
Women and minorities

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>Some guy's blog
>The right is one person
Who fucking cares, OP

More importantly

>more importantly


>A former president of the most powerful nation on Earth.
>A political crone so entrenched in dirty politics she not only burned a candidate (Sanders felt the Been) she also managed to hack voting machine registries.
They're somehow oppressed. Woe is me, what are we going to do about it.

here we go, inb4 freedom of speech made the bombs kek

If you didnt have freedom, you couldn't make bomb.

freedom btfo

We didn't state that Democrats are inhuman and soulless. That meme applies to a much broader range of people than Democrats.

>just days after this meme was created
Jesus, those bombs have been in the mail for a long ass time. Surprised the timers were still going after that many years.