comically beg" for them to stop.

Cherry picking bible passages to suit your agenda... you’re a pretty sleazy guy
Remember Jesus never said “be stupid”.

it's not cherry picking, it's a very famous teaching that he gave to all his followers and practised in his personal life

Able or willing? There is a difference but you know practice makes perfect.

People had more grit back then. More integrity. More Spirit. That's something that the first couple of world wars killed off a lot of. The nazi collaborators were most kikes. History is already a testament to their duplicitous nature. You seem rather worldly, but not as knowledgeable as you would like to think.

Are you really trying to play this game with me? Do you think yourself sly or clever? From what I posted and from what you first posted to me in reply the only inference to be made from what you said is that you were challenging that people couldn't just volunteer to carry it for longer than the text in the image already said. That's what you found so dumb. Now you're trying to lie and say that you weren't, but that completely invalidates your first reply to me. I try not to hate you kikes and only just hate what you do, but Father give me strength, it is so very difficult these days.

So if I'm deaf I'm exempt from this?

>People had more grit back then. More integrity. More Spirit.
People are people, you're just pushing your own interpretation onto people you've never met. Collaboration with conquerors is a historical fact.

I haven't changed my point at all. My first reply says exactly what I am saying now. Roman soldiers could allow people to carry their packs if they wanted to. To think otherwise is silly.

I came here to kick ass and turn cheeks
>and I'm all outta cheeks

Why should I not hate my enemies- if I ' LOVE " them does that not place me at their mercy?

Satanic bible - Anton Szandor LaVey

It flips the message on its head. If it was about fighting smartly rather than not fighting it's a lot different.

Fuck off, Moshe.

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>he who doesn't have his own house in order is worse than an infidel
lets see.
Jesus equates hating to commiting the sin of murder.
when one is murdered, the end result is death.
so, kill off your family, to get closer to God.
but when seen in another light.
>im not of this world
>cut off from this world
>let the dead bury the dead
one can see that he's talking about seperating oneself from the carnal and living in the spiritual.

though, from this point of view, the carnal are dead and the spiritual are living.

It's usually done by slaves that are favored by those already in high status and power. Not Roman low ranking Soldiers that weren't much elevated in status beyond the slaves. I am not, you are choosing to look at all of history through the same cynical eyes and not understanding that the entropy has been gradual. More than likely because you yourself are a creature of entropy.
My apologies for not realizing your arrogance young one. Let me get this straight then -- you think that if you were a Roman Soldier back then that you could gotten away with that huh? What you fail to realize is the intelligence put into that law because it was specifically designed not to exhaust the slaves and cause them to be either physically injured to the point of having no value or dead. So yes the Roman Soldiers would have been punished and no it is not silly because they would have been messing with efficiency.
I always notice that when I call you kikes you serpents don't even deny it anymore. Funny that.

>follow this doctrine?
Here is my honest answer. I didn't in the past but I hope I can if the those situations arise.

I realized there is nothing to fear. Nothing in the world is more important as doing what Jesus told us to do.

This whole invasion, racemixing, terrorism doesn't matter too. At this point I see it as tribulation.

Praise Jesus our Lord!
May have God mercy on our souls.

If you assholes would expect Satan as the one true God we wouldn't be having the problems we are having today.

have you lads ever heard of Occam's razor?

funny that you claim moral high ground when you are the one belittling and name calling.

Funny that you assume that which was never proclaimed. I never claimed to be perfect and actually I have been rather controlled in my dealings with you. Is it belittling and name calling to call something of which it has chosen that name for itself by it's own choices made?

you're going to great lengths do defend your alternative meaning but it isn't supported by history. the earliest christians were non-violent, pacifists and martyrs. they weren't political resisters and Christ's message had nothing to do with politics or the romans.

Satan has nothing to offer. All those NPCs, they don't live, they have no soul. Since I have the choice, I rather keep that light in me that makes me, me.

yes it is.

Jesus looked like this

Attached: titus-1.jpg (900x750, 81K)

I would argue that Satan has a great deal to offer. If you think about it he's the real proponent of human rights and happiness.

Big claim. The earliest Christians only understood the most rudimentary part of Christ's message. Since their understanding was not deep they did what they thought was best to inspire more followers. They did not have a bible to study and the internet to go in depth of study by comparing gnostic texts and gauging them by comparing them to details in observable reality. I will not fall on my sword as you would like me to kike.
I disagree and your scriptfag digits don't persuade me kike. Your ancestors chose to reject Christ just as you have, so you get the same nickname as they did for their transgressions -- kike. If that makes you butthurt then I don't care.

I don't see it. Leftist snowflakes, degenerates, certainly don't appear happy to my eyes.

you already have your reward.

