How to trigger Pol-tards in one image

How to trigger Pol-tards in one image.

Attached: us2016.png (400x400, 30K)

Nice b8 m8

Nice Swastika, how does it make you feel that Hitler was a mentally deficent degenerate that liked getting pissed on

Hitler was a leftist then


Hitler was a leftist in the same way Stalin was a rightist: very selectively. In all other ways Hitler was a traditionalist, reationary, and a firm believer in social darwinism, all signs of right wing authoritarianism.

drumpf was unironically to the left of hilldawg but certainly not that authouritarian

Those poor liberals have a whole new world awaiting them.

at least you're consistent


Attached: Tails on Bench.png (680x416, 553K)