Hey Jow Forums
Hey Jow Forums
Oooo blue check...
I voted
link you fucking retard
I think it's a response to the rhetoric from the left, and I base this off of absolutely nothing.
Fuck off, newfags.
And bumperoo.
You spell?
Bump but only an hour left
Voted. Only an hour left
Hi NPC, do you have a quest for me?
It's about making the lefties feel a little less sure about them selves. Like maybe they don't hold the majority opinion. And since we know they are herd animals.....
It's the only reason why this board is called pol in the first place
i think a better question is should the MSM be held accountable for spreading the anti-police false narratives that ended up getting several officers in dallas killed by that nigger?
>Do you believe Barack Obama should be held responsible for creating the climate that led to riots to happen throughout the country to harm or kill several of Obama’s political opponents?
VOTE NO NOW. only one hour left FUCK this faggot coal burner
strange how nobody held the media responsible for creating the climate that led to the congressional shooting last year
Here i was thinking it had to do with POLitics. Silly me
fuck that, people already forgot about the ricin attack against Trump earlier this month.
Or, they never knew about it, because the mainstream media barely mentioned it.
oy vey
Bump. What's happening? I don't have a twatter.
kek bump
It takes 5 minutes to make an NPC account.
>We will only be civil when we control everything and fuck over several demographics
That's not being civil.
If you dont give a phone verification your account will be locked in 1 min. As soon as i searched npc on twitter i was locked. I made 4 different accounts and same thing.
I voted, even though fuck you memeflag coward.
Is this your first time on the internet?
There is a way around every verification.
>The media can shit on Trump but Trump cannot shit on the media
Why is this?
Meh. Even though I'm cool with NPC, I think twitter should just be left to become purely leftist screechers. I don't think anyone takes it seriously even now.
Also - update please.
53% yes 47% no
Thanks bud I will try. I was trying to use free apps but none worked.
Yeah, that is 'silly' of you, newfag. Are you very new here? Jow Forums is the old /new/ - it's never been about politics. Just like /jp/ isn't about Japan at all but is actually a containment board for fucking touhou cunts.
Lurk more.
What an incredibly insane precedent to set. So anyone who harshly criticizes Trump and his supporters should be held responsible for people who attack trump supporters?
So got quite a hammering. Is that the final? Is he crying yet?
Wasn’t it Hillary that called for incivility?
She's had plastic surgery. It's really obvious from those clips. I'm quite amazed Jow Forums hasn't talked about it yet.
Fuck off
That doesn't work for Twitter. They know those are fake
And just posted
No, this road only goes one way, Satan.
Bump again. Where we at? Someone cap pls.
Someone post update pics for those of us without gay twitter
Here you go
Ah, it worked when I made mine.
In that case, I would make a new Google account and set up a Google voice phone number. Twitter won't have Google numbers blacklisted.
20 minutes left boys
We did it Reddit!
this is 50/50 now
id vote but im not a twitterfag
What explosives?
Fake.... Still 53 to 47
We can do it!
I just voted it to 50/50.
Victory is mine!
>We did it Reddit!
>leaf can't see all the people showing 50/50
I guess mine isn't updating.
Okay... 47 to 53 now... That's better
Fucking leaf! Can't see the forest for the trees.
Sure leaf it was an honest mistake. We never see that from leaves.
The poll is invisible to me. I think they caught on...
Thank you, leaf.
This i dont have twatter so i cant see
No problem... I am having a hard time getting it to update. Last I saw it's now 47% yes to 53% no
Someone make sure they get a cap of the inevitable "RIGHT WING TROLLS HAVE HIJACKED MUH THRED" crying and flailing about before the dumb cunt deletes it.
How could anyone possibly blame President Trump for this atmosphere? He's always preached unity and making America great for everyone.
Meanwhile, Democrats are the ones calling on their voters to confront Republicans everywhere in public, repeatedly using false allegations as a political weapon to attack their opposition, saying they can't be civil with the other party, saying the other party's voters are deplorables.
Their voters are the ones mailing ricin, shooting up Republican baseball games, parking trucks on railroad tracks to derail trains packed with Republicans, attacking Rand in his home, trying to physically attack President Trump on stage, and committing mob violence against anyone who thinks the government should serve the people and not the elites.
Their media are the ones creating fake news to stir up their voters into political violence.
If these bombs were real, they would have worked properly and gone off. Globalists and their pawns don't get to call for violence like they have and then use an obvious false flag to blame the people who've been promoting peace the whole time.
They are so transparent now it's laughable. The implication of the question is not "is trump responsible" it's "a trump supporter tried to murder people" which never happened because the bombs are obviously fake.
So in essence he's asking "is trump responsible for someone's imaginary attempted murder?"
45 yes to 55 no
My main account doesn't update
Do you think he will
>Claim Russian bots rigged his poll
>Delete it and never mention it again.
> Jow Forums delivers
Marvellous work, chaps. Round of applause for all.
One then the other.
Oh no no no. How long before it's taken down?
Ahhhhh.... I got blocked! lol
Orange man bad
So, he's monitoring? Good, good.
srsly congratz on this
>I HATE you and it's YOUR fault
Yeah good idea, but we shouldn't stop there. Every woman that gets raped should be held responsible for creating the climate that led to the rape, same for any other crime. Being rich is also better than being poor, so we should hold capitalism responsible for bank robberies.
Congratulations, fellows!
Not explosives
Not sent in the mail
God I hated that fucking faggot when he had a show on News radio 610 WIOD.
He was such a fucking parasite one morning he came on the air and announced they cancelled his show. Everyone calling in was straight destroying him.
More like censoring. I've been getting banned a lot. If you have a pro GOP message they just instablock you.
this implies that the 'attack' were more than a hoax.