Why do black people talk on their cell phones like this? They turn on speaker phone then don't hold it any where near their head.
Why do black people do this
they have to be as loud and obnoxious as niggerly possible
I do too, but not in public.
It's comfy and keeps the cellular radio wave jew at bay.
It is natural to them, it is similar to holding a turd in your hand you are about to throw or looking at that rotten piece of fruit they just picked off the ground.
Why the fuck are you even asking? Niggers are retarded subhumans, why even question their actions? You’ll just get dragged down with them. if you want an answer it’s because they’re niggers. /thread check this 6
i'd say shitty hair and/or rude
The larger issue is their inability to have a conversation through text, choosing instead to SHOOP DA WOOP BIX NOOD AYEEEE WE KANGZ loudly in otherwise quiet public settings.
>they turn on speaker phone then don't hold it any where near their head.
they give off radiation you dumb fuck.
its to avoid brain cancer
this guy gets it
>It's comfy and keeps the cellular radio wave jew at bay
too bad Jow Forums is to dumb to understand
I see dozens of people a day doing that. A lot of them also use the video chat.
You and I both know this isn't why.
black people are superstitious. a lot of them think ebil white people be giving them cancer through the phone
well duh because they dont want brain damage
Because its a magic box that lets them talk to their brethren and they don't want it to suck up their souls.
I do it too, I might be black, I didnt know what age I was
Oversocialization is inherently antisocial-
Srsly, they do this or have bluetooth on and just talk to whomstever... they don't even talk, they just mutter and grunt.
white bitches aren't even usually as bad as this
No one gonna check my fucking 6?
Literally just this blacks have a burning need to exert trivial forms of dominance to make up for their complete inability to dominate anything important
>Current year
>still talking with a cell phone
What the hell?
Because they are using the speaker phone.
Fip bip
Don't want to mess up they weave
nope and you got 2
>Why do black people talk on their cell phones like this?
Perhaps they don't want MAGApaedo-like BRAIN DAMAGE from the MICROWAVES...
They can't afford any brain tumors, pic related
>What are headphones?
This. fpbp
Mobile phones may cause tumors in your brain if you hold it up close to your head
Then you look like you are talking to yourself, I would never walk along the street using a hidden handset but then again, I would never speak on a telephone outdoors.
Not only this but they are constantly on the phone. Like 100% of the time even when they're doing other activities.
Back before the smart phone they all had Nextels. There's something they like about broadcasting their bullshit to everyone around them.
wtf based ireland I love you
I dated a black girl. She would call all the time with no real reason at all. She'd just stay on the line and talk about inane bullshit. Whenever I tried to hang up she'd complain and ask why. If I said I had to go cook or do the laundry or something she would get upset and say "why can't you stay on the phone and do it" I have no idea where this kind of behavior comes from but it's annoying.
they cant afford to lose any more brain cells, and they know it
checked for accuracy on all fronts
It's loud an annoying but also smart
You should read the health and safety section of your phone in the options general
For example iPhone says don't put the phone near your head and recommend using speaker
they also walk around play music from their phone speakers. like why would anyone do that? it doesn't sound good and makes you look like a dick.
also why do blacks have gold teeth?
black people? the only people I see doing this are teenage blondies.
How else are they going to know where the sound is coming from?
Its literally about doing the opposite of what whites do.
>sag your jeans
>hat any way but forward
>keep your belt loose
>lace but don't knot
Its some toddler shit.
Headphones aren't a thing, huh?
You look like a fruitloop if you want, some of us shall not be.
That's just a clingy woman, not sure if it's a black thing.
It's just attention seeking. they also play their music on speaker on the bus to force everyone else to witness how hood they are. Talking loudly on the phone is flexing your social status.
They do this for dominance. They are challenging anybody who has a problem with their shitty rude behavior to come up to them and say something. Then they have an excuse to start an argument and chimp out.
It’s a sign of lack of empathy; not taking into account your own actions upon others.
I don’t think people do this to be purposely obnoxious, they do it because it is the easiest method for them, and they do not take into consideration the impact it has on others.
White people who have both parents learn this shit around 12 years old.
Maybe because they don’t want brain cancer, you wh*te scum?
