How to trigger Pol-tards in one image.
How to trigger Pol-tards in one image
Liam Hernandez
Gavin Nelson
Nice b8 m8
Jose Lee
Nice Swastika, how does it make you feel that Hitler was a mentally deficent degenerate that liked getting pissed on
Hunter Butler
Hitler was a leftist then
Joseph Parker
Julian Flores
Hitler was a leftist in the same way Stalin was a rightist: very selectively. In all other ways Hitler was a traditionalist, reationary, and a firm believer in social darwinism, all signs of right wing authoritarianism.
Levi Jenkins
drumpf was unironically to the left of hilldawg but certainly not that authouritarian
Joseph Brooks
Those poor liberals have a whole new world awaiting them.
Kevin James
at least you're consistent
Isaac Garcia