I knew there was something fishy about you when you showed up on the boards namefagging it up. The goat in lambskin has chosen to reveal itself now has he? You bargain unwisely with your life for Christ has already defeated the very thing that you have staked your very souls on.
Indeed? Are you trying to infer that you are God's chosen children and that I am cursed for cursing you? Foolishness! You are all usurpers to begin with! The true Israelites are the believers and acceptors of Christ. Your people even elevate your own physical existence and state above that of the sanctity of the LORD and for that you will all have your reward. Destruction.

I sure don't, I'm theistic but you aren't going to cuck me with with christian shit. I'd rather follow the Buddhist ideal of "if you are about to be attacked, then strike first and strike hard." This isn't a roving band of newborn puppies after all.

Yeah and you are probably one of these retards running around here sounding off about how the jews are bad.

its not so much about believing in God, as much as it is about being a good example to others. Eventually they will see how a person should carry themselves.

It's white magic.
Once upon a time a godless communist gook kidnapped a white Christian family. As he held his gun to their heads they did not show him any fear or malice but simply prayed to God both for themselves and their captor. The gook, overwhelmed by their steadfast faith and kindness knew he was wrong and this family was right so he shot himself instead.
Christian white magic made his head explode.

>This murderous barbarian scenario is highly unlikely

Attached: behead-those-who-insult-islam.jpg (339x230, 28K)

>implying they aren't except in rare cases
Already laid down with dogs and came up with fleas, have you? A pity. There is a saying -- not all jews are communists, but every communist is a jew. Since you're a satanist, I know that you already know about blood libel, so why don't you cut the bullshit already?

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I've followed some of these teachings recently. I have suffered greatly. The spirit of 7x77 is a terrible burden that takes everything you have and more. I am constantly plagued by demons that scream for me to commit violence, but they are unGodly and I see them for what they are.

Here is the thing... When you have nothing left to give and nothing more to break, You become invincible. My heart is light, but I am poor and without physical comfort.

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I'm sure your life is in real danger, O ye of little faith.

Yeah yeah yeah we've heard all this crap before.

Jews are bad
Gas all the jews
Hitler did nothing wrong

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I see that I hit a nerve since you're resorting to calling me an NPC. Guess what faggot? I have an inner voice and I can think visually, abstractly, and intuitively. I'm so far away from NPC that you probably can't even fathom what it's like.

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Well it's true. You asshats all sound the same just like them fruitcake liberals do. The fact of the matter is you people are just as silly and hypocritical as is the loser Democrat party and it's supporters.

When people try to stick to Christ's teachings, devils and demons more readily pursue them to try and make them stumble. Be strong brother and know that they will try to twist the scripture to make you stumble even when you don't think they are, so it behooves you to know the scripture well so they cannot use it as a weapon against you in ignorance.
There are NPC's on both sides. I'm not one of 'em. I'm more like a PC that figured out how to access dev mode. It's actually listed in the bible how and is part of God's grace bestowed on His believers, but you don't seem to care about that. :^)

Yeah sure you ain't. Sorry people but I don't trust any of you anymore than I do the left. You are all full of shit.

I already disputed it along the lines of the original research so I don't honestly care what your opinion is about me in that regard, especially since you've already chosen to cast your lot in with the prince of darkness and lies. You're not exactly a good judge of character or honesty from where I'm sitting lad.

>I don't trust any of you (anonymous)...
Good? That's a pretty reasonable thing to do. Anyone can post here and tell you anything, trusting random people that didn't earn it and you know nothing about doesn't seem like a wise thing to do.

On the other hand, the probability that someone tells you his/her honest opinion is a lot higher compared to social-media/ public dialog.

The """muslim""" on the left has a quite large nose.

It mean you shouldn't underestimate them.

I don't trust anybody on the conservative and Christian right. And it's because of the before mentioned hypocrisy. You'll probably get tjat same response from most of the libertarians.

What I get from that text is: Act with honor and grace in the face of evil.
Don't lose yourself to the evil you are working against.
It is always necessary, if you want to seriously combat evil, to be yourself a bit evil but to become vindictive and petty when somone hurts you does not for a productive outcome, help.

hello fellow reseterator

>I don't trust anybody on...
Incidently me neither. I might believe one thing or another, after I discerned it to be okay but that's usually inconsequencial. Isn't that... uhm... a normal thing to do? You know, like using your own head and heart to navigate through live.

christianity is retarded, nobody lives like that. it's not natural

Basically this

>It's actually listed in the bible
The user manual is only accessible to users. When a subroutine tries to access it all it gets is confusing nonsense.

A bit butthurt are ya? Kek. I'm not perfect and never claimed to be and speaking others, theya ren't perfect either. I'm a more in tuned Christian and know that holding Christians to an impossible standard and dismissing them otherwise is a tactic done to try and paralyze the Christians and leave them with no other option but to relent. I'm no fool.

>Be atheist
>Be too big brained to tell right from wrong because it is all just like personal opinion bro.

How hard is it for atheists to understand that in order to act morally you need faith in that such a thing as truth or good is real.
