They've had it! Soros doesn't pay them enough to continue the journey.

You can't make this shit up!

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Oh no no no no no

>copy and paste this to a thread or your mother will die in her sleep tonight .

Sounds like a great, peaceful way for her to go, thx user. You’re a sweetheart. We all gotta go sometime. :shrug: better than taking care of her and needless worrying. Thx bro.

You guys don’t seriously want to kill unarmed women and children just looking for a better life do you?
Who are you to kill them for wanting the same opportunity as you?
You could have been born in their shoes instead and would want a better life. You are only living here out of pure fucking luck.

sad thing is this is all for show. if soros and crew actually cared about these people theyd help fund the stabilization of honduras instead of marching these faggots north as a stunt before the midterms


I gotchu fambulance, fuck this nigger and his voodoo.

Attached: 1513490285712.jpg (500x860, 129K)

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theyre just doing the exact same thing the last one did. breaking apart, letting the attention die down, and then theyre all going to just walk the fuck across. but its okay the average human plugged into this social media jewery has the attention span of a fucking carp so who cares anyway