Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

Attached: 0_THP_CHPP_251018SLUG_1891JPG.jpg (615x626, 45K)

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because women are pathetically irresponsible

Chestfeeding instead of breastfeeding bc you know men can lactate too (with their chest).

>chest feeding
>for dads
what? do americans let their babies suck on their male nipples?

Next step : you give them hormones to produce milk because

This is next level degeneracy. I bet it was made for trannies and now sõy burgers are also using it.

someone explain

Come, friendly nukes, and cleanse this vile orb of its human stain.

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the theory behind it has at least a kernel of plausibility, but doesn't demand this gimmickry, just to hold them instead of just giving them the bottle.

It's just more post-industrial Capitalist gimmickry. Any excuse to make more useless shit.