Which faction was "right" in the Yugoslav wars?
Which faction was "right" in the Yugoslav wars?
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who cares? theyre all subhuman
the Monarchists
Gib back Kosovo. It is legitimate Romanian clay.
Serbs are the source of all evil in the Balkans.
catalonia is sacred serb clay
I will be real for a second, don't mind the flag.
Croatian wanted to be indenpendant, Serbian radicals wanted a Greater Serbia, they saw the chance to make a Yugoslavia that was falling apart a chance to make it happen.
We could have parted ways like czechoslovakia did peacefully but serbs had a different idea in mind.
Serbs are indeed the bad guys of 90's and because of the war, we both went into economic collapse.
>Serb butthurt incoming
The non-Serbian one.
We were right.. just bomb them until somebody wins