This is my final post on Jow Forums. I have been posting here for like 5 years now.
Jow Forums has taught me one thing, and one thing only. It's a meta-knowledge kind of thing. It's not about politics.
Jow Forums, the alt-right, and all of this cultural reactionary bullshit proves that Western Civilization is basically dead. For demographic and cultural reasons, we reached our apex in the 1960s, and declined after that. The apotheosis of Western Civilization was when Neil Armstrong walked on the Moon. Culturally, everything since then has been downhill, although computers have gotten smaller and faster.
I've had my vasectomy, and I'm moving to a small town in rural Canada after I get my journeyman papers. I am never getting married, and I'm paying off my mortgage before I move there. I am so done with mainstream Canada.
A lot of you guys seem to think you can make a difference, but the truth is that it's already over. If you read Eric Kaufmann's work, you'll figure out that white countries are already demographically fucked. It's over. If you have kids, they will just grow up as hated white minorities in the lands our ancestors conquered. More POZ, more Islam, fewer white faces. That's what the future holds.
All I want is a quiet little one story house with high speed internet I can crawl into and forget about the world in. The more roots you put down (kids, wife, small business) the harder this will be to do.
Take the Jow Forumspill and go innawoods.