>they also walk around play music from their phone speakers. like why would anyone do that?
because they think they're hardcore because they listen to latest meme rapper Lil Nazty Dick, you never people playing normal music for speakers in public
also, see >also why do blacks have gold teeth?
they're materialistic monkeys, I can see them painting their whole body gold in the future because niggers gonna nig
Let's expand on that. What's up with this gold rimmed teeth thing that's happening. I've seen it hundreds of times mostly with hispanics and I can't really even find any pics of it on the internet.
she cute
>niggerly possible
Between that and the turning the speaker up to listen to music instead of using headphones I don’t know which I hate more but I know that it’s one of the few things that make me racist
I was at the convenience store last night and there was this nigger in line in front of me. He was practically shouting to the guy behind the counter. After I paid and went outside, he was talking to someone on Bluetooth at the same volume. Sounded like he was trying to get someone’s attention from over 100 feet away.
headphones give you ear cancer so does the cellphone on your ear...wypipo are so stupid
It's non-ionizing radiation, stop being a tinfoil hat wearer.
If you put your phone up to your ear it's mostly out of your vision. Object permanence is only a thing in animals with higher level cognitive abilities.
Kek this. It used to be ghetto blasters in the 80s. Now it’s iPhone speakers. Also almost every nig that listens to music through their headphones raps along out loud just so you know they hard.
but why? and how are you supposed to get them to modify their anti-social behavior if nobody corrects them?
fuck off shill and take your cancer with you
I do this on the sly.
Do not want the radio wave shit in my ear...
But I do not do the 'boot lip' screeching either.
I think this is true. so they are just allowed to do this more and more without correction? should anyone approach them to tell them their behavior is anti-social?
Niggers have nothing but their own belligerence to blame for their failure as a race.
>It’s a sign of lack of empathy
good point. but I don't think it's because of a lack of parents, their nigger parents do it too
>should anyone approach them to tell them their behavior is anti-social?
Try it. Maybe it'll give you some valuable life lesson
>They do this for dominance. They are challenging anybody who has a problem with their shitty rude behavior to come up to them and say something. Then they have an excuse to start an argument and chimp out.
basically this
It's a faux display of alpha maleness
because they're niggers
It depends on if those headphones are transmitting radiation, at what frequency and at what power level
Black parents don't view their children as children who need to be taught and coached. I've seen black parents genuinely bewildered that their child didn't understand some mildly complex idea.
This really is a nigger thing huh. I noticed our doing this as well
It's also why they listen to music on their phones without headphones. Just to fucking annoy everyone within earshot.
You've noticed black people in Belgium doing this as well?
Not just black's. East Asians too.
Haven't really got niggers here, and my slave-lord-employer has thankfully not sent me to Africa or America yet. But burger says nogs do it, I say rice-eaters do it in their native lands (the few we have don't do it here). So is this an all-encompassing non-white thing?
Yeah. Always the female ones. It's near my work place. Thank god I don't actually live amongst niggers
because they are talking directly to the person in the phone as if the person was in front of them.
besides, the sulfa8 gets all over the speakers
Why are whites so obsessed with everything we do? I know this shit is annoying and I hate it but its not like your people do not do it as well
I swear someone will make a thread on why niggers eat baka
I used to work with a nigger who constantly had ear buds in (against company and safety regulation, didn't give a fuck) and he would constantly start talking (with his phone in his pocket) to which everybody would respond back only for him to give the "one moment" finger and pointing to his pocket because he had started chatting on the phone. He also blasted nigshit constantly and was just an overall lazy nigger
that's the correct way to make phone calls.
radiation is no fucking joke.
This man is correct
because they don't want to destroy their phones bu getting their industrial strength hair goop on it
They have no concept of modesty or volume control. Once they become more than twenty to thirty percent of the population in any room or setting and they start laughing, hollering, jumping around. They only behave themselves when they’re a small minority in an overwhelmingly white group.
To be loud.
Ahhh, thank random fluktuations in the space time continuum, that my employer very firmly kicks out creatures like that. Niggers and white trash alike, which is probably why it's still happening. Can't cry raycism when there are a few very-very white ppl among the rejects.
found the nigger
Too fucking accurate
Absolute pet hate.. and by pet, I mean nigger.
Doesn't fucking matter when you carry it on your person all the time anyway.
>but its not like your people do not do it as well
I can't say I've ever seen white people do this.
I just googled eating baka and nothing came up at all.
Because they are entitled, annoying, and stupid.
They still ask why no one likes them
if only you morons could of seen
what atlantis was like, the niggers
did the same shit. why else do
they dominate ATLANTA. nothing
new under the sun.
to be as obnoxious as possible
Kys gomrade