Millennials, sit down: you've had your time

With the Baby Boomers all but dead and the first and second year Gen X entering retirement age, Millennials are the new "retard middle child" generation that no one has time for. The youngest of your lot are now in their 30's or just about to hit 30. You're no longer young enough to be considered "hip" and "commercially viable," and you're not yet old enough to be considered "wise" and "elder-tier." Meanwhile the Zoomers are coming up like a fucking WILDFIRE and short-dicking you at every turn, all while possessing a stronger sense of irony and overall worldlyness that Millennials never seemed to possess. It's quite refreshing, really.

The fact is, you've had your time and you've had your run. And WHAT A RUN IT WAS; but now, all that is over. The sappy, beige-colored years of your reign are in the rearview, and it really is time for you to accept the new order of things. Zoomers will thrive, and Gen X will help facilitate them. You guys can kinda just....fuck off.

Attached: UnfunnyZoomerFace.jpg (250x199, 5K)

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28 yr old millenial 30 yr old boomer here. Having fun fucking 20 yr old zoomer women. Get cucked zoom zoom.


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This but unironically. Ill be 30 next month but I dont fuck anyone older than 25. Zoomer culture is trash but the girls are absolute whores which is great for me.

I can live with that.

Which one are you?

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Dont become complacent. Early voting has started, get out and tell everyone you know to go out and vote red down the ticket.

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We boomers are unironically going to have to hand hold zoomers their entire life like a retarded little brother. I'm fine with it, just plop them in front of a tv screen with fortnite and they stay quiet.

Do you not understand the epic nature of the revolution we've started? Millennials will be the God-tier for many, many Millenniums.

I am Late Gen X, Early Gen Y and Core Gen Y (sans the pokeman shit, that was my sister's gig, she's 5 years younger than me). Born in 1984, but have always had an old soul.