Does Japan need feminism?

Does Japan need feminism?

We need Japanese woman's potential power to change the society.

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Ya please get your own president park so world war 3: battle of the sexes can start

>asking a qeastion
>answering your own qeastion
>miss by 1
Lol at your life


The overwhelming majority of women voted Hitler
Go for it

Attached: 1539642489910.jpg (597x525, 129K)

japan needs feminism like you need cancer of the anus. women can live satisfying lives without abandoning their responsibilities to family and nation. feminism is a mafia of sexual deviants.

Watcha wan wite boi? You nigga aint seen shit, i would bust you like i busted on to whyt chiks yesterday

I wold fuk your whyt ass mama an she wold lik it nigga

We getting infected at an alarming rate
Fuck off mainstream media and esg investing

No, keep to your Shinto tradition