How do Americans and Russians feel about each other?
How do Americans and Russians feel about each other?
Day of the Shoah is coming
I believe that the "Russan Hacker" meme is a pod of shit and meant to explain away the very real cracks that are appearing in our country due to other factors.
I wish we could be allies
I feel like most Americans probably have a higher opinion of Russia than Russians do of America. Even with the whole "Muh RUSSIA!" bullshit to agitate the NPCs.
Respected enemies.
I wish murricans weren't mutts, otherwise they are ok
I don't have any problems with Russians
I like Russians. My last two girlfriends were both 2nd Gen immigrants from USSR countries (Moldova and Russia proper, respectively). One thing that was consistent is that their parents were very hard, unfeeling type people. I made the mistake of showing weakness to the first one, instantly lost respect and boom relationship over. So lesson learned.
One question I have for the ruskies in this thread - I always suspected my last gf’s dad was a Russian mobster. He was an accountant with a tiny practice, yet has a 15m+ mansion and like ten million dollar condos for his daughters. They go on vacations every other weekend. So my question is - is the Russian mob Jewish? This was pre-redpill for me and I didn’t think twice about dating a Jewish person, but I was suspicious of how her father seemed so shady. She *insisted* and very angrily at that, that the dad wasn’t a mobster.
Good Ol' Days
I'm indifferent to Russia and don't really think about them at all.
Geopolitically, Russia is the closest thing to a friend that America has in Asia. Conversely, America is one of the only friends Russia has in NATO. Cooperation between our countries can only be beneficial as long as we have mutual interests. No American has a right to criticize Russia for Crimea or Chechnya, because we've done far worse shit in the middle east and south america, too.
Personally, I love Russians. They're one of the few people left that are proud of their heritage unapologetically and have a good sense of humor. My Masters' thesis comittee was 4 post-soviet Russian biologists from Moscow State University, and they were all redpilled as fuck and brilliant to boot. I'm only 2nd generation Polish in America, though, so I may be biased.
Balkans should be in America's butthurt belt
Clarification - he bought 10 separate million dollar condos. Not several $10m condos.
Russia and US are literally fighting each other in undeclared wars and in a new cold war.
Alot of the Russian mobsters in the United States, especially the ones from NYC/Brighton Beach, are Jewish. If their last name didn't end in like -ov or -in, and had a non-slavic first name, chances are they aren't "true" Russians. Even that can be misleading because some of them change their last names to sound more Russian.
Although it's entirely possible you ran into one of the many families that helped rob the state after the USSR collapsed.
Last name ends in -ev, I don’t want to say more than that. And this is... well just a little bit north of New York yknow?
Russia should be Finns butthurt belt, Stalin and Lenin agreed in Finland that Russia will be a communist state and Finns politetly made their meeting happen... Finland was at the time part of Russia :-) After that Stalin tried to invade Finland two times and failed both times and got so fucking butthurt about it that he went on to destroy any evidence of the war, and it wasn't even in their history books until 21th century.
I don't like Russians people. They're rude, crude, dark, miserable people.
One thing I forgot to mention too is the family has some weird, unexplained tie to the founder of a *massive* Russian security firm. They do like armored cars, atm security and information security shit too. And the tie is evidently quite close because my exgf worked there despite having no experience at all or unique skills, and she described them as close family friends. Idk lol, I don’t want to hijack this thread but it’s something I’ve been wondering about for the past year
I believe Russians are superior to us.
I believe you should speak for yourself you little faggot.
-ev is common but alot of Russian Jews have that ending too, if they didn't celebrate easter or christmas, then yeah, they're probs jewish. Btw, Christian Russians are all uncut, if they ever talked about that.
No one cares about Finns here.
>is the Russian mob Jewish?
In America? Maybe. As of here, most mafia bosses are Georgians or other churkas.
And you're still butthurt apparently
We think americans are fucked up as much as their country
Every russian I have run into here (the US south east) has been intelligent but very reserved in conversation. Mostly women who married military men.
Butthurt at what?
They don't bother me, haven't run into enough of them to really say. Can't be worse than most Americans anyway.
We will have our revenge on the vodka swilling steppe scum.
I don't care about any of them as long as they don't start talking liberalist kike garbage.
-ev is same as -ov.
They're probably have like a great grandparent that was Jewish, and they used that connection to get into the states when the iron curtain dropped.
Watch the classic Nicholas Cage film "Lord of War" for explanation what it was that her daddy did.
We think that America is Jewish
Russians are the original IRL trolls.
My sister studied abroad in Moscow last summer through a program sponsored by the NSA. She told me a lot of Russians would ask her what Americans thought of their homeland, in a way that suggested the response would be negative. They always acted surprised when the answer was overall positive sentiment. In this age, I really believe anti-russian sentiment comes from a small minority (muh russian bots hurr durr)
Her and I have both agreed the "evil" Russian narrative gets pushed a lot in the United States, be it in movies or video games. That seems to be where they get the idea we still don't like them; goddamn Hollywood continues to meme that shitty idea into existance over and over.
Your faggot leader should take care of his country and quit meddling in other people's business.
Cybersecurity is one of those very real cracks, however. Soros (voting machines) and Hillary (DNC hacks and private server) make bad stuff happen. That's why they blame muh rusha instead of admitting they did some mistakes.
Serbia is American Butthurt belt exclave.
I'm not entirely convinced they exist. Never seen one. I always assumed they were a fictional race of movie villians so that studios could have bad guys for movies without offending real Countries by making them the bad guy all the time.
No you don't. Stay in Russia for a longer period of time (1 year at least) and you will understand what I mean.
Allies aren't room mates. I don't give a fuck what my allies do in their own country, so long as they're on time when I need them.
Or what?
a bit feral but its not their fault
perhaps unrefined is a better term
lots of potential from what i can discern
would be curious to see what they would become if their economy was a bit better and more stable
they showed a lot of scientific progress despite hostile conditions in the cold war
The jew has driven a wedge between the western europe and our brethren in the east
Murrica is big. There are some good and bad people. Most of people want to have a good job, home, family and kids. So they are same. Politics? Russians hate theyr own politics, so they do not like american politics. It's simple projection. Murricans is OK, just more fat.
Frankly, i would like to see the USA and Russia being friendly, and not nuking each other to oblivion.
Anyway whoever support us in the war against the EU if we leave gets the meditterean!!
Americans are fine, as long as they don't talk my ear off about Trump. Seriously, find another topic already.